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33 Cards in this Set

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the methods of feeding used by members of the phylum Annelida include:

suspension, deposit, parasitism, predation, and herbivory

the process of torsion describes

the roatation of visceral mass in gastropoda

parasitic larvae are found in which taxonomic group


dilatency is used by annelids to

solidify sediments

annelids are spiralians, characterized by

trocophore larva

the combined sexual and asexual reproductive process called blank is found in some species of blank

1 - epitoky

2 - polychaetes

sipunculids can be distinguished from echiurans because sipunculids don't have

- a non-retractable introvert

- a few pairs of chaetae

- parapods

- a crystalline style

- a terminal mouth/anus

- a large coelomic cavity

best environment for these four families

1 - Sabellidae

2 - Arenicolidae

3 - Aphroditidae

4 - Serpulidae

1 - feeding with fan extended

2 - burrowing mud

3 - crawling over mud

4 - in a carbonate tube

the largest member of the phylum Pogonophora can be found

near deep-sea hydrothermal vents

the overall flow of water through radioles (pinnules) of the fan of a feather-duster worm is

through the underside of the radioles up and away from the mouth

order of most to least constraint of body plan

nematoda, annelida, nemertea, mollusca

in bivalve molluscs, closure of the shell is under the control of blank while the shell is opened by blank

the adductor muscles

the elastic reilium

aquatic molluscs generally excrete blank as their primary nitrogenous waste


cephalopods are distinct among molluscs because

they have a closed circulatory system


blood worms, used for fishing bait

Pogonophora (deep see tube worms)

- chemoautotrophic, has trophosome (colonized by bacteria supplying host worm with food and energy)

- gutless worms,

- bears an opisthosoma


garden slugs


gastropod w/ two gills, herbivores, no siphon

Hirudinea (leeches)

gut bacteria digest blood, uses an anesthetic to feed

Pectinariidae (ice cream cone worms)

tubes of sand grains

Arenicolidae (lugworms)

important deposit feeders


mussels, scallops, and oysters

Echiura (spoon worms)

non-retractable proboscis

Priapulida (marine worms)

pharynx w/ spines, introvert, caudal appendage


polychares that have large heads/eyes/swim


segmented worms with chaetae, no parapods


exhibit torsion


tusk shells


christmas tree worm w/ tube of carbonate

compare penetration formation in clams and polychaetes

clams - uses it's foot as the anchor, using hemocoeal as hydrostatic skeleton and muscles around it to burrow, when the blood fills the foot to its most full the pressure acts as an anchor

polychaete - uses separate segments as a penetration anchor, using the contraction of longitudinal muscles against the coelomic cavities to thicken those segments combined with chaetae in the burrow wall to act as an anchor

crystalline style

1 - gelatinous rod of enzymes in crystalline form

2 - found in the style sac, part of the anterior portion of the gut

3 - produced by specialized secretory cells at one end and worn away as it spins by the action of cilia; spinning rod mixes gut cotents and grinding of the rod against the shield release digestive enzymes

note parapod drawing on exam

note parapod drawing on exam

how have Cephalopods modified ancestral molluscan form to excel at 1 - swimming and 2 - predation

1 - the foot formed a funnel/siphon, while the mantle became a water bag for propulsion. parts of the mantle modified to form fins. a lost shell gives buoyancy

2 - molluscs have developed large, visually acute eyes. radulas adapted to form beaks for tearing crabs. mantle modified to form tentacles and sucke disks