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144 Cards in this Set

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adaptive immune system
develops over time, specific T cells, takes 18-24 hrs to respond, SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency)--lack of adaptive immune system
development of blood
the protein on the surface of the pluripotent stem cell
CD34; should be in the bones; if heavy in the blood = leukemia
two linneages of the pluripotent stem cell
monocytic and lymphocytic
monocytic lineage includes
innate immunity
--macrophage -
--neutrophil -
--eosinophils -
--basophils -
--mast cell--
--NK cells (natural killer)
--dendritic cell (most like a macrophage) langerhans cell in skin, cupfer cells in gut
mast cells cause
sneezing and nose running
little red granules
big ugly blue granules
most like a macrophage
dendritic cell: langerhans cell in skin, kupffer cells in gut
lymphocytic lineage is adaptive or innate?
lymphocytic lineage includes
B and T cells
B cells start out where and go where
in the bone marrow and go to the lymph node
From the lymph node B cells produce
antibodies; b cells can secrete or have antibodies on their surface; b cells and antibodies should be synonymous with each other
second name for an antibody
antibody function
look like little "y"; grab bacteria
initial response
response to bacteria and viruses
allergies and worms
food; upon repeated exposure the IgA will turn to an IgE and the food will be digestible.
T cells start where and go to where?
start in the bone marrow and go to the thymus
from the thymus T cells differentiate into two different kinds of T cells
CD4 and CD8
T helper cell, makes cytokines in the lymph node; Th0, Th1, Th2, Th3, Th9 (makes interleukin 9), Th17 (makes interleukin 17)
cytotoxic T cell (also T killer) whole goal is to kill
NKT cells have the same proteins on their surface as
NK cells
Cytokine Th0
a naive Tcell
bacteria and viruses
worms and allergies
T cells specialize when they get to the
lymph node
Cytokines function
a small protein that’s released by one cell and causes another cell to do an activity -- it’s a trigger
to respond to a cytokine you have to have a
cytokine receptor
IL-1 (cytokine) Interleukin 1
triggers a fever
IFN (interferon
Interferes with viruses
TNF - tumor necrosis factor
in rheumatoid arthritis TNF attacks the joints
TGF - tumor growth factor
shuts down the immune system; we need to do this when we eat; if we don't have enough, we will attack our food
immune system organs
spleen, thymus, bone marrow, skin, pyers patches in the gut (80% in the gut), sometimes liver
a foreign protein that the body will respond to
physical barriers = innate or adaptive?
physical barriers
skin, tears, saliva, stomach acid, mucus, surfactants
anti microbial agent on the skin that attacks the lipids of bacteria; we have them on our skin, in our gut, in our mucous membranes
atopic exema
caused by lack of defensins; so the body attacks excess bacteria on the skin--this can also happen in the gut--if there's an overgrowth of bacteria that means defensins are too low
in people who are malnourished
defensins are too low
mucus functions to
cover the receptors so the bacteria can't hold on
proteins on the mucus
cytokine that produces mucus
tears and saliva
can flush out bacteria - they produce lysozyme, which is like a giant trash compactor, a big enzyme that chops up bacteria and virus
surfactants (in lungs)
opsinization - coating a bacteria or virus to make macrophages want to eat it
acute phase proteins (made by the liver)
proteins that cause pain and itching to draw attention to the wound, cause smooth muscle contraction and striated muscle relaxation to help with blood flow to the site and cause contraction of vascular endothelial cells to make space for edema; kinins can act as chemokines
a (protein) cytokine that causes cell movement; works to create a concentration gradient
kinins will center around
the injury
the cell will move toward
the concentration gradient toward the injurty
skin is constantly then producing kinins to
maintain the concentration gradient
Kinins change the structure of hte vascular endothelium
to make space for edema
pokes holes in the membrane of the bacteria to kill it because the contents escape; the hole poking process is called Big MAC attack (Memory Attack Complex); produced in the liver
where do T cells differentiate
T cells make cytokines in the
lymph node
T cells specialize when they get to the
lymph node
complement proteins mediate
fever, edema
complements released into the blood stream mediate
acute phase proteins are
complements and kinins and CRP
helps mediate inflammation and is important because it's easy to measure
high sensitivity test for CRP
neutrophils hang out
in blood vessel walls waiting for infection to occur
neutrophils are attracted to
concetration gradient created by kinins
Neutrophils stop because of
adhesion molecules created by chemokines
Then they drop thru the blood vessel wall in a process called
They roll to the site of infection using
chemokines adhesion molecules
neutrophils live
18-24 hrs
neutrophils comprise
neutrophils are full of toxic granules called
defensins, lysozymes, and proteases
If a neutrophil phagocytoses and bacteria
it can kill it on the spot
macrophages live
macrophages can't kill unless
commanded to
macrophages are of the
myeloid linneage
macrophages in blood
macrophages in tissue
dendritic cells are more phagocytic than
they live 24 to
48 hrs
dendritic cells are really good at
antigen presentation
antigen presentation means
