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32 Cards in this Set

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The initial learning of a stimulus-response pattern in response to reinforcement.
The process in which several related responses are learned through operant coditioning.
Type of learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus is paired with one that elicits an automatic response; over time, the neutral stimulus comes to elicit the automoatic response by itself as the person learns the association.
classical conditioning
The learned response that an organism exhibits in response to a conditioned stimulus.
conditioned response (CR)
A neutral stimulus that is paired with an unconditioned stimulus so that it will eventually come to produce the same response as that stimulus.
conditioned stimulus (CS)
The provision of reinforcement every time a desired behavior is performed.
continuous reinforcement
The process by which an individual distinguishes between slightly different stimuli & responds to one but not the other.
The gradual breaking of the stimulus-response pattern due to lack of reinforcement.
Schedule in which reinforcement is provided after a specific period of time.
fixed-interval schedule
Schedule in which reinforcement is provided after a specific number of responses.
fixed-ratio schedule
The expanding of a stimulus-response pattern to include stimuli that are similar to the initial stimulus
A simple form of learning that arises from repeated exposure to a stimulus.
A form of learning in which one gains a sudden understanding of the relationship between various parts of a problem or situation.
Phenomenon that occurs when an animal reverts back to its biological predisposed pattterns after learning patterns that are not naturally adopted behaviors.
instinctive drift
A reinforcement schedule in which desired behavior is not reinfoced every time it is performed.
intermittent reinforcement
Reinforcement schedules in which reinforcement is applied after a certain amount of time.
interval schedules
A durable change in behavior that results from experience.
The ability to learn determined by age-related mental & physical skills.
Learning by observing and imitating anothers's behavior.
Type of operant conditioning in which the removal of an adverse stimulus increases the likelihood that an individual will repeat a behavior.
negative reinforcement
Type of learning that involves associating behaviors with their consequences & perceiving these consequences as either punishmentss or as rewards.
operant conditioning
Type of operant conditioning in which a reward is used to increase the likelihood that an individual will repeat a behavior.
positive reinforcement
Type of operant conditioning in which the application of an adverse stimulus decreases the likelihood that an individual will repeat a behavior.
Reinforcement schedules in which an individual receives reinforcement based on the number of times a certain behavior is performed.
ratio schedules
A change that occurs in the environment following a behavior & increases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated.
The process of gradually guiding an individual's natural behavior toward the behavior that one is trying to teach through reinforcement that rewards a change from the natural behavior toward the desired end behavior.
The process of reinforcing an individual for engaging in behaviors that are increasingly similar to a desired behavior.
successive approximation
An unconditioned activated, innate response.
unconditioned response (UR)
A stimulus that always triggers a natural biological process.
unconditioned stimulus (US)
Schedule in which reinforcement is provided after varying time periods.
variable-interval schedule
Schedule in which reinforcement is provided after a fluctuating number of responses
variable-ratio schedule
Reinforcement schedules in which reinforcement is provided after differing amounts of time or numbers of behaviors.
variable schedules