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12 Cards in this Set

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What is a webpage?

A webpage is a document commonly written in HTML, that is viewed in a web browser. A Web page can be accessed by entering a URL address into a browsers address bar.

What is a website?

A website is a collection of publicly accessible, interlinked and related webpages that share a single domain name.

What is HTML?

The HyperText Markup Language or HTML is a standardised system for logging text files to achieve font, colour, graphics, and hyperlink effects on world wide Web pages.

What is XHTML?

Extensible HyperText Markup Language is a more recent development of HTML that is stricter and has more features.

What is HTTP?

HyperText transfer protocol is a method for finding and transferring web pages from a Web server to an individual's computer through the Internet.

What is HTTPS?

HyperText transfer protocol secure is an extension of the HyperText transfer protocol. It is used for secure connection over a computer network and is widely used on the Internet.

What is a web browser?

A web browser is a type of software that allows you to find and view websites on the Internet.

What is the World Wide Web?

The World Wide Web (WWW or W3) I'd a system of interlocked HyperText documents accessed via the Internet.

What is a domain name?

A domain name refers to your website address. This is what users type in the browser's search bar to directly access your website.

What is a search engine?

A search engine is a service that allows Internet users to search for content via the World Wide Web.

What are some examples of search engines?





What are some examples of Web browsers?

•Google Chrome


•Microsoft Edge

•Mozarilla Firefox