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12 Cards in this Set

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Factors causing infertility
-no cycle/abnormal
-already pregnant
-lactational aneastrus
-presistant cl=abnor. progesterone levels
-multiparous oviduct challeneges(blocked oviduct)
-morpho. abnormal embryos
-predisposed conformation
1)acute=nutrophils employed
2)chronic=lymphocytes=persistant mating
3)chronic degenerative
*susceptible mare=normal inflam response to semen but
a)fails to clear seminal plasma,fluid collct. in uterine lumen=biopsy+culture
b)persistant mating=fils to clear uterus
Treatment=inseminate=flush uterus/oxytocin,use deep uterine insem.
Chronic infectious endo.=antibiotics,remove excess semen
Stallion factors
-planpiniform plexus abnor.
-Cryptorchid=perm/temp/iguinal/uni/bi lateral
*congentital=dec. fertility,perm abdominal=infertility as too hot,left one ^ retention
Type of immunity
-Innate=non specific,primary defence
-Acquired=Active=own antibodies-immunsation(artificial) or exposure (natural)
-Acquired-passive=maternal or artificial vaccin.
Anything bond by antibody ie peptides,chemicals,viruses
Lymphocytes-receptors for antigens,specific immune response
B cells-produce antibodies IgG

T cells-have surface receptors related to IgGs,recognise peptide fragments of antigens with surface MHC glycoproteins
-glycoproteins encoded by genes in major histocompatibility complex binds frgement of antigens
2 types T cell
-T helper/CD4=MHC class 2,cytokine production,help B cell and cytoxic t cells
-T cytoxic=MHC clss 1,lysis infected cells
-MHC identicle regions swap grafts easier
-minor hisocompatibility loci can influence graft survival but are weak
-structure=class 1 or 2
-MHC prodcuts manage immune response
-T cells recognise antigen as a complex with MHC properties
-MHC proteins bind small peptides and show themselves to T cell antigen receptors
Epithiliochorial placenta
-maternal epithilium of endometrium in contact with foetl chorion
-no acquired passive immunity via mother
-fetus as allograft=organ/cell transfer from one person to next
-immunological recognition=genetic differences sig. as cause incompatibility,high polymorphic
-90% maiden mares =cytoxic response to sperm,10% genetically identicle to stallion
Why does foetus survive?
(Roberts et al,2006)
-immune capacity of uterus
-influence of pregnancy (emvryo movement)
-trophoblast producing eCG
Cellular immune response to trophobast
-CD4,CD8,T cells surround trophoblst of equine endometrial cups
-endometrial cups=killed via immune response
-not immunogically inert but feotus not rejected
-allantoantibody does not risk conception
Immturity theory
-main response=MHC1
-atlantochorion = MHC1 -ve so forms barrier
-some points do show MHC1 so see lymphocytes from mare
-chorionic girdle +ve MHC1 invades maternal epithelium and produce eCG glands
-endometrial cups downregulate MHC1 effect so CG theory false as maternal immune response modified by foetus