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38 Cards in this Set

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What is the collagen tissue surrounding the periphery of the glenoid fossa?
labrum. it adds stability by deepening cavity
what 4 muscles make up the rotator cuff?
which of these is the only internal rotator?
together they are in charge of GH joint external/internal rotation
teres minor
what are the 2 functions that the muscles attaching to the scapula perform?
stabilize shoulder (by developing tension)
facilitate mov't of upper extremity (contra t/relax to permit proper mov't)
what are bursaes?
fibrous sacs of synovial fluid that cushion and reduce friction btw layers of collagenous tissues
what's the scapulohumeral mov't?
1st 30* of humeral elevation the scapula contriution is about 1/5 of total mov't

after 30* the scapula rotates about 1* for ever 2* of humeral mov't
what are the six muscles of the scapula?
-levator scapula
-serratus anterior
-pectoralis minor
-trapezius (4 parts)
what are the muscles of protraction (away from spine)?
serratus anterior
pectoralis minor
what are the muscles of depression(down)?
pectoralis minor
what are the muscles of retraction (toward spine)?
rhomboids (angle up twd spine)
trapezius (multiple heads)
levator scapula
what is passive mov't of shoulder?
I move shoulder
what is active mov't of shoulder
he tries to move shoulder by himself. HARDER
where is the levator scapula
top of the shoulder connecting acromion to neck so logically they elevate, retract, rotate
where is the serratus anterior ?
ribs drawing to back so they logically protract, rotate
where are the rhomboids
connect to scapula with an upward angle so logically they retract, elevate , rotate
what are the primary shoulder extensors/adductors?
primary: pectoralis major (sternal when flexed), latissimus dorsi, teres major
what are the shoulder flexors?
pectoralis major (clavicle), deltoid anterior
assist: biceps brachii, coracobracilis
GH joint abductors
1st 110* is supraspinatus
90-180 middle deltoid
which muscles assists when arm is elevated above 90* with adduction?
coracobracilis and subscapularis
3 primaries for horizontal GH joint adduction?
pectoralis major
anterior deltoid
3 primaries for horizontal abduction?
middle/posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, teres minor
what muscle assists in elbow extension?
what is the primary and assisting muscle in the pronation of the elbow?
pronator quadratus
pronator teres
two muscles for supination of the elbow? think about where supination mostly is to get the primary
supinator until 90*
less than 90* the biceps brachii kicks in
what happens in the bone when the hand is pronated?
the radius crosses over the ulna
does the elbow undergo more compressive force with extension or flexion?
extension because moment arm is less
what are the two overuse injuries for the elbow?
lateral epicondylitis from tennis elbow
medial epicondylitis from pitching aka little leaguers elbow
what injury happens from grabbing to hard on the wrists?
nursemaid elbow. the radial head slips from annular ligament which allows pivoting
some lovers try positions that they can't handle
scaphoid lunate triquetral pisiform trapezium trapezoid capitate hammate
which risk flexor is not always present? how do you test for it?
palmaris longus
flex the wrist it'll pop out medially
name at least 2 of the muscles that extend the wrist when fingers are flexed
extensor pollicis longus
extensor indicis
extensor digiti minimi
extensor digitorum
where are and what kind of joints are seen at the carpometacarpals (CM)
thumb: saddle
all others: gliding
what are DIPs and PIPs
distal interphalangeal joints (farthest)
proximal interphalangeal joints
what do the interphalangeal joints do?
help with the interaction btw metacarpals
what does the extensor pollicus longus do vs. extensor pollicus brevis?
extension at MP and Ip joints of thumb, adduction at MP joint of thumb

brevis: doesn't adduct
what does the flexion of pollicis longus do?
same at ext. pollicus brevis but flexion--flex at ip and mp joint of thumb
which extrinsic muscle does abduction?
abductor pollicus longus
what is pollicus? indicis? digiti minimi? digitorum ?
thumb. index. pinky. digits 2-5
4 common injuries
carpal tunnel