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35 Cards in this Set

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What was Seward's Folley?*
When William Sewerd purchased the state of Alaska for 7.2 million dollars. this was thought to be a waste until timber, coal, copper, and oil were found in the soil.
How did Hawaii become the 50th state?*
Christian missionaries moved to hawaii in the early 1800s in an attempt to convert the local population. the decendents created sugar plantations and dominated hawaii's economy. when queen L became leader, she tried to limit the power of planters due to overinfluence. They staged a revolt and overthrew the queen, creating a new gov before requesting to enter in the US
What was the open door policy?*
in 1899, the united states asked nations involved in Asia to follaw a policy in which no one country controlled trade with china
Why was latin America important to the US?*
because of it's shared border with the US, it was the country they did the majority of trading with
What were the causes of spanish american war?*
There were many reasons. one of them was the risk that trading with spain's colonies would be disrupted. Yellow journalism, a cheating and fabricating form of journalism (for extra business) was commonly used in describing the exageratted brutality that was occuring, and angered citizens. And when the USS Maine was sent to cuba to gather american citizens who wanted to leave, it suddenly blew up, and the explosion was blamed on Spain. Called the splendid little war
Platt amendment created to have cuba as a colony and got to intervene on cuba’s affairs.
Why was the Panama Canal important to the US?*
Expansion of american interests that stretched over the atlantic and pacific aquired a vitality for easier access between the two oceans, as well as an easier access to the latin american region.and during the spanish-american war, which was fought over both seas, needed an easy way to cross over.
Why did the US become an imperialist nation?*
so that it could gain more power, respect, and benefit financially by monopolizing other countries.
What were the 4 major causes of WW1?
Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism, and Alliances
What was the US's position at the outbreak at war?*
The US started out a neutrel country, but as they were financially threatened due to millions given to allied countries participating, and the topedoeing of the Lusitania, which killed 128 americans, led to resentment against germany and to the apparent urgency to defend their allies.Assassination of the arch duke names Franz Ferdinand.
Was the US justified in declaring war?
Justified means______-
How did the US recruit soldiers?
By creating the Selective Service Act, where males between the ages of 21 and 30 were required to join the war, leading up to nearly 3 million men being drafted. Espionage act/propoganda
How did we transition from a peace-time to war-time economy?*
By transitioning factories that produced consumer needs to factories that produce guns and weapons back in america. the entire economy became based around the war and all focus was on winning it.
in what ways was ww1 a 'new kind of war'?*
due to new technologies and artillary, and the new methods of warfare, battle was a new experience.
How were Americans at home affected by the war?*
Many people participated in the donations for war bonds which helped to pay for the war. Schoolchildren would roll bandages, collect tincans, paper, toothpaste tubes, and burned apricot cores to create gas for the soldiers. many people made victory gardens in backyards. many women knitted socks, sweaters, and hospital gowns. And many citizens participated in dates such as "meatless Mondays"
how were immigrants/women/ minorities/ African Americans affted by ww1?*
immigrants were affected because their homelands were battling with america. women sacrificed many things like corsets for weapon production. the women who were fighting for suffrage couldn't compete with the focus on the war. and african americans had to replace the factory workers who had left for war.
Who were the major Allied powers? Central powers?
the central powers were Austria-Hungary, Germany, the ottoman empire, and bulgaria while the allied powers consisted of serbia, russia, france, great britain, italy, and seven other countries
How did Wilson's fourteen points attempt to make lasting peace?*
by requesting that all countries resolve ww1 in peace and band together so that in the future conflicts can be dealt with peacefully
Did ww1 plant the seeds for ww2?*
yes, because when all blame and reperation , and military limit was placed on them, creating germany into and nation of resentment and revenge.
the belief in which larger and more powerful countries take over smaller and weaker.
open door policy
in 1899, the united states asked nations involved in Asia to follaw a policy in which no one country controlled trade with china.
panama canal
the canal that cut across panama for a more efficient way to access both oceans and the columbian region
The belief that a naation needs a large military force.
having strong feelings of pride, loyalty, and protectiveness towards one's country, and put their country above the rest.
when two countries agree to defend eachother and team up against others
trench warfare
the method of war in which soldiers would fight from trenches heavily armed with barbed wire, machine guns, and supplied with plenty of rats and diseases.
Zimmerman telegram
Arthur zimmerman, the german foreign minister, told the german ambassador in mexico to propose to the country a deal in which if they declared war against america, they would give them back the land america took from them.
opinions that were expressed through writing, art, photography, and film in order to influence the opinions of others.
not taking one side nor another in the presence of war
Germany used a U-Boat to torpedoe a british passenger ship, the lusitania, killing 1,198, and of those 128 americans. Britain was an allie of america, and this event were one of many to steer america to war.
No man's land
the land between the two trench networks where death by machine gun or barbed wire was almost certain
the home front
the duties pursued back in america to produce artillery and food for the war, raise money, and replace jobs.
the treaty of versailles
the treaty that ended ww1 in 1919 and put all blame on germany.
The great migration
when all the african americans in the south who were treated badly migrated to the north to fill in for factory workers who had gone for war.
Boxer Rebellion
when the people of china rebelled against the spheres of influence, not wanting foreign reign on trading.
Roosevelt Corally
An addition to the monroe doctrine in which allowed the united states to be the 'policemen' of latin america