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13 Cards in this Set

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Institutional Ethnography

explores the social relations that structure people's everyday lives, specifically by looking at the ways that people interact with one another in the context of social institutions

Properties Quantitative research

Deductive: Testing a theory


Positivism: Only knowledge through measurements is trustworthy

Properties Qualitative research

Inductive; Building a theory

Constructionism: Humans construct all knowledge in their minds by participating in experiences.

Interpretivism & critical realism

High quality Quantitative research



Internal/External Validity

High quality Qualitative research





Structured interviews

We know what we are looking for, often done with Surveys. Used for deductive research

Unstructured interviews

Build a theory. Purely inductive

Semi-structured interviews

Middle way, theory driven but leaves space for new elements

Qualitative data through text:

Thematic Analysis

Looking for patterns and organizing information in catagories

Qualitative data through text:

Conversation Analysis

Understand how people use language in everyday life

Qualitative data through text:

Discourse Analysis

Construction of meaning, trying to reveal hidden or unspoken elements

Qualitative research should include:

-A Thick description

-Triangulation of data: Researcher, theory and method

-Transparency consisting the coding procedure and the researcher's role

- Saturation: The stage when any additional data colected provides few, if any, new insights

Researcher's errors in Qualitative research

-Quantifying mindset instead of interpreting the numbers

-Descriptive mindset instead of analyzing

-Not having done background research

-Lacking transparancy: being able to show how you came to a conclusion