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25 Cards in this Set

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Since modern society is largely urban, animals tend to live more in apartments and neighborhoods. How does this affect the human-animal bond? (3)
- Familiarity
- Dependency
- Bonding
F rank
D oes
B etter
What do companion animals provide their owners? (4)
- Stability
- Security
- Constancy
- Fill a void
How do pets benefit elderly people? (5)
- Exercise
- Protection
- Motivation
- Companionship
- Interaction
E lderly
P eople
M ake
C ats
I nsecure
How do service animals benefit people who are disabled?
- Benefit from contact with animals
- Assist the blind, deaf, and physically challenged
- Horses, cats and dogs are used in animal assisted therapy
What is the #1 service animal in the US?
What are the physical benefits of having pets? (5)
- Reduce anxiety
- Lowers blood pressure
- Decreases heart rate
- Helps prevent depression
- Increases survival rates for cardiac patients
What percentage of pet owners…
- buy their pets gifts?
- refer to themselves as mom or dad?
- say, “I love you” to their pets at least once a day?
- treat their pets like children?
- pets gifts: 93%
- "mom" or "dad": 83%
- “I love you”: 63%
- pets like children: 84%
What dictates how we practice veterinary medicine?
People’s attachment to their animals
What is utilitarian attachment?
People’s attachment/dependence on animals who have a job/provide them food
What are the keys to attachment?
Situations that initiated the human-animal bond
(ex. boyfriend gave you your cat; your dog saved your life, etc.)
What three difficult issues are vets/vet techs confronted with every day?
1) Grief
2) Attachment
3) Loss
Why might people turn to vet professionals during the grief period?
Because most family/friends do not understand the full extent of pet loss the way that animal professionals do
Tell me about euthanasia…
- Eu = good
- Thanatos = death
- Euthanasia: the act of inducing humane death IN AN ANIMAL
What are the three legally allowed methods of euthanasia is the US?
1) Inhalent agents (ex. CO2)
2) Pharmaceutical methods (ex. injectibles)
3) Physical methods (ex. captive bolt gun)
What factors contribute to euthanasia? (6)
1) Illness with no alternatives
2) Seriously injured
3) Advanced age
4) Aggressive behavior
5) Economic
6) Unwanted
Tell me about the quality of life and the criteria that defines it... (4)
A subjective term that is used but not defined
- Physical pain
- Activity level
- Comfort
- Eating
What things should you consider when dealing with euthanasia?
- Alternatives
- Explain procedures
- Discuss how the body will be handled
- Settle financial matters first
- Sign a release form
What are the reasons that animals are surrendered to shelters? (6)
(list in order of most common to least common)
1) Landlord issues (#1 reason)
2) Can’t afford to keep them
3) Litters
4) Aggression
5) Behavior problems
6) Cost of medical care
How can we help prevent animals from being unnecessarily euthanized? (6)
- Low cost spay and neuter clinics
- Behavioral evaluations
- Training
- Foster care
- Education of the public
- Screening adoptive homes
What are the three classifications of ethical issues?
1) Societal
2) Personal
3) Professional
What are societal ethics?
Ethics established by society and written into law (ex. rape, murder, arson, etc.)
What are personal ethics?
- The personal principles that each person is guided by
- Gives us a sense of what is right or wrong/fair or unfair
(ex. sexuality, dress, religious or political beliefs, etc.)
- Vary from culture to culture
What are professional ethics?
High standards of ethical conduct set by the public
What three questions should you ask yourself when faced with a difficult ethical situation?
1) Is this legal? Would I be breaking the law?
2) Is it fair and balanced? Am I being biased in some way?
3) How would I feel about myself if my family knew about my action?
What do NAVTAs professional ideas encourage technicians to do?
- Take pride in their work, dress and overall presentation
- Participate in professional organizations
- Promote veterinary technology