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21 Cards in this Set

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What two main crus muscles attach to the Calcaneous

Gastrocnemius and Soleus

True or False - Soleus and plantaris flexes the ankle and flexes the knee

False - Gastrocnemius Flexes the ankle and Flexes the knee.

All Anterior Crus muscles do what action?

All anterior Crus muscles Dorsi Flex the ankle

True/False - Fibularis Terfius is an Anterior Crus Muscle

True - Fibularis Terfius is an Anterior muscles

Dorsi Flexes the ankle

True/False - Popliteus Crosses the knee

True - Popliteus Crosses the knee

Helps medially rotate the Tibia

What passes posterior to the lateral Malleolus?

Fibularis Brevis

How would you stretch the Tibialis?

Tibialis Actions - Dorsi Flexion and Inversion

To Stretch - Plantar Flexion and Eversion

Fibula Bony Landmarks

Talus is what

Talus is the ankle bone

Calcaneous is what

Calcaneous is the heel

Navicular is what

Navicular is below the medial malleolus

Plantar Bones of the foot

Muscles of the Anterior Compartment of the leg

Tibialis Anterior - Dorsal Flexion Ankle, Inversion of foot

Extensor Digitorum Longus - Dorsal Flexion Ankle, Extensor of four small toes

Extensor Hallcius Longus - Dorsal Flexion Ankle, Extension big toe

Fibularis Tertius - Dorsal Flexion Ankle, Eversion of Foot

Hallucis Means

Big Toe

Plantaris Muscle

Group - Posterior Crus Muscle

Structure - Is located behind the knee. Tendon runs to the calcaneus. MUSCLE IS NOT IN THE FOOT!!

Action - Flexes the knee, Plantar flexes the ankle

Fibularis Brevis

Group - Lateral Crus Muscles

Structure - Tendon runs posterior to the lateral malleolus

Function - Plantar Flexion, Eversion of the foot

Tibialis Posterior Muscle

Group - Posterior Crus muscles

Structure - Powerful inverter, Deep to the Gastrocnemius and Soleus

Function - Plantar Flexion

Flexor Digitorum Longus Muscles

Group - Posterior Crus Muscles

Structure - Maintains arch of foot

Function - Plantar flexion of ankle, Flexion of little toes

Soleus and Gastrocnemius

Soleus is deep to Gastrocnemius

Gastrocnemius Crosses the knee

Actions for both - Plantar Flexion

Lateral Crus Muscles of the leg

Common action - Plantar Flexion and Eversion of the foot

Posterior Crus muscles

Common Actions - Majority of the muscles action of Plantar flexion of the ankle