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12 Cards in this Set

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Express complaints causative passive form, how to format subject and particles?

Eg. I was made to read a book by the teacher

Victim of action = subject

は 先生に 本を 読まれた。

How to change verbs to be causative passive (cp) How is it different from regular causative (c)

C = drop + させる

CP = drop + させられる

C /irr = “A”ify last sound + せる

CP /irr express or = “A”ify last + せられる

REQUEST effort to change behavior using plain verbs. How to format what particles?

Eg. The teacher said not to be late.

Plain verb + ように + 言う

先生は、時間に おくれない

ように 言った。

EXPRESS effort to change behavior using plain verbs. How to format what particles?

Eg. I will try to remember to lock the door.

Plain + ように

かぎ を かける ように 


Expressing the lack of change in something.

Eg. “I slept with the window open”

How to format?

Use plain past affirm/neg

まど を あけた まま、寝てしまいました。

Expressing the lack of change in something.

Eg. “I slept with the window open”

How to format?

Use plain past affirm/neg

まど を あけた まま、寝てしまいました。

ままify / adjectives, nouns

Eg. Left dirty, stay honest, remain an acquaintance.

adjective - きたなまま

adjective - しょうじきまま

Noun - しりあいまま

Conditional ても and question word ても. What do they mean?

Using ても conditional means even if or even though XYZ Eg. I would marry a person even if I didn’t have money

Using ても question means no matter who/what/etc eg No matter what I eat its good

Translate “No matter how hard I study, I can’t learn kanji”

いくら 勉強しても、

漢字が 覚えられないんです。

Using plain verb + のに

Means despite, although. Unexpected result, speakers disbelief.

Crying becomes 泣いている

Using plain verb + のに

Means despite, although. Unexpected result, speakers disbelief.

Crying becomes 泣いている

Using のに translate

“Although the baby is crying the mother does not do anything “

赤ちゃん が 泣いているのに、 

お母さん は 何もしない。