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30 Cards in this Set

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GnRH neurons orginate where
Oustide CNS, they migrate to hypothalamus during development
How is GnRH released?
In a pulsatile pattern
1 GnRH pulse/hr favors
LH Secretion
Theca cells respond to what hormone in Follicular phase
Theca cells produce what during follicular phase
Androstenedione (b/c they have 17-OH)
Granulosa cells respond to what hormone during follicular phase?
Granulosa cells make what hormone during follicular phase?
Estradiol (using aromatase and androstendione)
Granulosa cells will develop what receptor during follicular phase and increase what hormone?
LH, Estradiol
Inhibins are produce by which cells and inhibit what?
Granulosa and luteal cells
AMH is produced by which cells and do what?
Granulosa cells that are more developed
Restrain growth of primordial/primary follicles
Increasing estradiol concentrations during follicular development inhibit
LH surge triggers what
Ovulation and formation of corpus luteum
During the luteal phase the theca cells make what
During the luteal phase the granulosa cells make
Which layer of the uterus builds up?
Stratum fuctionale
What does estradiol do to breasts?
Prolifeartion of epithelium and development of ducts
What does progesterone do to breasts?
Cause duct branching and proliferation of alveoli
Prolactin does what to breasts?
Stimulate milk production
What does oxytocin do to the breasts?
Promote milk secretion
What does progesterone do to the cervix?
Decrease mucous production
Makes viscous mucous
What does estradiol do to the cervix?
Increase mucous production
Midcycle estrogen has what effect on anterior pituitary?
LH surge occurs
Ovarian hyperstimulation sydrome occurs with some women who do
What causes ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome?
hCG treatment
causing increased premebility in capillaries in ovary
Children who are born in vitro are at risk for these 2 syndromes
Which two hormones are increased in PCOS?
What is the gross presentation of PCOS?
String of pearls
What is the principle abnormality in PCOS?
Theca cell androgen production
How do women with PCOS develop insulin resistance?
Increase in viseral fat deposition and FFA
What is the signaling defect in PCOS relating to insulin?
defect due to serine phosphorylation of insulin receptor and IRS-1 which decreases PI3-K and resistance to insulin