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28 Cards in this Set

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Spanish Armada
1588: Spanish navy that was defeated by the British; English nationalism -> encouraged colonization of the New World
process in which many British farmers worked for landlords; New World offered economic possibilities
conflict with Catholic Irish
Britain owned the Irish; crown could concentrate on overseas exploration
firstborn son could inherit the family wealth
Protestant Reformation
British people wanted religious freedom! more reason to head over to the New World
joint stock company
investors pooled their money for a share of the profits; helped to establish Jamestown and Plymouth
proprietary colony
owned by a person or group who appointed the governor of the colony; no royal influence
self-governing colony
chose their own governors but functioned under the King
royal colony
owned by the crown
the Lost Colony
Sir Walter Raleigh attempted to colonize Roanoke Island off the coast of Virgina in 1585; failed and disappeared o_O
Virginia Company of London
a joint-stock company that received a charter from James I; settled in Jamestown; all settlers were entitled to the same rights that they would have enjoyed in England
Captain John Smith
commanded Jamestown by forcing the men to work for survival
tried to cool down hostility between the Native Americans and the English; later married John Rolfe
Lord De La Warr
fought two Anglo-Powhatan Wars; eventually, all of the Powhatans died due to disease and inability to unite with the colonists
separatist Puritans who wanted to dissolve from the Church of England; signed the Mayflower Compact, an agreement of cooperation
John Carver and William Bradford
both of them governed Plymouth Colony at one point
Wampanoag and Squanto
two Native American tribes that befriended the settlers of Plymouth Colony
Great Migration
1630's: demand for land and food strained relations with the Native American tribes
John Rolfe
by 1612: perfected tobacco growing; one-crop economy; tobacco depleted nutrients, so more land required
headright system
more land in exchange for buying the passage of European colonists to the New World; used in Maryland and Virginia
Nathaniel Bacon
indentured servant who became free; protested Virginia Governor Berkeley's policy regarding Native Americans
Bacon's Rebellion
around 1676: triggered large-scale slavery for fear of indentured servants
Virginia House of Burgesses
beginning of representative democracy; representatives were voted by male landowners
1634: founded by Lord Baltimore; proprietary; religious tolerance to Christians only
1670: named after Charlies I; proprietary; leading port city; rice and indigo as cash crops
Barbados Slave Codes of 1661
tightly controlled slaves under the grip of masters
North Carolina
1712: split from South Carolina; characterized by an independent spirit (later important for Revolution)
1733: last Southern colony; James Ogelthorpe sought to create a prisoner refuge; funded by the crown to defend against French and Spanish; everyone except Catholics okay