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31 Cards in this Set

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All in the mind: reality as we understand it is made up of thoughts and ideas, (all we can know is our own consciousness)


Regards external objects as the most fundamentally real things, with perceptions or ideas as secondary

-Things are real and are external to us, they are not experienced by the mind

-A chair is real in the external world, it exists on it’s own


Stuff exists but only as names

-Universals exist, but not independently on their own

-There isn’t actually something out there that is blue, blue exists because that’s the name we have given it


Tries to stand between realism and nominalism.

-Blue exits, but it only exists in the mind, so there is a universal called blue, but only universal in your mind, it does not exist outside of you.

-Stuff exists in concepts affected by the real world

Natural Realism-

There is a reality that exists apart from how we perceive it.

[-We are part of reality, but we cannot experience every single aspect of it, there’s things we cannot know

-We participate in reality, things don’t happen to us


The thing in itself, as they are, outside of us

Can never be seen, touched, sensed at all

• As soon as you can touch or smell it, it becomes phenomena


our perception of the thing (anything experienced through our senses, dreams etc.)


Humans do not have free will.

Everything has a cause.

the doctrine that all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes external to the will. Some philosophers have taken determinism to imply that individual human beings have no free will and cannot be held morally responsible for their actions.


Believes actions are determined, but argues we can still be responsible for our choices.


We have free will

The doctrine that free will and determinism are incompatible


Determinism and free will can happen at the same time but God can come and intervene and create different circumstances

What is Reid's objection to Locke's view on personal identity?

Reid thinks that Locke contradicts himself and violates the law of trancsetivity

a=b, b=c, a=c <-- all the same person throughout life

a=b, b=c, a does not equal c because if you don't remember your past then, you aren't the same person.

memory(immediate consciousness of past) does not equal consciousness because consciousness is constantly changing and immediately present.

What is Locke's view on Personal Identity?

Locke confides in memory as consciousness; If you remember your past then you were always the same and holds personal identity

Cosmological Argument

First Cause Argument

Everything has a distinct previous cause so if God is the creator of the universe, then something must have created him since he cannot produce himself.

Cosmological Objection

The question of who created God is never ending: Who created god? who is god's creator? Who is the creator of god's creator? Etc.

Ontological Argument

Definitional Argument

If you understand the idea of God then God exists in the understanding.

The argument that God, being defined as most great or perfect, must exist, since a God who exists is greater than a God who does not.

Ontological Objection

Just because you say something exists because it exists, doesn't prove anything. Defining God in this way proves nothing.

Argument From Design


The argument that God's existence is demonstrable from the evidence of design in the universe.

Objections to The Argument From Design

You cannot compare a human mind to the architect of the universe, it is too complex and we don't have enough knowledge to make these comparisons.

An all loving, knowing, and powerful God didn't make the world because it has flaws

Problem of Evil

The all loving, knowing, and powerful God is a problem because there is a lot of evil in our world. Why would he create that if he was truly all loving?

Substance Dualism

Two substances, Mind= non corporeal, Body= Corporeal

Mind exists because it can be doubted, I think therefore I am

They must be two separate substances because he can prove the mind exists through thought and the body he cannot prove since senses deceive.

Objection to Substance Dualism

The mind is non corporeal, therefore, how can you prove it is separate from the body if you cannot see/touch it?

Non Congnitivist

The action is good because I desire to do it. They believe that what they're doing is good


The action is good in itself, they are motivated by the belief of objected truths.

Logical Behaviorism

We can't know for certain that behaviors that people exhibit directly correlate to mental states, or that they're similar between you and me.

Primary Qualities

What the object actually has, texture, motion, figure, outside of interaction with it.

Secondary Qualities

Colors, sounds, they are produced from the object in us, any info that has to do with senses

Transcendental Idealism

Kant believed that stuff existed outside of human perception. Time and space are outside human perception


Examines consequences of actions

An action is right if the happiness it will bring will outweigh any misery

Highest amount of happiness


Examines duties. (Universal moral standards)

Categorical Imperative


1.) Do things that you expect everyone else in the world to do. Actions must adhere to a universal rule

2.) Never treat/use people as means to an end. (Don't take advantage of people to get what you want)