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13 Cards in this Set

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Hi. How are you doing?

Hi. How are you?

I'm fine. How about yourself?

how about you?

I'm pretty good.

Thanks for asking.

No problem.

So,how have you been?

تستخدم للسؤال

عن شخص لم تره منذ فترة

I have been great.

What about you?

I've been good.

I'm in school right now.

Right now


عند الكلام بالصيغة الطبيعية

الآن تحديدا :

عندما يكون الكلام بصيغة أمر او تهديد او غضب

Where is my brother right now?

What are you doing right now?


الآن تحديدا.

What school do you go to?

I go to ABC.

Do you like it there?

It's ok.

It's a really big campus


انكلترا: الحرم الجامعي

امريكا :الحرم الدراسي

Good luck with school.

Thank you very much.

Good luck WITH


How is it going?

كيف حالك؟

I'm doing well. How about you?

Never been better لم اكن يوما افضل

So how have you been lately?

I've actually been pretty good. You?

I'm actually in school right now.

Which school do you attend?


I'm attending ABC right now.

Are you enjoying it there?

It's not bad. There are a lot of people there.