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44 Cards in this Set

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process by which wealthy states take resources from poor states
resource extraction
the monopoly of military power in the global north
armed force monopoly
what does "weak state trap," "resource extraction," "armed force monopoly," and "sense of identity" have in common?
these terms all refer to the current state structure of the world that is divided by the global north and the global south, in which the global south is made up of primarily weaker and poorer states
fairly new phenomenon, unconventional violence designed to influence public attitudes about political legitimation and inequality
cycles of terrorism that involved its birth, growth, and death periods.
terrorism waves
usually part of a larger campaign by organized groups to achieve a specific political goal and usually used against democratic targets and focused on encouraging withdrawal of military forces from homeland
suicide bombing
a trinity consisting of state, army, and people
trinitarian warfare
what do the terms "terrorism," "terrorism waves," "suicide bombing," and "the erosion of trinitarian warfare" have in common?
these terms all refer to modern warfare that is gradually shifting from total warfare, into more terrorist-style tactics
strategy designed to dissuade an adversary from doing what it would otherwise do
a threat of force aimed at making an adversary grant concessions against its will
the seventeenth-century theory preaching that trading states should increase their wealth and power by expanding exports and protecting their domestic economy from imports
theory that presumes humans natural tendency to cooperate in order to increase prosperity and enlarge individual liberty, and promotes free trade and removing trade restrictions
commercial liberalism
term used to describe policies which emphasize domestic control of the economy and labor/capital formation
economic nationalism
what are two examples of what could be seen as "economic nationalist" policies?
import substitution
a view of development asserting that the leading capitalist states dominate and exploit the lower countries on the periphery of the world economy
dependency theory
what do the terms "mercantilism" "liberalism" "economic nationalism" and "dependency" have in common?
these terms refer to ideas surrounding modern structure of international trade and monetary relations
idea that each state acts in self interest to form coalitions against threats to peace
balance of power
idea that each state shares responsibility for all states security, and that joint action must be taken to deter or punish violations of the peace
collective security
process that works to ensure international security that works best when there is support of all relevant actors, interstate conflicts, thin flat populated border areas, and those intervening are perceived as neutral
process that uses international law to take action against a violator of peace with principles such as the pacta sunt servanda and rebus sic stantibus
what do the terms "balance of power" "peace keeping" "collective security" and "peace making" have in common?
these terms refer to the ways that international law is protected and put into action at a global level.
processes involving creating and serving international law through obligation, precision, and delegation
principle that says a country can not inviolate an obligation once it was has greed to it
pacta sunt servanda
principle that says obligations need not be honored if conditions change
rebus sic stantibus
international lawmaking/enforcing body
ICJ/World Court
what do the terms "legalization" "rebus sic stantibus" "pacta sunt servanda" and "ICJ/World Court" have in common?
these all refer to terms that involve creating and enforcing international law. they also are terms that make international law "squishy"
this occurs when civilians are dragged into warfare, and all aspects of a country's functioning is affected
total warfare
conflict in which the belligerents participating in the war do not expend all of each of the participants available resources at their disposal
limited war
the ability for a country to enter into warfare
state capacity
what do the terms "total wars" "limited wars" state capacity" and "subject to citizen transformation" have in common?
these terms all refer to a states ability and willingness to enter into a war, as well it how may or may not affect their states citizens and resources
is it likely that attempts to strengthen a state are successful? (weak state trap)
rightness of a state to exist/function
what are some criteria for functioning state
1. capability to extract internal resources from population - ex. taxation, labor supply

2. monopoly of use of armed force within state boundaries

3. some sense of "we-ness" or national pride/identity
how has interstate war changed over time?
it is a vanishing breed, increasingly rare
in terms of responding to state legitimacy, what does the term "hunkering down" refer to?
toughing it out and ultimately making no changes - this faces such risks such as corruption, increased popular resentment, and civil war
which tactics are preferred by autocracies: democratization or hunkering down?
hunkering down
what are some of the aims of terrorists?
1. weaken conventions of bolstering status quo

2. polarize society

3. facilitate development of new type of political system
how have terrorism waves changed over the recent past?
they have become more frequent and each wave is replaced by a new wave
who is terrorism usually carried out by?
those without political or military power
are suicide bombings usually a last resort?
which is more frequent - organizational or individual suicide bombing?
true or false: the number of nuclear warheads in the world has gone down since 1999
what makes international law difficult to enforce?
1. no central law making body
2. no courts with compulsory jurisdiction
3. no police
what are two sources of international law?
1. custom (practices accepted over time)

2. treaties (formal written agreements between states with obligations)