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88 Cards in this Set

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define Economic System
An organized arrangement for producing, distributing, and consuming goods
define Technology
Tools and other material equipment, together with the knowledge of how to make and use them
define Reciprocity
The exchange of goods and services, of approximately equal value, between two parties
define Generalized Reciprocity
A mode of exchange in which the value of the gift is not calculated, nor is the time of repayment specified
define Silent Trade
Exchange of goods between mutually distrusting ethnic groups so as to avoid direct personal contact
define Kula Ring
A mode of balanced reciprocity that reinforces trade and social relations among the seafaring Melanesians who inhabit a large ring of islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean
define Balanced Reciprocity
A mode of exchange in which the giving and the receiving are specific as to the value of the goods or services and the time of their delivery
define Redistribution
A mode of exchange in which goods flow into a central place, where they are sorted, counted, and reallocated
define Conspicuous Consumption
A showy display of wealth for social prestige
define Potlatch
On the northwestern coast of North America, an indigenous ceremonial event in which a village chief publicly gives away stockpiled food and other goods that signify wealth
define Prestige Economy
The creation of a surplus for the express purpose of displaying wealth and giving it away to raise one's status
define Leveling Mechanism
A cultural obligation compelling prosperous members of a community to give away goods, host public feasts, provide ree service, or otherwise demonstrate generosity so that no one permanently accumulates significantly more wealth than anyone else
define Market Exchange
The buying and selling of goods and services, with prices set by rules of supply and demand
define Money
A means of exchange used to make payments for other goods and services as well as to measure their value
define Informal Economy
A network of producing and circulating marketable commodities, labor, and services that for various reasons escapes government control
define Race
In biology, the taxonomic category of subspecies that is not applicable to humans because the divisions of humans into discrete types does not represent the true nature of human biological variation
An importance social category in some societies
define Genocide
the physical extermination of one people by another
Either as a deliberate act or as the accidental outcome of activities carried out by one people with little regard for their impact on others
define Racism
A doctrine of superiority by which one group justifies the dehumanization of others based on their distinctive physical characteristics
define Structural Violance
Physical and/or psychological harm caused by impersonal, exploitative, and unjust social, political, and economic systems
define Polymorphic
Describing species with alternative forms (alleles) of particular genes
define Polytypic
Describing the expression of genetic variants in different frequencies in different populations of a species
define Epicanthic Eyefold
A fold of skin at the inner corner of the eye that covers the true corner of the eye
Common in Asian populations
define Melanin
A dark pigment produced in the outer layer of the skin that protects against damaging ultraviolet solar radiation
define Thrifty Genotype
Human genotype that permits efficient storage of fat to draw on in times of food shortage and conservation of glucose and nitrogen
define Lactose
A sugar that is the primary constituent of fresh milk
define Lactase
An Enzyme in the small intestine that enables humans to assimilate lactose
define Adaptation
A series of beneficial adjustments to a particular enviorment
define Cultural Adaptation
A complex of ideas, technologies, and activities that enables people to survive and even thrive in their enviorment
define Culture
A society's shared and socially transmitted ideas, values, emotions, and perceptions
Used to make sense of experience and generate behavior and are reflected in that behavior
define Enculturation
The process by which a society's culture is passed on from one generation to the next and individuals become members of their society
define Society
An organized group or groups of interdependent people who generally share a common territory, language, and culture and who act together for collective survival and well being
define Gender
The cultural elaborations and meanings assigned to the biological differentiation between the sexes
define Subculture
A distinctive set of ideas, values, and behavior patterns by which a group within a larger society operates
While still having common standards with that larger society
define Ethnic Group
People who collectively and publicly identify themselves as a distinct group based on shared cultural feature such as common origin, language, customs, and traditional beliefs
define Ethnicity
The expression for the set of cultural ideas held by an ethnic group
Rooted in the greek work "ethnikos," meaning "nation"
Related to the greek word "ethnos," meaning "custom"
define Pluralistic Society
A society in which two or more ethnic groups or nationalities are politically organized into one territorial state but maintain their cultural diffences
define Symbol
A sound, gesture, mark, or other sign that is arbitrarily linked to something else and represents it in a meaningful way
define Social Structure
The rule/governed relationships, that hold members of a society together
including households, families, associations, and power relations
define Infastructure
The economic foundation of a society
Including its subsistence practices and the tools and other material equipment used to make a living
define Superstructure
A society's shared sense of identity and worldview
Collective body of ideas, beliefs, and values by which members of a society make sense of the world and understand their place in it
Includes religion and national ideology
define Cultural Relativism
The idea that one must suspend judgment of other people's practices in order to understand them in their own cultural terms
define Urgent Anthropology
Ethnographic research that documents endangered cultures
