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14 Cards in this Set

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Language aptitude

Refers to the production of how well, relative to other individuals, an individual can learn a foreign language in a given amount of time and under given conditions

Key of good language learning

Learning styles

The preferred way in which individuals process information or approach a task

Do not exist

Learning strategies

Intentional behaviour and thoughts used by learners during learning so as to better help them understand, learn or remember new information. Specific methods that widely vary within an individual. E. G. Attention to context, attention to non-verbal cues, key word identification, rephrasing, etc.

4 ability components - Phonetic coding ability

Ability to perceive distinct sounds, associate a symbol with that sound and retain that association

4 ability components - Grammatical sensitivity

Ability to recognise the grammatical function of a lexical element in a sentence without explicit training in grammar

4 ability components - Rote learning ability

Ability to learn associations between words in a foreign language and retain that association

4 ability components - Inductive learning ability

Ability to infer or induce rules governing the structure of the language

Perceptual learning style

Based on which sensory channel does the learner prefer to extract information. Perceptual learning styles can be visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, haptic. About 65 % of the entire population are visual learners.

Cognitive learning styles

Based on how the learner uses his/her brain to approach a task. Learners can be analytic, global, right or left brainers.

5 learning strategies used by good language learners

1 - They make their own opportunities in using the language inside and outside the classroom

2 - They use mnemonics and other memory strategies to recall what has been learnt.

3 - They make errors work for them and not against them

4 - They learn to make intelligent guesses

5 - They can learn certain tricks that help to keep the conversation going (e.g. Circumlocution)

Explain how people with fixed and growth mindset look at failure

People with fixed mindset look at failure as a sign of low ability. It kills their motivation and may also result in having a poor self image.

People with growth mindset see failure as a temporary thing. It motivates them to try harder and be successful next time.

Compare people's strategy use and how they view challenges differently with fixed and growth mindsets

People with fixed mindset stick to the strategies that have worked for them before (they play it safe) and they avoid challenges as they can result in failures. People with growth mindset happily experiment with strategies and they stand up to challenges as they see them as an opportunity to develop.

Give 3 reasons why praising children for working hard is not enough to foster a growth mindset

1 - It attempts to change only behaviours without changing the underlying belief about the nature of abilities

2 - We have to teach our children that working hard involves thinking hard, so they have to change their learning strategies if they are not making enough progress

3 - It is also important to gradually release responsibility to students, they have to become independent, self sufficient learners in the long run.

How to move closer to a growth mindset in our thoughts and practices as educators?

We should learn about the growth mindset and practise it in our own life through life long learning and continuous efforts in our own learning . On the other hand we should legitimize the fixed mindset and accept that we are all a mixture of fixed and growth