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87 Cards in this Set

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humeroulnar joint

hinge, 145 deg AROM, 160 deg PROM

15 deg carrying angle (women > men)

lateral collateral ligament of elbow resists

resists varus stress and is stabilizer in flexion, resists distraction

anterior articular capusule of elbow resists

lateral resists varus

medial resists valgus

medial collateral ligament of elbow resists

anterior fibers: resist valgus and limit extension

posterior fibers: resist valgus and guide flexion

first recruited in elbow extension

anconeus then medial tricep

arthrokinematics of distal radioulnar joint

radius is concave, ulna is convex

pivot joint

anterior or posterior glie

arthrokinematics of proximal radioulnar joint

radius is convex, ulna is concave

pivot joint - spin

quadrate ligament of elbow resists

supination and stabilized radial head

interosseus membrane of forearm

resists supination and distributes forces

oblique cord of elbow

resists supination and distraction with brachioradialis

palmar radioulnar resists


dorsal radioulnar resists


radius and ulna on carpals arthrokinematics

convex carpals on concave radius + ulna

midcarpal joint arthrokinematics


hamate and capitate (convex) on triquetrium and lunate (concave)

trapezium (concave) on trapazoid + scaphoid (convex)

intercarpal joint

plane joint

radial collateral ligament of wrist resists

ulnar deviation

ulnar collateral of wrist resists

radial deviation

Thumb CMC joint arthrokinematics


metacarpal is convex, carpal is concave

flex/ex is same

abd/add is opposite

2nd - 5th CMC Joints arthrokinematics

2-4 condyloid, 5th is saddle

convex metacarpals, concave carpals

Thumb MCP joint arthrokinematics


proximal phalange (concave) on convex metacarpals)

cord of finger collateral ligamnts

resists flexion

accessory collateral of fingers

resists extension

2-5th MCP Joints arthrokinematics

proximal phalange (concave) on convex metacarpals

2-5th PIP and DIP arthrokinematics

concave phalanges on convex

Coxa vara

<115 deg

benefits: increases moment arm of hip abductors, decreases joint reaction force, may improve stability

detriments: increases shear force, femoral neck may fracture, decreases function length of hip flexors, changes stress on acetabulum

Coxa Valga

>125 deg

benefits: increases functional length of hip flexors, decreases shear force

detriments: decreases moment arm of hip abductors, increases joint reaction force, increases instability

normal orientation of femur in acetabulum

10-15 deg anteversion, promotes joint congruency

pathological anteverion

>15 deg, limits ER, excessive IR, causes toe-in


<10 deg, limits IR, excessive ER, toe-out, labral tears

flexion and extension of hip arthrokinematics


flexion: posterior glide

extension: anterior glide

iliofemoral ligament resists

-hip extension, external rotation and prevents pelvis from rotating posterior in standing

-goes from anterior iliac crest to greater and lesser trochanters

pubofemoral ligament resists

hip extension and abduction

- goes from pubic bone to between trochanters

ischiofemoral ligaments resists

hip extension, adduction and internal rotation

closed pack of hip

extension, abduction and internal rotation

open pack of hip

alight abduction, flexion and external rotation

anterior pelvic tilt

increases lordosis, caused by hip flexors and trunk extensors

posterior pelvic tilt

decreases lordosis, caused by hip extensors and trunk flexors

lateral pelvic tilt

caused by hip abductors of same side and quadratus lumborum of opposite side

pelvic drop

lumbar laterally flexes toward stance side

trendellenburg sign

caused by weak hip abductors, typically they eccentrically contract

forward pelvic rotation

iliac crest move forward on non-stance leg and stance leg internally rotated

backward pelvic rotation

iliac crest moves backward on non-stance leg and stance leg externally rotates

primary hip flexors


rectus femoris


tensor fascia lata

primary hip extensors

gluteus maximus


adductor magnus

primary hip adductors

adductor magnus

adductor longus

adductor brevis



primary hip abductors

gluteus medius (greatest at <20 deg flexion)

gluteus minimus

tensor fascia lata

primary external rotators

obturator internus

obturator externus

inferior and superior gemellus


gluteus maximus

quadratus femoris

secondary hip flexors



adductor longus

adductor brevis

gluteus minimus

secondary hip extensor

posterior fibers of gluteus medius

secondary hip adductors

quadratus femoris

biceps femoris - long head

gluteus maximus

secondary hip abductors



gluteus maximus

seconary external rotators of hip


biceps femoris - long head

gluteus medius - posterior fibers

gluteus minimus - posterior fibers

Hip Internal Rotators

tensor fascia lata

adductor longus

adductor brevis


gluteus medius - anterior

gluteus minimus - anterior



angle of tibial plateau

7-10 deg

normal knee valgus

185 deg


respond to stretch


respond to vibration

golgi tendon organs

respond to stretch/muscle force

anterior capsule of the knee

patella, quad tendon, patellar ligament

posterior capsule of the knee

from femoral condyles to intercondylar ridge and posteiror tibial condyle

three bursa continuous with the synovial fluid

suprapatellar, subpopliteal and gastroc

ligaments of extensor retinaculum

lateral and medial patellofemoral and lateral and medial patellotibial

resist extension, varus an valgus stress and anterior and posterior displacement of tibia beneath femur

medial collateral ligament of knee

prevents excessive valgus stress and lateral tibial rotation

blends in w/ capsule and more commonly torn

lateral collateral ligament of the knee (and IT band)

blends w/ biceps femoris, limits anterior translation, resists varus stress, limits lateral tibial rotation


-anteriomedial bundle: slack in ext

-posteriomedial bundle: slack in flexion

-resists anterior translation of tibia or posterior translation of femur

-tight in weight bearing knee flexion due to posterior roll

most common ACL injury

knee is slightly flexed and tibia is rotated in weight bearing


shorter, thicker , resists greater loads

posteriormedial bundle slack in flexion

anterior medial slack in extension

closed pack of knee

full extension

open pack of knee

25-30 deg flexion

when knee flexes in non-weight bearing:

tibia internally rotates

reverse: on fixed tibia femur will rotate externally

when knee extends in non-weight bearing:

tibia externally rotates

reverse: on fixed tib, femur will rotate internally

screw home mechanism

tibia externally rotates on locked knee, popliteus unlocks

iliotibial band

provides lateral support in near full extension, restricts excessive anterior tibial translation in flexion (w/ ACL), can help externally rotate tibia

movement of the meniscus in flexion

semimembranosis pulls posterior, femoral condyles push posteriorly

movement of the meniscus in extension

patellofemoral and quadraceps expansion pull anterior, femoral condyles push anteriorly

pes anserinus

sartorious, gracilis and semitendinosis

peak quad force in relation to flexion

best at 45-60 deg flexion

quad lag

weak quads cause inability to do straight leg raise, knee will be flexed

patella is most uncongruent in:

extension, only inferior pole touches

patella movement in flexion

medially at first then slightly laterally at end of range

patella movement in extension

lateral tracking

normal Q angle

13 degrees for female, 18 deg for males

causes of lateral patellar tilt

lax medial extensor retinaculum or shortening of alteral retinaculum

greatest force of patella on femur

at 90 deg knee flexion


talu and calcaneus


navicular, cuboid and 3 cuniforms


metatarsals and phalanges