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35 Cards in this Set

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Good Aging
mastery of inner and outer challenges in mental ability, changes in social relations, and changes in social status
Research on Older Brain
1. changes in brain take place gradually throughout life
2. people lose more neurons in childhood than in healthy adulthood
3. nervous system has a remarkable ability to adapt to change
4. most neurons live through the entire life of a person
5. body creates new neurons even in later life
recall after learning has taken place
Information Processing Model
1. person perceives information
2. person acts on this information, transforms it in some way while information sits in short-term memory
3. person stores information in long term memory
Working Memory
selects, manipulates, and stores recent information, while also processing new information while it stores other info temporarily
learning information
putting information back out
getting information back out
Semantic Memory
store of factual information
person's skill at real world tasks
mind's ability to function
Fluid Intelligence
activities like creative design, quick response to a question or mental rearrangement of facts, how efficiently central nervous system works
Crystallized Intelligence
abilities like vocabulary, association of past and present ideas, and technical ability, depends on person's education or store of info
Two concepts that led to changes in thinking of mental ability later in life
1. research shows variability between individuals
2. research shows people adapt and change at every stage of life
a person's unexpressed potential or ability to gain new mental abilities
5 Criteria of Wisdom
1. store of factual info about human nature
2. rich procedural knowledge about handling life's problems
3. awareness of life's contexts and how they change over life span
4. understanding relativism of values and tolerance for others
5. understanding how to deal with uncertainty
Developmental Intelligence
wisdom that develops with age, or growth of wisdom in later life
Relativistic Thinking
awareness that knowledge is not absolute, context can affect knowledge and understanding
Dualistic Thinking
ability to hold mutually exclusive ideas in the mind at the same time, suspend judgement while trying to resolve contradictions
Systematic Thinking
ability to take a broad view of a situation or a system of knowledge
body can preserve brain cells, create new neurons and new neuronal connections at every age
Four findings to describe mental growth and development
1. brain reorganizes itself in response to new information and experience
2. brain cells grow in later life
3. brain's emotional centers grow more balanced with age
4. older people use both halves of the brain more equally
Conclusions on plasticity and cognitive reserve
1. both emphasize person's active role in developing a reserve and compensating for losses
2. both recognize individual differences in reserve capacity
3. both recognize that prior conditions in a person's life influence reserve
4. both recognize limits to reserve and plasticity
5. both believe that a person can enhance plasticity and reserve
Positive findings on aging and mental performance
1. negative stereotypes, test anxiety, and other distractions account for some of decline in lab studies
2. some memory and cognitive function show little decline when studied in everyday contexts
3. some older people perform as well or better on tests and everyday life as younger people
4. experts show that practice and pattern recognition in a field can lead to continued high performance
5. older people can display wisdom in their assessment of problems and their advice to others
6. training can improve mental processes at least for specific skills trained
7. physical activity can forestall mental decline and help maintain good mental function
Institutional Life Course
the life course is a life structured by mass education and industrialization
Generational Life Course
life plan is to mature into adulthood, have family, work in subsistence and simply live
self begins to expand its boundaries and reflect on the meaning of human life
person's ultimate concern, basic value around which all other values are focused, central philosophy of life
Disengagement Theory
as people age, social interaction decreases
Activity Theory
activity leads to highest satisfaction in later life
Continuity Theory
people age best if they view change in later life within an existing pattern of thought or behavior
Life Course Perspective Main Principles
1. development is multidimensional and multispheral
2. development is multidirectional
3. development takes place from birth through death
4. development takes place through continuity and discontinuity
5. development takes place in a historical context
Age Stratification System
system of age grades a society uses
Generational Event Theory
attitudes form for a generation in their teens
On Time or Off Time
off = being early or late in a certain stage of your life
on = being on time with a certain stage of your life