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20 Cards in this Set

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the policy of extending a countries power. Used by europe to colonize most of Asia and Africa one of main causes of war.
Roosevelt Corollary
where Rooslevelt states that the U.S. will intervene on affairs in latin america to keep the european powers out.
Boxer Rebellion
Where some Chinese objected foreign involvement in China and waged an unsucessful Rebellion.
USS Maine
A ship sent by President McKinley to Havana Harbor to stop the creul treatement of the Cubans by the Spanish. Exploded killing 260 sailors cause was thought to be Spanish but actually gun powder explosion on ship.
yellow journalism
When newspapers reported stories of spanish atrocities.
a arrow stip of land with water on each side connecting two larger lands. The panama canal was placed in the narrowest part of the central america isthmus.
incorporating by joining or uniting. Used by american planters to annex Hawaii
Panama Canal
A canal that lead the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Becuase the U.S. built it they have speical privlages like letting their navy cross and charging others to cross.
where the countries of europe were constantly building up their military as if they are preparing for war
the feeling of pride towards one home country
where europe was so entangled with alliances that when one country declared war all alliances were called into play.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The archduke of Austria-Hungary who was assasinated by a Serbian Rebel and created the spark which set fire to World War One
Trench Warfare
A new way to fight wars where each side dug trenches and constantly attacked the others trenches to gain little to no land
Zimmerman Telegram
When the German Foreign Minister proposed to Mexico to join the Central Powers and regain the territories it lost to the U.S. When the U.S. heard about it they wanted to join the war.
A way of changing someones mind about a topic using media. Used in the U.S. and europe to encourage war effort.
non participation in a dispute or war. Used by the U.S. in the first three years of WWI
A ship carrying american and british passengers that was sunk by a German U-boat. Said to be innocent but found to have carried small arms on ship
No Man's Land
the area between opposing armies trenches during WWI
the home front
where the civilization of a counrty whos armed forces are fighting abroad. The U.S. was a home front during WWI and was used to support the war.
The great Migration
When american factory owners needed men to do factory jobs after many workers left for war and they asked African Americans to work so many African Americans moved up north for wages and factory jobs.