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130 Cards in this Set

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the leakeys
famous anthropologist who found early humanoide fossils found in the Great Rift Valley in East Africa
Homo sapiens
Wise man known as humans today
Paleolithic Age
The Stone Age
Paleolithic Age aka Stone Age
Hunter-gatherers this was a traditional society small nomadic groups that used fire lived in this time
Neolithic Revolution
New stone age
Neolithic Revolution aka new stone age
domestication of plants and animals technology tools and irrigation led to a surplus of food that leads to a larger more complex population villages then towns then cities
Rivers of Mesopotamia
The Tigris and Euphrates River
The land between the two rivers also known as the Fertile Crescent
Rich soil brought by frequent floods of the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers
Mesopotamias geography
Frequent floods and droughts no natural boundaries Limited natural resources
Sumerians religion
Polytheistic where they believed in more than one God they had ziggurats and had animal sacrifices
Advances of Sumerians
They had pyramids known as ziggurats and wrote in cuneiform
Hammurabi's code
The Babylonian code of law if broken had harsh punishments
Known as the gift of the Nile
Nile River
Niall flooded regularly leaving behind fertile soil it was a very predictable River of Egypt
Egypt's geography
Isolated deserts to the east and west Mediterranean to the north geography protected Egypt the Nile was a good highway for trade
Living God
Egypt's religion
Polytheistic they believed in more than one God
Practiced by Egyptians to prepare dead loved ones for the afterlife
The written language of Egypt
papyrus reeds were used to make paper on which Egyptians could write hieroglyphics
Rosetta stone
helped French decipher what hieroglyphics meant
Advances of the Egyptian
Calendar they studied the stars astronomy medicine and irrigation they used Basin
Indus River civilization
Harappan civilization harrappa mohenjo-daro planned cities not as much known language is still unknown
Indus River civilization geography
located on the subcontinent of India the river is the Indus River monsoons are seasonal winds winter was dry and they came from the north summer was wet and they came from the Indian Ocean the floods from the server brings silt but could also bring problems
Seasonal winds in the winter they were dry and came from the north in the summer they were wet and came from the Indian Ocean
The Indus River
floods brought still but could also bring problems
why did the civilization end
No one knows why the civilization ended
Indus River Valley Civilization governments
Evidence of a very powerful government
China's geography
Isolated by desert mountains and the sea but not completely
The rivers of China
Wang he Yellow River also known as China's sorrow
Yangzi River
Yellow silt like dirt produced from the flooding of the huang he River that is why it is also known as the Yellow River
Shang dynasty 17000 BC through 1027 BC
Family is the center of life parents are the most important of your parents your father is the most important
Religion polytheistic ancestor worship
Written language thousands of character
Mandate of Heaven dynastic cycle build roads and canals
Born 551 BC the founder of Confucianism
an ethical system where it is believed that people need to know their role and do their duty for there to be P peace and harmony in society believe filial piety
filial piety
Respect for your parents and elders
The books where Confucius beliefs are written down
Sometimes Taoism the goal is to pursue harmony and balance with nature
qin dynasty
221-202bc shi huangdi believed in legalism
shi huangdi
221 BC harsh ruler who killed people and burned Confucius and Taoism books
Han Dynasty
One of China's golden ages Silk Road and believes in Confucianism
Silk Road
Trade route that connected many empires
holy texts are the Vedas and the Upanishads believe in moksha which was the overall goal reincarnation Dharma and karma
The rebirth of one soul
The overall goal of Hinduism the union with brahman
Yourself your soul
The total of your deeds good and bad
Your duty
world spirit
the creator
the preserver
the destroyer
Caste system
a rigid or unchanging social class system of Hinduism
The ganges River
A river that is very important to the Hindu religion
Siddhartha guatama
The founder of Buddhism also known as buddha
The leader of Buddhism
The Four Noble Truths
1 pain and suffering exists in the world 2 pain and suffering is caused by selfish desires 3 you can get rid of this pain and suffering by getting rid of selfish desires 4 you can get rid of the selfish desires by following the Eightfold Path
The overall goal of Buddhism
Eightfold Path
The way to get rid of selfish desires and to achieve nirvana
Originating Canaan followers are called Hebrews
The sacred texts of Judaism
founder of Judaism
