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73 Cards in this Set

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strength gains are achieved by ____ of muscle fibers

increasing the force capability

lifestyle and genetic variables that may lead to disease

high blood pressure, physical inactivity, excessive body fat, and diabetes

define FITT:

the training variables in cardiorespiratory prescription: Frequency, Intensity, Type, Time

overload can be accomplished by

increase weight, increase repetitions, increase speed of contractions, decrease resting intervals

to apply the SAID principle, strength training for the bench press is best accomplished using ____ exercises


name the substance released from the inner lining of the blood vessel which keeps blood vessels clean and healthy

nitric oxide

long-term strength training often increases _____

muscle mass and resting metabolic rate

a motor neuron

attaches to muscle fibers

highly trained athletes seeking the MAXIMUN strength development often work-out using ___RM


when performing resistance exercises to increase muscle tone and endurance, ____ sets per exercise are recommended


muscular endurance is best defined as

the ability of a muscle to exert submaximal force repeatedly over time

name the skeletal muscle protective mechanisms which function to limit maximum strength

muscle spindle; Golgi tendon organ

slow-twitch muscle fibers are

fatigue resistant; aerobic work

strength-training method in which muscle contraction produces little or no movement

isometric training

heart rate reserve (HRR) is calculated by

subtracting resting heart rate from maximal heart rate

what food are high in saturated fats

meats, animal fat, lard, whole milk, cream, butter, cheese, ice cream, hydrogenated oils, coconut oil, palm oils

to lower LDL cholesterol, total daily fiber intake must be in the range of

25-38 grams

a reasonable beginning cardiorespiratory endurance rate training zone for an unfit 20 year old person with a 100 bpm Hear Rate Reserve (HRR) is ____ beats per minute


reasonable cardiorespiratory endurance heart rate training zone for a fit 30 year old person with a 126 bpm Heart Rate Reserve (HRR) is ___ beats per minute


define "Reverse Cholesterol Transport"

HDL, or "good", cholesterol acts as a scavenger, removing cholesterol from the body and preventing plaque from forming in the arteries

generally, to reap health benefits, one should exercise at least a total of _____ minutes each session


_____ wellness involves the ability to understand your own feelings


the Harvard alumni study found that cardiovascular deaths decreased when individuals that used more than ____ calories per week in physical activity


a health-related physical fitness component is

cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular flexibility, muscular fitness, body composition

energy necessary for the cell function is produce by the cell:


suggested intensity for beginning unfit individuals is at ______ percent HRR


increases in VO2max are best realized for fit individuals at an intensity of

about 85% of HRR

HRmax is estimated by

207 - (age x 0.7)

more than ___ percent of the United States' adult population have some form of heart or blood vessel disease


each year, about ____ people in the U.S. have a heart attack

1 million

about _____% of all deaths in the U.S. were attributable to cardiovascular disease


approximately _____ % of deaths from coronary heart disease in people under 65 occur during the first heart attack


condition in which the arteries that supply the heart muscle are narrowed by fatty deposits

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)

the benefits of cardiovascular training include all but one of the following:

decrease blood pressure, decrease body weight, decrease cholesterol and glucose

the risk of cardiovascular death is greater in

native americans, rural African americans, inner city poor or minority men

the frequency for aerobic exercise should be

2 hrs 30 mins / week; or 30 mins for 5 days / week

the major risk factors, which can lead to cardiovascular disease and are controllable are:

blood pressure, high cholesterol, body weight, glucose

an average blood pressure is around


inner lining of the blood vessel wall is called


the cardiovascular training zone for a well-trained 50 year old male with a resting heart rate of 70 bpm is between


in the heat, 6-8 ounces of fluids should be consumed every ___ minutes


the U.S. ranks between ___ of the nations in the world in life expectancy


life expectancy in the U.S is significantly affected by a low level of


planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement to improve or maintain one or more of the components of fitness is called


a more efficient cardiovascular system is indicated by

circulatory system

for older people and those beginning an aerobic exercise program, exercising at 40-50% of heart rate reserve is

low exercise intensity level

atherosclerosis is primarily caused by high


bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles, requires expenditure of energy and produces progressive health benefits describes

physical activity

a hypertensive blood pressure is around


physical inactivity is more prevalent in

women, minority, older adults, less affluent, and less educated

the most important component of Health Related Fitness

cardiorespiratory endurance

life expectancy for a child born in the U.S. at the beginning of the 20th century was between ____ years


brisk walking reduces the incidence of stroke by _____%


ACSM recommends that diabetics

to exercise or engage in regular physical activities

moderate aerobic activity & weight training are recommended for individuals with type 2 diabetes


for individuals with type 2 diabetes, resistance training should between 50-80% of maximum


increase blood glucose interferes with fat metabolism leading to atherosclerosis


type 2 diabetes accounts for 90% of all cases of diabetes


women with a HIGH LEVEL of fitness suffer less cardiovascular disease than men


exercise decreases insulin sensitivity among diabetics


aging lowers the metabolism


fast-twitch fibers generate more force than slow-twitch fiber


muscular endurance is best improved by performing 10 sets of 1 repetition


adding a pound of muscle changes metabolism by about 75 calories each day


genetic predisposition toward heart disease has been clearly demonstrated


anaerobic exercise produces energy and ___ without oxygen


select the answers that define the term BESST

Bicycle, Elliptical, Stair Master, Swim, Treadmill

c-reactive protein is a blood test measuring ____in the body


the 60-85% cardiovascular training zone for a 20 year old female with a resting heart rate of 70 beats per minute is between


the 50-60% cardiovascular training zone for a 60 year old male with a resting heart rate of 60 beats per minute is between


the National Institute of Aging projects a decrease in life expectancy in the U.S. for the coming decades


the "big five" underlying causes of death in the U.S. are

cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, accidents, and others

exercise recovery time increases as a result of cardiorespiratory training
