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63 Cards in this Set

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The external covering of an animal


Major component of the integument


Accessory parts of the integument




This animal has a Simple epidermal layer composed of flat, plate-like cells


Three cells of porifera




This animal has simple, single layer epidermis in which many of the cells have been specialized into cnidocytes containing nematocysts.


Other cnidarians has a gland that secretes ______________

Calcium carbonate shell

The epidermis of this animal is wholly or partially ciliated, syncytial or cellular epithelium, with gland cells and sensory nerve endings.


Flukes and tapeworms have this part which functions for nutrient digestion and protection against host's enzymes.


These animals have an epidermis that is one cell thick and secretes cuticle and has many layers



The epidermis of this animal is covered by calcareous shell produced by the mantle.


The epidermis of this animal is covered by chitinous exoskeleton. Also possess cuticle.


Shedding of the old, outgrown cuticle


The body of this animal is covered by a soft epidermis over a firm skeleton of movable or fixed lime plates provided with spines. May be leathery due to spicules.


The vertebrate integument and considered as the largest organ of the body


Two main layers of the skin



The skin of this animal are multilayered and contains mucous and sensory cells. The dermis contains bone in the form of placoid scales called denticles.


Because chondrichthyes epidermis have denticles. The surface of the skin have a __________ texture

Sand paper

The skin of this animal contain scales made of dermal bone


These can be used to determine the age of the bony fish using the scales.

Growth lines

The scales of osteichthyes function for _____________

Gas exchange

The skin of this animal consists of stratified epidermis and dermis with mucuos, serpus glands and pigmentation cells


The functions of Amphibians' mucus

Prevention of dessication

Escape from predator

Gas exchange

Within the dermis of amphibians are ___________ , used as predator deterrent

Poison Gland

The outer layer of the epidermis of this animal is thick, lacks glands, and is modified into keratinized scales, or scutes


The skin of this animal has no epidermal glands and are covered by feathers


•most superficial layer of the skin

• stratified squamous KERATINIZED epithelium, new cells produced by mitosis

• undergoes keratinization

All are dead cells except deepest layers.

• no blood vessels


Cells of Epidermis

Keratinocytes - 90%

Melanocytes - 8%

Langerhan's cells- protect as foreign cells

Merkel's cells -touch reception

Layer of the epidermis (from superficial to deep)

Stratum corneum

Stratum lucidum

Stratum granulosum

Stratum spinosum

Stratum germinativum

"horned layer" and outermost layer of the epidermis

Stratum corneum

Shedding of skin cells


Desquamation happens here

Stratum corneum

•Latin for "clear layer"

•contains translucent substance called eleidin

Stratum Lucidum

Where can Stratum Lucidum be found?




Granular layer due to presence of keratohyaline granules

Stratum granolosum

The "spinous" or "prickle-cell layer"

•Scattered Langerhan cells that are most abundant here

Stratum spinosum

•deepest layer of the epidermis

•consists of cuboidal or columnar cells

•undergoes mitosis

•made of basal keratinocyte cells

keratinization begins here

types of cells are found here (melanocytes, merkel, etc.)

Stratum germinativum (basale)

•known as true skin

•composed of dense collagenous connective tissue

•10-20 times thicker than epidermis


Responsible for the structural strength of the dermis

Collagen and elastic fibers

Region in which dermal papillae forms

Papillary region

Touch receptors in the papillary region

Meissner's corpuscles

The papillary region is made of this tissue

Areolar connective tissue

Dense concentration of collagen, elastic, and reticular fibers

Reticular region

Reticular region is composed of

Dense collagenous irregular connective tissue

Not part of the skin, lies below the dermis

•serves to attach muscle skin to bone and muscle

•consists of loose connective tissue


Type of skin that is thin and hairy, covers great part of the body

Hirsute skin

Thick, hairless skin forming surfaces of palms, soles

Glabrous skin

•responsible for color of eyes, skin, and hair

•guards skin against UV rays


This is the cell that produces melanin


filamentous keratinized structures present over most of the body surface


the visible but dead portion of hair projecting above the surface of the skin

Hair shaft

below the skin surface;enclosed in the follicle

Hair root

rests on the dermal papilla; the growth zone where the hair is produced; contains melanocytes that gives color to the hair

Hair bulb

an epidermal invagination containing a hair which may extend deeply into the hypodermis or more superficial within the dermis

Hair follicle

Primary function of hair


Muscle attached to hair follicles

Arrector pili muscle

simple, branched acinar glands

most are connected by aduct to the superficial part of a hair follicle

found all over the skin, except palms and soles

produce sebum, an oily, white substance rich in lipids.

Sebaceous glands

simple, coiled, tubular glands

located in almost every part of the skin but most numerous in the palms and soles, forehead and back.

have ducts that open onto thesurface of the skin through sweat pores

Merocrine (eccrine) sweat glands

simple, coiled, tubular glands that produce a thick secretion rich in organic substances

open into hair follicles, but only in the armpits and genitalia

•cause of bad odor

Apocrine sweat glands

a thin, plate, consisting of layers of dead stratus corneum cells that contain a very hard type of keratin

found on the dorsum of each fingers and toes


Site of nail growth

Nail matrix

small part of the nail matrix that can be seen through as a whitish,crescent-shaped (half-moon)area at the base of the nail.


Functions of integumentary system



Vitamin D production

Temperature regulation