Covenant with Yahweh
The promise that if follow what Yahweh says he will love and protect you
When Egyptian made Hebrew leave their homeland and come to Egypt after this they were finally free by Moses and led back home
Led the Hebrew back to their homeland
The dispersal of the Jews
founded by zoroaster a Persian religion
Great shipbuilders traders and sailors live down the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea in Jordan colonies in North Africa Sicily Sardinia and Spain created the Phoenician alphabet
Geography of Greece
Mountainous peninsulas many islands and harbors not a lot of fertile farmland Greeks use the sea to trade and travel had small isolated communities which developed into a small population
Mynecean civilization
Early Greeks influenced our religion politics and literature of those that followed
Trojan War
12000 BC
religion of greece
Gods had human characteristics for example jealousy love and hate polytheistic
A Greek city-state
Develop the democracy Google people but only free adult male that owned property could be a part of it, had a direct democracy
A military state Peloponnesus is the capital
spartan slaves
powerful military but self expression was frowned upon as well as art and literature or intellectual persuits
art literature was very popular, as well as self expression
great leader of Athens
lover of wisdom ex Socrates Plato Aristotle
Phillip ll of Macedonia 359 bc
conquers Greece in 358 bc
Alexander the great
356-323 BC.
student of Aristotle
Invade Persian Empire conquered Egypt Mesopotamian Persia continued on to Indus River Valley after his death his empire is divided spreads Hellenistic culture
Hellenistic culture
MX culture of Greece Persia and egypt
Roman Republic
legend has it it was found in 753 BC by Romulus and Remus
geography of Rome
Seven hills on the side forever it only had fertile plains for farming middle of Italian peninsula central to the Mediterranean sea
early Rome
Latins Etruscan and Greeks
Early republic
Harsh Etruscan Kings driven from power Republic found in 509 BC
upper class
Regular people
Twelve tables
law applied too and protected all citizens
Elected to protect plebeians
Like two Kings ran the government commanded the military but only for one year
300 members elected by patricians made laws and spent money
Roman army
Green value placed on military very well organized
A large military now
republic collapses why?
economic turmoil, many poor people
Julius Caesar
assassinated march 15 44 BC
Octavian v mark Antony (allied w Cleopatra of Egypt)
Octavian is victorious and calls him self Augustus Caesar the first emperor
pax roma
200 year long roman peace
roman religion
rise of christianity
jews thought Jesus was the Messiah there were twelve apostles he was arrested and crucified
12 apostles
followers of Jesus christ
apostle paul
wrote letters to spread Christianity preached to Jews and gentiles
roman christians
persecuted and thousands killed
as Rome decline Christianity.....
ends Christian persecution in Rome, making it a legal religion
official religion of...... is ...... by 380 ad
Rome, Christianity
fall of roman empire
pax Roma ends economy weakens due to less trade, inflation, food shortages, and corruption of the military and govnt
284ad strong leader divides the empire into east and west
330ad moves capital to Byzantium, which is renamed to Constantinople
western empire falls
476ad Germanic tribes like the hun take over rome
legacy of rome
republican govent (representatives)
Strong central govnt
powerful army
engineering (massive buildings roads and aqueducts)
Christianity (roman catholic)
eastern half of the roman empire after the fall of the west 330ad-1453ad
capital of the byzantine empire
religion of the Byzantine empire
eastern orthodox Christianity
Byzantine influence on russia
religion culture Cyrillic alphabet art govnt
legacy of the Byzantine empire
preserved ancient Greek and roman culture
code of Justinian(12 tables)
eastern orthodox religion(Christianity)
art & architecture ex hagia sofia
the Islamic god
founder or Islamic religion
sacred texts of islam
islamic religion
descending from Arabia
holy war
Mohammad leaves mecca, goes to medina he return s and conquers mecca 630 ad
5 pillars of islam
Faith in God the declaration of there is no other god except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger

Prayer five daily prayers

Fasting refraining from eating and drinking from dawn to dust in the month of Ramadan

Paying of alms a tax on your wealth to help the poor

The pilgrimage to Mecca Haj Muslims must take at least once in a lifetime visit to the holy city of Mecca if they are able
There are two types of Islam
Sunnis and shiites
the belief that spirits exist in objects found in nature
religion native to Japan characterized by animism an ancestor worship
Cultural diffusion
The spread of cultural ideas from one civilization to another
The belief that your culture is superior to others