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12 Cards in this Set

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the growing extensity, intensity, velocity, and deepening impact of worldwide interconnectedness; denotes a shift in the scale of social organization, the emergence of the world as a shared social space, the relative deterritorialization of social, economic, and political activity, and the relative denationalization of power expanding power relations across regions and countries.
growing interaction between national states (spatially limited processes), which are discrete national units with clearly demarcated borders.
intensified patterns of interconnectedness and integration between (not across) trans-continental or trans-regional networks.
Transnational civil society
a political arena where citizens and private interests collaborate across borders to advance their mutual goals or to bring governments and the formal institutions of global governance to account for their activities.
the degree to which networks or patterns of social interaction are formally constituted as organizations with specific purposes.
Global governance
the evolving system of (formal and informal) political coordination, across multiple levels from local to global, among public authorities (states & IGO) and private agencies (NGOs and corporate actors) seeking to realize common purposes or resolve collective problems through the making and implementing of global or transnational norms, rules, programs and policies.
Global policy networks
complexes which bring together the representatives of governments, international organizations NGOs, and the corporate sector for the formulation and implementation of global public policy.
Disaggregated state
the tendency for states to become increasingly fragmented actors in global politics as every part of the government machine becomes entangled with its foreign counterparts and others in dealing with global issues through proliferating transgovernmental and global policy networks (ties to double democratic deficiet).
the rightful entitlement to exclusive, unqualified and supreme rule within territory (arose after Westphalian Constitution and transforming as a result of globalization).
humankind is organized into exclusive territorial (political) communities with fixed borders.
countries appear autonomous containers of political social, and economic activity in that fixed borders separate the domestic sphere from the world outside.
Westphalian state system
Westphalian sovereignty located supreme legal and political authority with territorially delimited states (state-centric).