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41 Cards in this Set

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Abrahamic Faiths
The world's three monotheistic faiths - Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. For 1300 years their histories and thought have been intertwined. Although presented slightly different many of the stories and characters and places are featured in all three.
The four life stages in Hinduism based on the concept that the average life span is 100 years. Each stage lasts 25 years. Completion is the fulfillment of the four aims of life: righteousness, wealth, pleasure and liberation.
Said to be one of the most ancient magnificent and holy of Hindu cities. Was the capital of the powerful Hindu Kingdom Kosala. this is the birth place of Hindu god Shri Rom.
An active involvmenet by the devotee in divine worship. Represented in terms of the human relationship held: lover, friend, parent-child, and master-servant.
Hindu God of Creation, one of the 3 major Gods in Hinduism. In the beginning of creation Brahma created the 11 fathers of the human race.
The eternal, unchanging reality that is the Divine Guard of al matter, energy, time, and anything beyond the universe.
The class of education, law makers, scholars, and priests
The head of state is a Caliphate meaning successor or representatives. Comparable to the catholic pope. The Muslim nation early leaders were called the political successors to the messenger of God.
Spiritual and religion term that means ones righteous duty. Affected by person's age, class, occupation & gender. Similar to the reference of one's religion.
Means deep or full comprehension as they apply to the observance of rituals, morals, and social legislation. A person trained in Fiqh...faqih.
Five Pillars of Islam
The five duties required of every Muslim. The five practices essential to Muslimes are profession of faith, prayers, fasting, giving of alms, and pilgrimage to Mecca.
Best known and most widely worshipped deities in Hinduism. Identified by the elephant head, he is revered as the Remover of Obstacles and generally as Lord of Beginnings & Lord of Obstacles.
The narrations originating from the words and deeds of the Islamic prophet Mohammad. It is an important tool for understanding the Qur'an. Shiite and Sunnis have different sets of HAdith collection.
To worship one God while accepting the existence of other deities.
the term used to denote communities and sub communities in India. Each Jati has a typical association with a traditional job function or tribe.
Hindu goddess associated with eternal energy. Sometimes presented as dark and violent she represents the ultimate reality.
An action or deed that represents cause and effect. Is believed that the choice between good or bad and the ramification of each.
Often depicted as an infant, as a young boy playing the flute. Portrayed in various perspectives each as a god-child, a model lover, a divine hero and the Supreme Being.
One of the four varnas of Hinduism. Usually connected to the military and if mens warrior. In ancient history this position was achieve in the merits of a person's aptitude, conduct and nature.
In Hindu philosophy, maya is not true not untrue. Can't be truth because Brahman is the only truth even though Maya allows material world to be seen as its true self. True in itself and thus not false.
Ruled the Moghul empire beginning in 1526 in the majority of the India subcontinent. With a population of about 120 million, fell apart because of war and religious intollerance.
Belief that only one God exists. The concept of God is present in the dominant Abrahamic faiths.
Place of worship for followers of Islam. Refers to all building designated for Islamic worship. Typically have elaborate domes, murals and proper halls.
Founder of the religion of Islam, was a messenger and prophet of God. Considered as the restorer of the original, uncorrupt faith. Life in its most truthful fashion is best represent in the Qur'an.
Belief in worship in multiple dieties. Not all Gods necessarily worshipped equally. Contrasts monotheism.
Ceremony of gratitude or a religious ritual performed as an offering to dieties. Done in home, at large events or to begin a new venture. Giving gifts to others is based off of this.
Rama's life and journy is one of perfect adherence to dharma despite harsh test of life and love. He is portrayed as the ideal man and the perfect human.
Oldest of the four sect of Hinduism. Believerse believe that Shiva is All in all, the creator, the preserver, destroyer, revealer and conceder of all that is. Sacred is ash is a sign of shaivism.
Referes to way Muslims should live and the path thy should follow. These traditions are gathered for the Prophet Muhommad and deals with many aspects on life (Crime, Politics, Business, Family, Sexuality, Hygiene)
Title given to those who serve as the protects of the tribe and all tribal assets.
The second largest denomination of Islam behind Sunini. Sunni believe that the first four successors of Mohamad rightfully took his place as the leaders of Muslim. Shiites believe only the successors in the fourth caliph are legitimate successors.
Seen as the Supreme God. Generally represented in deep meditation or during. It is believed by some that Shiva is a conglomeration of my regional sects to be formed into a signaler figure.
The daughter of mother earth was discovered in a ploughed field. Upon coming of age she was selected to many. She is the standard setter for wifely, womanly virtues for all Hindu woman.
Are of the Kindom of ancient India
Higher level of charity that satisfies dharma. Goes beyond the belief of charity. Socially kind and respectful.
The attempt to reconcile desperate or contrary beliefs. Means growing together usually through different schools of thought. Attempts to merge traditions or through any expressions of culture, syncretism is involved.
Distingusihed by worship to Vishna as an original and supreme god.
The social 3rd of 4 positions. Comprised of merchants, cattle herders and atisians. Credited for the capitalist ideologies in India through the ownership of land, money lending, and trading.
Divisions of Hindu society.
Large body of texts originating in ancient India.
Supreme god all-providing