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34 Cards in this Set

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What were the five main reasons for the growth of Nationalism in Italy 1815-1850?

Hatred of the Austrians, the Romantic Movement, Secret Societies, Propagandists and Philosophers, and the election of a New Pope

Who dominated the Congress of Vienna and what were their views?

Chancellor Clemens Von Mitternich of Austria dominated the proceedings. He was adamantly against Nationalism and Liberalism.

How did the hatred of Austria lead to a growth in nationalist feeling?

The Austrians provided a common enemy for the people of the Italian Peninsula to unite over in hatred.

How did the Austrians serve to oppress the Italian Peninsula?

The occupied the cities of Lombardy and Venitia, recruited 'Italians' into their armies and established a heavy military presence on their borders, allowing them to restrict movement of people, goods, and to intimidate other nations.

What was the Romantic Movement and how did it serve to spread nationalism?

The Romantic movement was the arts focusing more on feelings and emotions. Poets such as Alfieri wrote poems on the glory of Italy's past, whilst Leopardi wanted to promote a united Italia by language by writing in Tuscan-Italian.

How did the Secret Societies serve to spread Nationalism?

Secret societies like the Carbonari and later Mazzini's Young Italy allowed like minded individuals to gather together to discuss and plan for the hoped united Italy.

Who were the 3 main political Philosophers and what types of united Italy did they support.

Vincenzo Gioberti: Federal Italian state, headed by the Pope. Wanted to use peaceful means to achieve this.

Cesare Balbo: Federal Italian State headed by the King of Pierdmont-Sardinia. Was willing to use peaceful means to achieve this.

Giuseppe Mazzini: Wanted an Italian democratic republic. Was willing to use violent methods.

How did the Election of the new Pope encourage the growth of nationalism and what was his name/ title?

His name was Pius IX (9th) and he initially appeared as a liberal figure, inviting those exiled to return, liberating 2000 political prisoners and permitted freedom of the press. This led to a growth in nationalism as people could communicate more freely. Gioberti's supporters were especially hopeful.

How did the 1848/1849 revolutions serve to spread nationalist feel?

The Revolutions saw an outburst in nationalist feel and brought the idea of a united Italy into the public eye in spectacular fashion.

What was the overall outcome of the 1849 Revolution and the Roman Republic?

The pope's chief minister was stabbed to death in November 1848 and the pope fled to Sicily. Febuary 1849 saw a parliament elected by Rome decide to no longer follow the pope. Mazzini arrived in Rome as a leader of the new republic in March. Giuseppe Garibaldi led the defence of Rome after the pope called for military Aid. Ultimately, 20,000 men sent by Louis Napoleon of France saw the Republic crushed. Mazzini fled and survived, along with Garibaldi.

What were the limits of the Romantic Movement in the spreading of Nationalism?

The Romantic movement could only reach the rich and well-educated members of society. the Italian peninsula suffered from a low literacy rate, with 90% of people in Naples being illiterate.

What were the factors limiting the secret societies?

The Carbonari was mostly formed up of Idealists, who were dedicated to the idea of a united Italy, had no definitive goals and no set practical plans. Their 'revolts' often fizzled out quickly too. Mazzini's Young Italy's revolts were also non-starters and Mazzini massively over-exaggerated his group's numbers.

How did the divisions between nationalists serve to hinder unification?

The 3 political theorists/ philosopher were mostly unwilling to work together. Whilst both Balbo and Bioberti were opposed to Mazzini's republic idea, the two did not work together, despite having relatively similar goals/ ideas about unification.

How did the 1848-1849 revolutions serve to actually limit nationalist growth?

Whilst the revolutions brought nationalism to the public eye, it also saw them crushed by foreign powers. The 1848 revolt was also mostly motivated via the lower classes who had little concern about nationalism, displaying a lack of national feeling amongst the majority of people?

What did Napoleon do to aid nationalist growth and how was it undone?

During Napoleons stint in power, he built roads and encourage closer trading, potentially aiding the spread of national feeling. This was undone by Restoration monarchs who opposed road and rail construction and re-established customs duties and imposed trade restrictions, limiting the growth of nationalism.

What were the major factors opposing unification in Italy 1815-1850?

The power of the Austrians, Nationalist divisions, the Pope turning out to oppose nationalism, the lack of mass support for nationalism

How did the Austrians serve to be an obstacle of unification?

The Austrian military was still powerful and occupied a large chunk of the northern-end of the peninsula. The Duchies in the central peninsula area were controlled by relatives of the Austrian Emperor, giving Austria indirect control. The powerful Austrian Army could quash revolts with ease.

How did Nationalist divisions serve as an obstacle to unification?

The different groups who wanted unification were unwilling to co-operate with each other and in some cases out-right opposed one another. King Charles Albert of Pierdmont Sardinia was very much against 'radicals' like Mazzini and vice-versa.

How did the pope serve to oppose unification?

