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35 Cards in this Set

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What are other hip conditions/differentials? (5)





-Proximal focal femoral deficiency (PFFD)






With the Pavlik harness, the hip should be positioned in flexion, with...

Abduction and external rotation

Is a hip in which the femoral head is displaced out of the acetabulum and cannot be reduced.

A dislocated hip

What does it mean when the hip makes a "click" sound?

It does not conclude hip displacement

What does it mean when the hip makes a "clunk" sound?

Is diagnosis for hip displacement

A normal infant has a Graf alpha angle of...

>60 degrees

The patient is in supine position with their hip flexed 90 degrees and adducted with downward and outward pressure.

The Barlow Maneuver

What are the two basic Maneuvers that are helpful in diagnosing DDH?

Barlow Maneuver and Ortolani Maneuver

The Barlow Maneuver determines...

If the hip can be dislocated

The Ortolani Maneuver determines...

If the dislocated femoral head can be reduced back into the acetabulum.

What are the physical hip evaluations early signs? (3)

1. Limitation of abduction

2. Asymmetry of skin folds prominence of trochanter

3. Shortening of femur

In a transverse image how does a normal hip appear?

(The echoes from the bony acetabulum appear posterior to the femoral head), and in the normal hip, a "U" configuration is produced.

The sonographic appearance of the femoral head location is described as... (3)

normal, subluxed, or dislocated

What type of transducer is used for the hip?

High frequency linear-array transducer

How many MHz should be use when examining a premature neonate hip?

12-15 MHz

How many MHz for hips of an average weight neonate up to 3 months of age?

7.5 - 9 MHz

How many MHz to examine the hips of an infant that is 3-7 months?

5.0 - 7.5 MHz

How many MHz to examine the hips of an infant that are over 7 months?

3 MHz

What are the indications for sonographic hip examination? (4)

1.Presence of risk factors for developmental displacement of hip

2. Abnormal hip examination

3. Evaluation of response to treatment

4. Breech birth

What are the risk factors for developmental displacement of the hip? (5)

- breech

- females affected 2.5 more than males

- left hip affected 64% of time

- more common among first born children

- more common with family history of DDH

Movement of adduction:

Moving sideways inward

(Example of hip adduction is crossing your legs when in a seated position an action performed by the adductor group muscles)

What is the movement of abduction?

Moving sideways outward

(The gluteus medius and minimus muscles open the limbs)

What are the movements of flexion?

Bending foward

What are the movements of extension?

Bending backwards

What are the primary flexors of the hip? (3)

1. Psoas major

2. Iliacus

3. Rectus femoris

What are all the movements of the hips called? (6)

- flexion

- extention

- abduction

- adduction

- medial rotation

- lateral rotation

What is the powerful muscle extensor of the hip called?

Gluteus Maximus

How much of the femoral head should be covered by the labrum?

Approximately 2/3

Is a rim of fibrocartilage that surrounds the acetabulum.

The acetabular labrum

The articulation of the head of the femur and cupped by the acetabulum of the pelvic bone forms the...

Ball-and-socket hip joint

How does the fetus head look in ultrasound? How many weeks does it take to ossify?

-It appears as a large hypoechoic circle.

- May ossify as early as 4 weeks, but typically between 3 and 8 months

Ossification begins centrally, but who often shows early ossification boys or girls?

Girls often show earlier ossification than boys.

The femur is surrounded by... (3)

- muscles

- ligaments

- tendons

What 2 structures articulate to form the hip joint?

The head articulates with the hip bone to form the hip joint.

The hip bones are the fusion of three separate bones: (together they form the pelvic girdle)

Ilium, ischium, and pubis