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83 Cards in this Set

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criterion data

data collected for criterion related validation

criterion related validation

when performance data is correlated with test scores to see if it predicts performance

-true positives are ore likely to occur in a validated system

objective performance vs judgmental performance

-quantitative counts ( sales, volume, output)

-supervisors evaluate effectiveness. captures nuances & gives different perspectives on performance

PA vs PM

PM links back to organizational goals unlike PA. It seeks to make employee understand her role ad see how they fir into the org. PA is focuses on task oriented job analysis and doesnt focus on continous feedback to improve the employee

Overall Performance Ratings

instructions, questions, rating scales.

-can be good but careful because might get a better idea of which areas of performance are strengths by asking more specific

3 Factors that influence Performance Ratings

OCBS, CWBS & task performance

Trait Ratings

DONT. traits may or may not be of value in a job. doesnt measure performance

Task Performance Ratings

effectiveness on tasks or duties.

- very valid and easy to defend

Critical Incidents Methods of Ratings

creating levels of behavior from eff to ineff

-looks into specific performance areas

Structural Characteristics of Performance ratings

structural: how the task is behaviorally defined, anchor definition & degree of which person reviewing can understand what rater intended.

What does performance looks like

-all behaviors done to accomplish a task or duty. it has to do with actions taken towards achieving something

Graphing Rating Scales

graphic display of performance scores that run from high on one end to low on the other end.

-should be structurally correct.

-people say they have poor dimensions


check what best or least describes the employees

-directly related to Job Analysis

weighted checklist vs forced format

- has value

-rater chooses 2/4 that best describe.

good for validity.

managers dont like because difficult to see what yields high or ow.

Both are more PA than PM. not good feedback

Behavioral Rating

-includes behavioral anchors.

BARS= time consuming to construct. use a SME. includes behavioral anchors describing what a worker might do/has to do

-helps understand performance and promotes more understanding

BOS= rates what something actually did. how frequently and employee does something valid

Employee comparison methods

-direct comparison of employees

Simple ranking

- ranks employees on each dimension in one way but can be combined
-- evaluated with respect to a standard.
-better to get individual rank, rank then sum
PRO=good for layoff
CON= time consuming

Paired comparison

-each employee is compared with everyone on various dimensions.

CON=hard to give feedback because still meeting standards & it various across locations

CARS= choose statement that best describes the ratee. quicker than traditional paired comparison

Choosing a rating scale

-some are better for feedback, other for legal purposes

-fairness is key

-clear and concise

Supervisors as rating sources

difficult to tell how someone is doing if you dont know them

-good system makes employees feel better

-supervisors dont like them because take up time and dont like to give negative feedback.

-rating influenced by how much they like someone

Peers as rating sources

-might see things differently

-know daily performance

good for developmental feedback

Self Ratings

-increase procedural justice & good for discuss

good for developmental feedback.

-people tend to overinflate

Subordinate & customer ratings

- lets higher ups know stuff

-administrative purposes sometimes appropiate

360 Rating

Usage of the varied sources for ratings

-often used for feedback & developmental


central tendency=everyone is in the middle because its safe

leniency/severity= very easy or very tough. well defined anchors fight against

halo/horns= same rating no matter what because like/dislike. can have effect of not identifying actual strengths and weaknesses

Why is it important to train the raters

it is important because distortions can actually be motivated

Administrative Training

helps create consensus and common understanding between raters

Psychometric Training

makes raters aware of common rating distortions, but makes sure they focus on performance

Frame-of Reference Training

need context for providing rating

1)info about performance

2)understand anchors


4)provide feedback

=time consuming but worth it in the long run

Reliability of Ratings

inter-rater reliability is not that good because they don't all see the same thing.

-But f everyone agrees isn't it a waste of time? maybe get a little of every type of rater because info is good

Validity in Ratings

how scales are conceived & developed.

(dimension definitions, anchors & scoring schemes)= structural characteristics
-supports inferences about performance

Rater Motivation

*rater=enhance performance, provide feedback

*ratee= to know how they are doing & voice

*org= promote, training, feedback

Goal Conflict

ex: rater might want to send a message so gives a lower rating than deserved but not so low as to get them laid off

-so depends on what you want. raters dont always want to be accurate

1 solution- let stakeholders have a part in creation system

Performance Feedback

feedback sandwhich= mixed feedback as to coat the bad one.

- employees tend to become defensive

-superior should focus on improvement

-dont do destructive criticism

360 feedback

more complete the performance picture
-more effective feedback can be.
= anonymity, developmental, specific goals are generated, person knows what they have to do

Legal Aspects of Performance Measurement

was there JA, could employees appeal, proper instructions

-as long as its not discriminatory doesnt matter if stupid

-discrimination due to OCB

Why do we care about Staffing?

