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40 Cards in this Set

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Freud's second stage of psychosexual maturation, which involves the task of becoming toilet trained during yrs. 2 & 3
anal stage
Spiritual symbols that appear in many different cultures.
Branch of psychology founded on the notion that observable behavior is the only appropiate focus of psychology.
Ego defense mechanism that involves devoloping alternative behaviors & traits to make up for weaknesses.
Ego defense mechanism that involves involuntary "blinding" of self to reality.
Ego defense mechanism that involves shifting negative feelings to "safer" targets.
The Freudian component of personality that attempts to meet one's needs in a more realistic manner so that pleasure is maximized while punishment and harm to others are minimized.
The phenomenon in human development that occurs anywhere from ages three to five when girls develop a bond with their father & develop a fear of or rivalry with their mother.
Electra complex
The failure to resolve a certain psychosexual stage.
Freud's final stage of psychosexual maturation, during which children begin to form adult sexual desires and interests, & the adult sexual identity begins to develop.
genital stage
Theories of personality that focus on the subjective experiences of individuals striving for meaning & growth.
humanistic theories
The Freudian component of personality that strives to gain immediate gratification without concern for its cost or effect upon others.
Ego defense mechanism that involves reducing moral anxiety by aligning self with a valued person, goal, or cause.
Ego defense mechanism that involves reducing anxiety by adopting values & standards of important others.
Freud's fourth stage of psychosexual maturation, during which children's cognitive abilities & ego develop & their sexual development is largely "on hold."
latent stage
Passive resignation, or a feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, & depression that is sometimes experienced by people who face repeated traumatic events that they have no control over.
learned helplessness
Theories of personality that focus on learned patterns of behavior & cognitive interpretation of events.
learned theories
The place where people perceive to have the greatest influence over their behavior.
locus of control
Discomfort caused by superego punishment for violating personal morality or being imperfect.
moral anxiety
Unrealistic fear that one's instincts will rule one's behavior, thereby causing one to act in contrast to the demands of society, which will result in punishment.
neurotic anxiety
A model that explores the relationship between people or things (objects) and the individual's perceptions of these objects, based on the underlying concept that two people may see the same object but experience two extremely diff. reations.
object relations theory
The phenomenon in human development that occurs anywhere from ages 3 to 5 when boys develop a bond with their mother & develop a fear of rivalry with their father.
Oedipus complex
Freud's first stage of psychosexual maturation, during which children are focused on oral activities such as sucking nipples, fingers, & nearly anything else they can get into their mouths.
oral stage
Patterns of human behavior, cognition, & affect as they occur in everyday life across situations and over time.
Freud's 3rd stage of psychosexual maturation, during which children become aware of their genitals & begin to experience pleasure through fondling or rubbing them.
phallic stage
The principle stating that people seek immediate pleasure to avoid pain & reduce tension.
pleasure principle
Ego defense mechanism that involves involuntary attribution of one's own unacceptable feelings to others.
Theories of personality that focus largely on unconsious conflicts and defenses.
psychodynamic theories
Freud's 5 stages of maturation: oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital.
psychosexual stages
Ego defense mechanism that involves reducing the effects of unacceptable outcomes by discounting their importance.
The process of substituting a particular reaction with its opposite reaction to avoid guilt, punishment, or another negative experience.
reaction formation
Fear of danger from the external world that is proportionate to actual threat.
realistic anxiety
The principle stating that the human ego attempts to meet the demands of the id while simultaneously considering the mandates of society.
reality principle
Ego defense mechanism that involves reverting to an earlier developmental behavior to decrease anxiety.
A kind of motivated forgetting, in which a person doesn't remember something because of the emotional pain or anxiety it causes.
The resolution of personal conflicts & achievement of emotional growth.
The process of shifting the energy of one's libido from primarily self-serving pursuits to those centered on service and advancement of society.
The Freudian component of personality that considers the internalized beliefs and censures created by societal norms that strives to limit the ungoverned pursuit of gratification.
A person't consistent behaviors & attitudes that last over time and across situations.
The process of defining categories of personality based on common traits rather than the personality traits of an individual.