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17 Cards in this Set

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dog experiment: salivation before food (learned)

-conditioned (reflex)(CS-CR)

-unconditioned reflexes (US-UR)

saw himself as scientific psychologist

-psychology of digestion

-inspired america to behaviorism

Pavlov's behaviorism

psychology is different than the consciousn mind. for him psycholgy is behavior, same as Watson

psychology of digestion

observing normal disgestive functions, natural experiment

-soldier with an open stomach

in the end, his study with dogs got him a nobel prize

conditioned reflexes

unconditioned stimulus: US

unconditioned response: UR

= UNCONDITONED REFLEX (descartes fire)

conditioned stimulus: CS

conditioned response: CR


-the shorther the interval between CS+US the better the conditioning (CS ALWAYS BEFORE US)

higher order conditioning




CR can be elicited by stimuli similar to original CS (bell with an slightly higher or lower piton)


dissimilar stimulus occurs without reinforcement

Pavlov's theory of the Brain

-UR mediated by connections (sensory nerver-motor nerves)

-CR occurred by connecting stimuli with responses in new combinations

-"evidence" in ablating cortex= CR loss+ never learned any new CRS again

Pavlov noted differences in experimental neuroses

-animals that had a naturally active temperament became aggressive whilist the others became depressive

-experimental neuroses symptons depend on whether you have exilatory or inhibitory predilectionf of the brain

-tried to comtemplate the theory for human psychopathology


major founder of american behaviorism


differs in 3 ways from the traiditonal psychology:

1-it must be completely objective

2-predict + control over behavior rather than describe + explain

3- no disntrinction between humans and aniamls
Lashley, Pavlov and Bechners work helped establish behaviorism

Condtioning Emotions Reactions

studying of infants to understand which emotions are uncondtioned

innate: fear, rage and lvoe

everything else is learned

experiment on emotions: Little albert

US: loud noise

ur: fear

CS: white rat

advertising + behaviorism

-radical environmentalism: environment has a greater importance than hereditary in determing behavior

-"give me a dozen healthy infants and i guarantee to take anyone at random and train him to become any type of specialist i might select"

little albert study revised: Jones

if fear can be created through conditioning, then perhaps it can also be removed:

-peter was scared of habits:

-systematic desensitization (showing a pleasant stimulus at the same time as the rabbit)

-direct conditioning: having other infants around that are not scared

-social imitation

Watson legacy

-rise of neobehaviorism in America

Skinner + operant conditioning

study of different kinds of learned behavior: operant conditioning

-variations of contingencies of reinforcement (conditions under which responses were reinforrce or not)