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49 Cards in this Set

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What are the basic functions of skin?

Cover, protect and lubricate body surfaces to protect against injuries of many types, synthesis vitamin D, first line of defense, prevents dehydration, temp regulation, excretes.

Be able to locate and name on a diagram.

Epidermis- waterproof barrier, prevents microbial invasion and prevents water loss. increasingly keratinized.

Dermis- thermo regulation, collagen fibers for strength, and elastic fibers for stretching.

Hypodermis- loose connective tissue or adipose tissue, insulates, major blood vessels, not classified as a skin layer.

Hair Shaft


Sebaceous gland (oil)

Arrector pili muscle

Lamellar corpuscle

Adipose tissue

What four things influence skin color?

1. The amount of melanin in the epidermis.

2. The amount of carotene deposited in the stratum subcutaneous tissue.

3. The oxygen saturation in hemoglobin.

4. Liver function


Is the appearance of a blue or purple coloration of the skin or mucus membrane due to tissue at the surface of the skin having low oxygen saturation.


Is the redding of the skin due to inflammatory or a group of cells of the immune system & chemicals the cells released. Example: heat exposure, bug bites, infection, sunlight UV, X-ray.


Is a pale color of the skin caused by illness, shock, stress, stimulant use, anemia, It's a result of a reduced amount of oxygenated hemoglobin in skin or the mucus membrane.


Yellowing of the skin , caused by an increase of bilirubin in the blood.


When a blood vessel is broken or damaged, blood leaks into the surrounding tissue, coagulated or clotted. Black or blue color, small blood vessels beneath the skin rupture and blood leaks into the soft tissues beneath the skin.

What is the physiology of decubitus ulcers?

Pressure sore

A purple or maroon localized area of discolored intact skin or blood- filled blister due to damage of underlying soft tissue from pressure.

What are Two types of cutaneous gland?

1. Sebaceous glands

2. Sweat glands

Sebaceous glands

Oil gland, are found all over the skin except the soles of the feet and palms of hands.

Excretes Sebum = Kills bacteria, prevents hair from being brittle, acts as a lubricant.

increased in adolescence

Sweat glands

( Sudoriferous glands)

Keep us cool, inhibits bacteria

Two types : Eccrine and Apocrine glands


Found all over the body. They produce "Sweat= water & salts" Vitamin C, uric acid, lactic acid, metabolic wastes.

PH 4 to 6

Heat regulation


Found mostly in the axillary (armpit) and genital areas, larger then the eccrine gland, empty into a hair follicle.

Secretions contain fatty acids and proteins, milky or yellowish color

Function is unknown but activated by nerve fibers during pain/stress or sexual foreplay.

Athlete's foot

Tinea pedis, fungal infection, red and itchy, peeling condition of the skin usually between the toes.

Boils (furuncles)

Inflammation of hair follicles and the sebaceous glands, common on the neck. Caused by a bacterial infection (Staphylococcus aureus)

Cold sores

(Fever blisters)

Caused by herpes simplex virus, localized in the cutaneous nerve. Is dormant until activated by emotional upset, fever, UV radiation, found around or on lips of the mouth.

Contact dermatitis

Itching, redness, swelling of the skin that lead into blister's, caused by exposure to chemicals (poison Ivy) Allergic response to sensative individuals.


Pink color, water- filled lesions, around the mouth and nose, they have a yellow crust, will burst and are highly contagious "Staphylococcus or strep infection".


A chronic condition, Over production of skin cells a cause of reddness and lesions that are dry, silvery scales that itch and burn. Autoimmune disorder, where the person's own immune system attack it's own tissues.

Triggered by trauma, infection, hormonal changes and stress.

First degree burn

Partial thickness burns

Only the epidermis is damaged, red and swollen, temperary discomfort. heals in 2-5 days

Example: sun bun

Second degree burn

Partial thickness burns

Effects the epidermis and the upper region of the dermis. Skin becomes red, painful and blisters appear. Regeneration or growth on the epithelium can occur.

Third degree burns

Destroy's the entire thickness of the skin, Also called full- thickness burns. Appears white-gray or blackened, nerve endings are destroyed, not painful, regeneration is not possible.

Skin graft must be done.

Critical - "infection" and dehydration.

Why are burns a serous danger to a person's health?

A. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalances

B. Infections


Is a fine, soft downy hair that is found on the body of the fetus or NB baby. Sheds before birth at 7-8 months. 1st hair produced by the fetuses hair follicles.

Vernix Caseosa

A waxy/ cheese like white substance found coating the skin of NB. Start's to develop in utero at 18 weeks into pregnancy.


Are tiny white bumps or small cysts on the skin. Almost always seen on NB babies. Most common on the babies nose, chin and cheeks.


When hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. cause pimples, whiteheads or blackheads.

Heal slowly and can cause scarring on the skin

Bags and wrinkles

Mild swelling and puffy under eyes.

Aging, muscle weakness, fat migrates forward into lower eyelids. Caused by age, UV light exposure elastin fibers break down, repeated facial expressions, decrease in subcutaneous fat.

Baldness or (thinning hair)

Is caused by age, hormonal factors and medical conditions, thyroid problems, alopecia oreata, scalp infections, skin disorders, cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems and high BP. hair follicles degenerate.

Gray Hair

When color producing cells stop producing pigment. Naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide also can build up in the hair bleaching it.

Name some vascular and hematologic changes that can occur to the skin during pregnancy.

Spider nevi

Non pitting edema

Capillary hemangiomas


Spider nevi

An abnormal collection of blood vessels near the surface of the skin. Looks like a spider's web, around eyes, neck and throat, arms, Fade in PP 2/3 of women affected.

Non pitting edema

Swelling of subcutaneous tissues that can not be indented easily by compression, typically due to a metabolic abnormality.

Sodium retention and pressure from the growing uterus. Happens more often in warmer weather.

lower extremities, hands, face.

Capillary hemangiomas

Strawberry hemangiomas- a benign orbital tumor of infancy, appears red and 83% occur on the the neck or the head.

increased estrogen


Varicose veins are swollen, twisted and sometimes painful veins that have filled with an abnormal collection of blood.

Legs, Vulva, pelvis, anus

Induced from increased estrogen and pressure increased from the uterus.

What are some alterations that can occur in the secretory glands during pregnancy?

Increased sebaceous gland activity- oily skin, acne, montgomery tubercles enlarge

Montgomery tubercles - enlarge

Apocrine sweat glands - decrease

Eccrine sweat glands - increase

Alterations in hair growth - increased in hair loss in PP

Pruritus - Itching local, over abdomen, interahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy.


Itching of the skin

List a few differences a NB integumentary system has vs. a mature adults.


Thermal qualities

Barrier properties


Protective mechanisms

Transepideral water loss (TEWL)

NB pigmentation

- decreased melanin production

- susceptible to UV light

- Increased pigment in ear tips, scrotum, line alba and areola are due to maternal and placental hormones.

NB Thermal qualities

-Brown adipose tissue is deposited after 28 weeks gestation.

-It allows for non shivering thermogenesis when the neonate is cold stressed.

-50-75% of heat loss is radiated off the body

-decreased sweating

NB Barrier properties

Term infants have fairly mature barrier against water loss, absorption of chem. pathogens and rapid maturation occurs in first 2 weeks PP.

NB Permeability

More permeable to substances applied to the skin.

NB Protective mechanisms

(bacteriostatic properties) Soaps can disrupt the microbial colonization begins PP as protections against invading pathogens.

NB (TEWL) Transepideral water loss

Very permeable skin, issue with premies


Cause: estrogens and progesterone and other hormones, can be effected by sun exposure.

Examples: areolae, genital skin gets darker, chloasma, more freckles, nevi and scars darken.

Changes is connective tissue: increased estrogen, corticosteroids, and relaxin, relax adhesiveness between collagen fibers.

Fade in PP in fair skinned women, some may remain in darker complexions.

Striae gravidarum

stretch marks or scarring of the abdominal skin due to sudden weight gain. caused by estrogen and relaxin.

Four cells in the epidermis

Keratinocytes- produce keratin, a tough fibrous protein that protects the skin.

Langerhans cells - immune cells

Melanocytes- protects from UV light

Merkel cells - A nerve receptor cells at the border between the epidermis and the dermal layer. sense light touch

Decubitus Ulcers

Bed soars, pressure points restrict blood flow, cells begin to die, skin ulcerates.