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28 Cards in this Set

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3 types of rheumatic heart disorders
1. rheumatic fever
2. rheumatic heart disease
3. valvular heart disease
rheumatic fever-most susceptible age and risk factors
ages 5-15 most susceptible
risks: environmental factors-crowded living conditions, poor sanitation, poverty, genetics, immunodeficiency
What is RHD and when does it occur?
valvular dysfunction that occurs after acute or repeated attacks of RF
Rheumatic fever caused by?
when do symptoms occur?
caused by abnormal immunologic response to strep A antigens, inflammatory response occurs.
symptoms occur 2-3 weeks after initial pharyngeal infection
4 common manifestations of rheumatic fever
1. cardiac
2. musculoskeletal
3. skin
4. neurological
cardiac signs of RF (3)
1. carditis (CP, heart murmur, pericardial friction rub)
*involves all layers of heart and valvular dmg occurs
musculoskeletal signs of RF (1)
1. migratory polyarthritis (red, hot or swollen joints in knee/ankle/elbow/wrist)
*doesn't progress to chronic disease
skin signs of RF (2)
1. erythema marginatum (temp non-itchy rash w/ pale center & red margin)
*on trunk and extremities
2. subcutaneous nodules (painless pea-sized palpable nodules of wrists/elbows/ankle/knee joints)
neurologic signs of RF (1)
1. Sydenham's chorea (uncoordinated jerking movements affecting face/feet/hands)
lab tests run for RF (4)
1. elevated ESR
2. elevated c-reactive protein
3. titer
4. throat culture-positive for group A strep
meds for RF (2)
1. antibiotics-penicillin #1, erythromycin #2
*finish all meds, diarrhea and nausea common
2. anti-inflammatory drugs
*given for those patients w/ arthritis symptoms
types of valve disease in adults (4)
1. mitral stenosis
2. mitral regurgitation
3. aortic stenosis
4. aortic regurgitation
common causes of valvular heart disease (3)
1. degenerative disease (most common)
2. RHD
3. infective endocarditis
4 charac of valve stenosis-what happens?
1. valve leaflets fuse together & can't fully open/close
2. orifice of the valve is narrowed & rigid
3. increases pump effort
4. increases afterload
2 charac of regurgitation-what happens?
1. improper closing
2. blood refluxes back through the valve into area it just left
3 disorders of mitral valve
1. mitral valve stenosis
2. mitral valve regurgitation
3. mitral valve prolapse
charac of mitral valve stenosis-what happens? (4)
1. narrowed valve orifice
2. blood flow into LV impaired
3. increase LA workload
4. LA hypertrophy (dilates to accomadate higher blood volume b/c blood isn't getting thru to LV)
*pressure overload
manifestations of mitral valve stenosis (5)
1. DOE-blood can't get from lungs into heart & backs up into lungs
2. orthopnea
3. cough
4. paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
5. murmur
charac of mitral regurgitation-what happens? (2)
1. backflow of blood into LA
2. LA dilation & hypertrophy
*volume overload
manifestations of mitral regurgitation (4)
1. DOE
2. orthopnea
3. pulmonary congestion
4. murmur
charac of mitral valve prolapse
1. one of both mitral valve cusps billow into LA during ventricular systole
2. affects women more often
3. asymptomatic
disorders of aortic valve (2)
1. aortic valve stenosis
2. aortic valve regurgitation
charac of aortic stenosis (4)
1. narrowed valve orifice
2. blood flow impaired from LV into aorta
3. increase LV workload
4. LV hypertrophy (dilates)
*pressure overload
manifestations of aortic stenosis (3)
1. DOE
2. angina
3. murmur
charac of aortic regurgitation (2)
1. backflow of blood into LV from aorta
2. LV dilation & hypertrophy
manifestations of aortic regurgitation (2)
1. dyspnea
2. chest pain
diseased heart valve summary (4)
1. stenosis & regurgitation
2. one problem may predominate
3. susceptible to infection
4. abnormal heart sounds
treatments for valvular heart disease
1. percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty
2. valvuloplasty
3. open commissurotomy
4. annuloplasty
5. valve replacement