macrophages and dendritic cells carry antigens to the nearest lymph node--this causes lymph node swelling --so that as T and B cells circulate they just have to go lymph node to lymph node
PRR (pathogen recognition receptor) =
receptors on the surface of macrophages, dentritic cells, and neutrophils that recognize and bind to different parts of a pathogen
the signal my cell gets that it’s infected-the danger signal - tell immune system that you have an infection
TLR's can be
inside or outside the cell
If a bacteria binds to a TLR it sends a message to the nucleus that
there is danger, produce immunity
the compartment in which the bacteria ends up when a macrophage invaginates and takes it that bacteria in
the phagosome fuses with a lysosome to produce
a phagolysosome
a phagolysosome
is very acidic and chops up the unfriendly bacteria
the bacteria wind up in an
MHC (the hot dog bun on the surface of the cell)
Processed bacteria will bind to an
whole bacteria will bind to
when a TLR triggers danger the cell produces
lipid mediators, cytokines, chemokines, costimulatory molecules, reactive oxygen species
lipid mediators are
prostaglandins, platelet activating factor, leukotryeens (sp?) - lipids that are going to go throughout the body and help trigger events, such as fever, redness, heat, pain, swelling
Inflammatory cytokines are
IL1, IL6, TNFalpha
IL1, IL6, and TNFalpha
mediate inflammation by fever and trigger acute phase proteins
IL1 causes
IL6 causes
TNFalpha causes
they help cells move
based on a protein that’s going to bind to a receptor for that protein, and that receptor is gonna be on the surface of some cell
Most chemokines have a cytine in them --an amino acid (c)
costimulatory molecules
proteins on the surface of an infected cell that help stimulate a T cell --only on macrophages, dendritic cells, and B cells - how the T cell is going to tell whether or not danger has been signaled -- CD86
T cell asks, R U me? It is looking at
the MHC and the peptide bound to the surface of the cell
T cell asks, R U danger it is looking at
CD86 molecule - a costimulatory molecule
reactive oxygen species =
free radicals; Oxygen molecules that are charged; they can kill bacteria
they are secreted to try to kill some of the bacteria surrounding that macrophage
they attack the membrane--But free radicals also kill your own cells. So we take antioxidents to reduce free radicals.
Antioxidents: vit E, A, corotenoids, glutathione
phases of immune response
acute phase,
innate phase
specific phase
memory phase
NK cells kill by
poking holes: There are two proteins involved: perforin(hole poking protein), granzymes--once the perforin pokes holes, granzymes go in and chop up everything inside
NK cells can kill
a variety of different cells (as opposed to CD8, which are specific)
MHC-1 on the surface of a cell
deactivates NK cells, MHC-1 makes you you; this is a problem in transplants
when T cells are activated in the lymph node this =
the activation of the specific immune response and the end of the innate response
B cells are
B cells make
One antibody can bind to how many antigens?
The FC region binds to
a cell
The FAB region binds to
How many specificities can one B cell make?
How do we get the specificities
gene recombination
What part of the antibody are we rearranging?
allelic exclusion
you can only rearrange one antibody gene at a time
receptor editing
when a B cell binds to self, it can rearrange its other gene--two chances
If antibodies bind really well, what occurs
B cells can take the antibody on the surface and make little point mutations in the FAB region to make the antibody bind tighter, to increaes its affinity. By the time we see the flu again and again and again, we should have antibodies that bind really tightly. This process is called what?
Somatic Hypermutation
In Multiple Sclerosis
B cells bind to Myelin Basic protein (it lines the spinal cord)
The FC part of the antibody can change but once it's changed it can't go back to the class it was before (MDGEA). This is called
Class switching
is made first in an immune response--can indicate initial exposure to a bacteria or virus and that they’re very early in the immune response
IgM is pentameric, which means
it will bind to around 5 antigens
IgM lives for about
2 weeks
We need IgM around until
We can make more specific antigens and our T cells get activated
CD4 T cells make cytokines that help B cells do what
class switch to another type of antibody (once it's made IgM)
If someone has a bacterial infection which class of antibody will be at the top of the serum
We associate IgG with what kinds of T cell response?
Can IgG cross the placenta?
what is the half life of IgG?
23 days (so baby has protection from mom after birth for about a month without breast milk to help)
IgE =
monomeric, allergies and worms, half life of two days, Th2 response
IgA =
monomeric or dimeric, tolerance to food and infectious material, esp found in mucous membranes in the gut, we make it in our microflora, its found in secretions: tears, mucus, saliva, breast milk, vaginal secretions, secretions from the gut, sweat
In this whole process, what is telling the T cell what to make to initiate a class switch for the antibody?
dendritic cells and macrophages
the antibody involved in allergies
the antibody that can be pentameric
response to bacteria and virus
food intolerance
this antibody binds to the FCespsilon receptor
this antibody can make mast cells degranulate
this antibody has the longest half life in the blood
If you have high levels of this antibody, you recently got an infection to a microbe you haven’t seen before.