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41 Cards in this Set

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In an inheritance relationship, what is the general class called?
In an inheritance relationship, what is the specialized class called?
This key word indicates that a class inherits ftom another class.
A subclass does not have access to these superclass members.
This key word refers to an object's superclass.
In a subclass constructor, a call to the superclass constructor must appear where?
first statement
What is method overriding?
method in subclass has the same signature as method in superclass.
Write the first line of the definition for a Poodle class. The class should inherit from the Dog class.
public class Poodle extends Dog
Look at the following code which is the first line of a class definition:
public class Bear extends Animal
In what order will the class constructors execute?
Animal, then Bear
Write the statement that calls a superclass constructor and passes the arguments x, y, and z.
super(x, y, z);
A superclass has the following method:
public void setNumber (int n)
number = n;

Write a statement that can appear in a subclass that calls this method, passing 25 as an argument.
Write the first line of the definition for a Stereo class. The class should inherit from the SoundSystem class and should implement the CDPlayable interface.
public class Stereo extends SoundSystem implements CDPlayable
______ variables are designed to hold only one value at a time.
Arrays allow us to create a collection of like values that are _______.
An array can store any ________ but only one type of data at a time
type of data
An array is a list of _______.
data elements
An array is an object so it needs an ________.
object reference

int[] numbers;
The array size must be a ____ number.
An array is accessed by:
the reference name
a subscript that identifies which element in the array to access.
The length of an array can be obtained via its ____ constant

ex: int size = temperatures.length;
The return type of the method must be declared as an array of the right type.
public static double[] getArray()
double[] array = { 1.2, 2.3, 4.5, 6.7, 8.9 };
return array;

The relationship between a superclass and an inherited class is called an _______.
“is a” relationship
We can _______ the capabilities of a class
Inheritance involves a _______ and a subclass
The subclass is based on, or _______ from, the superclass.
The relationship of classes can be thought of as parent ______ and _________.
classes and child classes
The subclass inherits fields and methods from the superclass without any of them being _______.
The Java keyword, _______, is used on the class header to define the subclass.

ex: public class FinalExam extends GradedActivity
Members of the superclass that are marked _____

-are not inherited by the subclass
Members of the superclass that are marked _______.

-are inherited by the subclass
Constructors are ________.
not inherited
When a subclass is instantiated, the _______ _______ constructor is executed first.
superclass default
The _______ keyword refers to an object’s superclass.
The subclass method overrides the superclass method.
This is known as _________.
method overriding
The class StringTokenizer is in the _____ package.
the constructor method:
public StringTokenizer (String theString)

StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(line)
Constructor for a tokenizer that will use the characters in the string delimiters as separators when finding tokens in theString:
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(line, “,-”)
Returns true if there are more tokens in theString; returns false otherwise.
public boolean hasMoreTokens()
Returns the next token from theString
public String nextToken()
Returns the number of tokens remaining to be returned by nextToken
public int countTokens()
In each of the following statements us in the StringTokenizer class, how many tokens would be returned?
String line = “Ed’s ID# is 234-61-9876!”;
a. StringToken tokens = new StringTokenizer(line, “-”)
b. StringToken tokens = new StringTokenizer(line, “#-”)
c. StringToken tokens = new StringTokenizer(line, “#’-”)
a. 3

b. 4

c. 5