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33 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of a company's organization structure
provides a framework through which a company can coordinate and control the work, divide responsibilities, distribute authority, and hold employees accountable.
obligation to report work results to supervisors or team members and to justify any outcomes that fall below expectations
power to make decisions, issue orders, carry out actions, and allocate resources to achieve the organizations goals
the assignment of work and the transfer of authority and responsibility to complete that work
4 types of departmentalization
1. function: according to skills, resoure use and expertise

2. division: self-contained depts

3. matrix: assigns employees from depts to interdisciplinary project teams and must report to dept head and project leader

4. network: connects separate co. that perform selected tasks for a headquarters organization
5 most common form of teams
1. problem solving: seek ways to improve a situation then submit recommendation to management
2. self managed: seldom require supervision
3. functional: employees within a single functional dept.
4. cross-functional: draws from various depts
5. virtual: bring employees from distant locations
advantages of working in teams:
a. potential to increase creativity, motivation, performance & satisfaction of workers
b. can lead to greater co. efficiency, flexibility and cost savings
disadvantages of working in teams
a. difficulties of managing employees changing roles
b. possibilities of free riders and groupthink
c. cost and time needed to coordinate members schedule and project parts
4 roles of team members
1. task specialist role
2. dual role
3. nonparticipator role
4. socioemotional role
7 characteristics of effective teams
1. clear sense of purpose
2. open and honest communication
3. creative thinking
4. focused
5. decision by consensus
6. size of 5-12
7. manage conflict constructively
5 stages of team development
1. forming
2. storming
3. norming
4. performing
5. adjourning
Causes of team conflict:
1. competition for resources
2. disagree over who is responsible for a certain task
3. poor communication
4. intentionally withholding info ]
5. basic differences in values, attitudes, and personalities
6. questioning of power or power struggles
7. pursuing different goals
how to resolve conflict:
1. avoidance
2. defusion
3. confrontation
how can management prevent conflicts
1. clear goals that require the efforts of every member
2. develop well-defined tasks for each member
3. Facilitate open communication
2 types of communication
1. formal: follows the official structure of organization
2. informal: follows the oganizations unofficial lines of activity and power
misunderstanding that results when a message passes through too many links in the organization
2 common barriers to effective communication
1 a lack of attention on the receiver's part
2 either the sender or the receiver has strong emotions about a subject
3 other barriers to communication
1. perceptual differences
2. incorrect filtering
3. language
organization chart
diagram showing how employees and tasks are grouped and where lines of communication and authority flow
informal oganization
network of informal employee interactions that are not defined by the formal structure
work specialization (division of labor)
specialization in or responsibility for some portion of an organization's overall work tasks
line organization
chain of command system that establishes a clear line of authority flowing down from the top
line and staff organization
clear chain of command but that also includes functional groups of people who provide advice and specialized services
span of management (span of control)
number of people under one manager's control
flat organiztions
wide span of management and few hierarchical levels
tall organizations
narrow span of management and many hierarchical levels
concentration of decision making authority at the top of the organization
delegation of decision making authority to employees in lower level positions
vertical organization
linking activities at the top of the oganization with those at the middle and lower levels
customer divisions
divisional structure that focuses on customers or clients
geographic divisions
divisional structure that focuses on location of operations
product divisions
divisional structure based on products
examples of cross functual teams
1. task force
2. committee
3. special purpose team