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66 Cards in this Set

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what is the order for using の

descriptor noun の main noun

what particle goes after どれ or なに when they are the subject

what particle shows possession

what is the particle for too

what particle can be added to a statement and means "right?"

what particle can be added to show assurance

what particle follows a direct object

what particle follows a location where a verb takes place

what particle is used for the goal of movement


what particle follows specific times

what is sentence order, including any relevant particles

topic(は) time(に) place(で) object(を) verb

topic(は) frequency time(に) goal(に/へ) verb

what particle comes before あります

place() thing/person() あります/います

place() thing/person()

what particle comes before います

place() reference point() location word()

place() reference point() location word(です)

what particles can も replace


what particles are followed by も

what particle connects two nouns

what particle can be added to mean together with

what particle comes before すき/きらい

what particles would be added to say my favorite



particle for 行く

particle for かえる

particle for きく (to listen)

particle for のむ

particle for はなす

language を/で

particle for よむ

particle for たべる

particle for みる

particle for くる

particle for する

particle for べんきょうする

particle for あう

particle for ある

place に thing が

particle for かう

particle for かく

person に thing を

particle for とる

particle for まつ

particle for わかる

particle for きく (to ask)

particle for のる

particle for やる

particle for かえす

person に thing を

particle for けす

particle for すわる

particle for つかう

particle for てつだう

particle for はいる

particle for もつ

particle for やすむ

particle for あける

particle for おしえる

person に thing を

particle for おりる

particle for かりる

person に thing を

particle for しめる

particle for つける

particle for でんわをかける

particle for わすれる

particle for つれてくる

particle for もってくる

particle for うたう

particle for かぶる

particle for しる

particle for はく

particle for きる

particle for けっこんする