It is largely thought that the Pope's liberal reforms were more to stay in power. When Charles Albert led a 'nationalist' war against the Austrians to try and unite southern Italy, the Pope proclaimed he could not condone an act of aggression against a Catholic state. Pierdmont-Sardinia's army was defeated and the King went into exile and the Austrians hung onto their territory.

What were the primary reasons for Italy achieving Unification by 1870?

The Impact of Pierdmont-Sardinia, Weakening Position of Austria, Role of King Victor Emmanuel II, Role of Count Cavour, Role of Garabaldi, Role of International Powers.

How did Piermont-Sardinia serve to enable Unification?

Pierdmont-Sardinia, under King Emmanuel II led a series of wars , military operations and diplomatic manoeuvres which enabled them to take over most of the Italian Peninsula, uniting it into the Kingdom of Italy.

How did the Austrians isolate themselves?

They did not support Russia in the Crimean War, losing Russian support. They withdrew from the trade agreement with thee Prussians the Zollverein, isolating their economy. They also isolated themselves from the other Italian states via their wars with Pierdmont.

How did Austrian weakness serve to allow unification?

The Weakness of the Austrains meant they lost Lombardy when the French came to Piermont's aid in 1859. It also meant they were ill-prepared for the Prussians attacking them in 1866, which forced them to secede Venitia to the Kingdom of Italy.

How did King Emmanuel II coming to the throne serve to aid unification?

Emmanuel II focused on moderate nationalism but unlike his father Charles Albert, Emmanuel was more than willing to go to war in order to achieve his goals. He also appointed Camillo Cavour as Prime Minister, essentially putting him 'in the right place at the right time'

How did Camillo Cavour serve to aid unification?

Cavour was an exceptional diplomat, who orchestrated a secretive alliance with Louis Napoleon which ended up securing Pierdmont Lombardy. He also negotiated with Napoleon to allow the Kingdom of Italy to gain the central duchies. And finally, he convinced his King to take all the Papal states bar Rome, whilst simultaneously convincing Louis Napoleon to not get involved with the Papal States.

What did Garabaldi do to aid unification?

Upon hearing of the revolts forming in Sicily, Garabldi formed a 1000 strong force of 'Garibaldini' or Redshirts. Using this force, he launched a military campaign which secured not only Sicily but most of Southern Italy.He turned this over to King Emmanuel II, creating the Kingdom of Italy.

What as the role of foreign powers in Italy's unification?

The British Royal Navy conveniently ignored Garibaldi's force as it approached Sicily by sea, as Britain deemed a united Italy to be a useful asset that could possibly be used against the French if they became too powerful. The French Also aided the Italians, proving military support when the Austrians declared war Piedmont. Finally, the Prussians attack on Austria resulted in Venitia being united with the rest of Italy.

What were the main factors that allowed Mussolini to gain power?

Resentment of the Treaty of Versailles, economic weakness in Italy, Weakness of the Government, Appeal of Fascists, Weakness of Political Opponents and the influence of Victor Emmanuel III.

How did Economic difficulties aid Mussolini in getting into power?

Italy's severe economic difficulties saw a lot of social unrest, especially in the heavily industrialised north. Mussolini utilised his Squadristi to put down social unrest and thus gain financial backing of big industrialists such as Fiat.

How did Resentment of the Treaty of Versailles aid in Mussolini's rise to power?

Italy received no land or payments from the treaty despite heavy financial losses. Also, the Poet D'Annunzio seized control of the city of Fiume. Mussolini's took note of the methods and manners used by D'Annunzio such as the Roman Salute, balcony appearances and the use of paramilitaries.

How did weakness of the Italian governments aid in Mussolini's rise to power.

Government's were often extremely loose coalitions which rarely lasted very long. A complete lack of political parties until 1892 left the Italian political scene extremely disorganised. The disorganised governments did very very little to attempt to hinder the progress of Mussolini and even the King, Victor Emmanuel III claimed that the fascists could not be worse than the succession of weak Governments.

How did the appeal of Mussolini's party serve to aid his rise to power?

Mussolini's party made its policies deliberately vague to try and appeal to as many people as possible and to get a large support base. They carried out universally popular actions such as supporting the monarchy and the church whilst slandering the government.

How did the weakness of political opponents serve to aid Mussolini's rise to power?

Mussolini's opponents were very disorganised and provided no real competition. The PPI or Catholic party was divided over the Fascists and the Socialist Party fractured 1921-1923 and thus the Fascists faced no real political opposition during their rise to power.

What the role of King Victor Emmanuel III in aiding Mussolini in his rise to power?

Victor Emmanuel ignored please from his prime minister Facta to declare martial law following Mussolini's threat to march on Rome. He also took no action when Mussolini introduced Acerbo law, or when Mussolini was implicated with the death of a socialist rival, Giacomo Matteotti. Finally, he allowed Mussolini to order the Aventine Secession-which effectively removed most power from the regular government.