Also known as "Salvage Ethnography"
define Advocacy Anthropology
Research that is community based and politically involved
define MultiSited Ethnography
The investigation and documentation of peoples and cultures embedded in the larger structure of a globalizing world
Utilizing a range of methods in various locations of time and space
define Digital Ethnography
An ethnographic study of social networks,"", communicative practices, and other cultural expressions in cyberspace by means of digital visual and audio technologies
Also known as "Cyberethnography" or "Netnography"
define Ethnographic Fieldwork
Extended on location research to gather detailed and in depth information on a society's customary ideas, values, and practices through participation in its collective social life
define Key Consultant
A member of the society being studies who provides information that helps researchers understand the meaning of what they observe
Early anthropologists referred to such individuals as "Informants"
define Quantitative Data
Statistical or measurable information
Such as demographic composition, the types and quantities of crops grown, or the ratio of spouces born and raised within or outside the community
define Qualitative Data
Non statistical information such as personal life stories and customary beliefs and practices
define Informal Interveiw
An unstructured, open ended conversation in everyday life
define Formal Interview
A structured question/answer session carefully notated as it occurs and based on prepared questions
define Eliciting Devices
Activities and objects used to draw out individuals and encourage them to recall and share information
define Theory
A coherent statement that provides an explanatory framework for understanding
An explanation or interpretation supported by a reliable body of data
define Human Relations Area Files (HRAF)
A vast collection of cross indexed ethnographic, biocultural, and archaeological data catalogued by cultural characteristics and geographic location
define Idealist Perpective
A theoretical approach stressing the primacy of superstructure in cultural research and analysis
define Materialistic Perspective
A theoretical approach stressing the primacy of infrastructure (material conditions) in cultural research and analysis
define Language
A system of communication using sounds, gestures, or marks that are put together in meaningful ways according to a set of rules, resulting in meanings that are intelligible to all who share that language
define Signals
Instinctive sounds and gestures that have a natural or self evident meaning
define Linguistics
The modern scientific study of all aspects of langauge
define Phonetics
The systematic identification and description of distinctive speech sounds in a languae
define Phonology
The study of language sounds
define Phonemes
The smallest units of sound that make a diffence in meaning in a language
define Morphology
The study of the patterns or rules of word formation in a language
Including the guidelines for verb tense, pluralization, and compound words
define Morphemes
The smallest unit of sound that carry a meaning in language
what is the difference between Morphemes and Phonemes
Phonemes can alter the meaning of a word but posses no meaning by themselves
Morphemes posses their own meaning independently
define Syntax
The patterns or rules by which words are arranged into phrases and sentences
define Grammer
The entire formal structure of a language, including morphology and syntax
define Language family
A group of languages descended from a single ancestral language
define Linguistic Divergence
The development of different languages from a single ancestral language
define Linguist Nationalism
The attempt by ethnic minorities and even countries to proclaim independence by purging their language of foreign terms
define Sociolinguistics
The study of the relationship between language and society though examining how social categories influence the use and significance of distinctive styles of speech
define Gendered Speech
Distinct male and female speech patterns
Vary across social and cultural settings
define Dialects
The varying forms of a language that reflect particular regions, occupations, or social classes and that are similar enough to be mutually intelligible
define Code Switching
The practice of changing from one mod of speech to another as the situation demands, whether from one language to another or from one dialect of a language to another
define Ethnolinguitics
A branch of linguistics that studies the relationships between language and culture and how they mutually influence and inform eachother
define Linguistic relativity
The theoretical concept directly linking language and culture, holding that the words and grammer of a language affect how its speakers perceive and think about the world
define Gestures
Facial expressions and body postures and motions that convey intended as well as subconscious messages
define Kinesics
The study of nonverbal signals in body language
Including facial expressions and bodily postures and motions
define Proxemics
The cross cultural study of people's perception and use of space
define Paralanguage
Voice effects that accompany language and covey meaning
Include vocalizations such as giggling, groaning or signing, as well as voice qualities such as pitch and tempo
define Tonal Language
A language in which the sound pitch of a spoken word is an essential part of its pronunciation and meaning
define Whistled Speech
An exchange of whistled words using a phonetic emulation of the sounds produced in spoken voice
Also known as "Whistled Language"
define Displacement
Referring to things and events removed in time and space
define Writing System
A set of visible or tactile signs used to represent units of language in a systematic way
define Alphabet
A series of symbols representing the sounds of a language arranged in a traditional order
define Intersexuals
People born with reproductive organs, genitalia, and/or sex chromosomes that are not exclusively male or female
define Transgenders
People who cross over or occupy an intermediate position in the binary male female gender construction
define Negative Reciprocity
A mode of exchange in which the aim is to get something for as little as possible
Neither fair or balanced
may involve hard bargaining, manipulation, and outright cheating or theft