-people who use systematic & job related methods for selecting employees tend to have higher performing workers

Stakeholders in the Staffing Process

1)Line Managers=want easy process to use

2) Consultants=run the hiring process

3)co-workers= people want good co-workers

4)applicants= system sends a message about org goals & climate

Selection Ratio

number of hires/ number of applicants

false positives vs false negatives

* someone who appeared to be good but nah

-if you lower the cut score you reduce the # of people you reject but increase the chances of a false positives

* you didnt choose the good one cause you thought it was bad

- if you increase the cut score you increase the chances of false negatives

Cut Scores

=specific point in a distribution of scores below are rejected. (a specific range is more likely to predict a more specific range of performance scores)

* better to asses large groups to make sure that we get people who fall in the higher category

* high risk jobs=high cut score

criterion references vs norm referenced cut score

=very strict standard. desired level of performance

=average the scores and pick TOP 5%. valid & links assessment & performance

Utility Analysis

=cost/benefit ration of one staffing strategy over another

-consider how many applicants so how many hurdles

-continue to validate system after its put into one place

-cut scores can produce adverse impact

Making Staffing Decisions

clinical= using judgments to make decisions-unreliable

statistical decisions= using an equation to determine how to score assessents

Comprehensive Selection System

=gathers high quality info to predict likelihood of success. at least on imp aspects of performance

Compensatory Assessments

strengths compensate for a relative weakness

-exception: a person who is blind cant be a bus driver

Hurdle Assessments

sometimes scores are too low for us to feel comfortable with compensation.

-use cut scores to qualify people

-good for high volume recruitment

multiple hurdle- candidate has to exceed all minimum dimensions

Multiple Regression Analysis

Allows us to combine test scores into composite based on individual correlations of each test score and the correlation of each test score with performance

-each predictor should tell you something unique & shouldnt overlap

cross validation= see if results produce same ones in another sample. weight value of predictors

Legal Issues in Staffing

use statistical model for layoffs if there's no cause because then they can sue for age, gender, race, etc.

Why is Training Important?

*good for attraction & retention of employees

* maximize potential for current workers

What does it mean to train someone?

=acquisition of skills, concepts to improve performance

-learning is a permanent change in behavior

training increases prob of learning which improves the probability of increasing job performance

Needs Analysis

person, tasks and organization

1) who needs the training?=identify weaknesses & overcoming them with the training

2)what is necessary to do the task properly?
= look at Job Analysis KSAOs to determine tasks&competencies imp for org

3)What are the needs/constrains of the company?=how much support/resources for training. climate

Why is a Needs Analysis important?

-helps sets training objectives and goals

-helps motivate employees

-represents info for trainer & trainee


readdiness= does the employee have the necessary characteristics to actually learn from the training?
-G predicts training outcome
performance orientation=only care about end goal
mastery orientation=want to learn

Large Staffing Projects

-cognitive and personality testing

-use clinical decision making

-utility is a big issue. adverse impact likely

-paper and pencil testing

Small Staffing Projects

-can do things like structural interviews and assessment

-job related justification

adverse treatment vs adverse impact

*candidate was intentionally treated differently

*statistical differences are demonstrated can be non intentional (4/5ths)

4/5ths Rule

At least 80% of opportunities for minorities compared to majority

EX: 8/50 whites & 1/25 blacks were hired

16% is white & 4% is black

so 4/16=25% so theres adverse impact

Reinforcement Theory

good behavior gets reward

ex: trainer can praise trainees when they use the skills that they were taught.

Social Learning Theory

learning by watching others

-trainees are being mentored as they learn the ropes so self efficacy & goal setting

-feedback is important

Practice & Overlearning

active practice- hands on learning. overlearning to be carried out correctly

fidelity= extent to which trained task is similar to job skills, k & physical

Whole vs Part Learning

= good for complex tasks with high organization

= tasks build upon one another. good for low organization. ex: landing a plane should be part

Massed vs Distributed Practice

=continuous, not good for long term.

=rest between sessions over a long time. better for long term.

Training Methods

feedback, opportunity for practice & KSAOs, relevancy

a) on the job= observe & learn

b) job rotation= move employees to develop skills

c)apprenticeship= teaches skilled trades

d)off site= classroom, good for knowledge

Transfer of Training

degree to which trainees apply what they acquired.

-should have positive transfer of training climate

Training Evaluation

1)reaction=did you like the training?

2)learning=can you perform new skill

3)behaviors- but do you actually do it

4)results= difficult to measure. performance needs to go up for training to succeed

Utility Analysis

compare training costs to economic return,

prepost- measure before and after training

Specialized Training Programs


-assessment centers

- 360 feedback

sexual harassment & ethics

What is motivation

how intensely we pursue something, for how long & how well

-theories used to be focused on external needs

-now we are driven by getting better.

Why do we care?

Performance=MotivationxAbility. if people dont wanna do something they wont.

-motivation is a resource


Motivation, Personality & Attitudes

*attitudes can affect what is motivating and our reaction to various motivates

*neuroticism negative consci is positive

locus of control

extent to which an individual views events as resulting from his or her own actions. internal is positively related to motivation because you need to do it yourself

2 Factor Theory of Motivation

1 continuum. 2 basic needs that depend on each other

-satisfaction vs disatisfaction

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

external environment must be satisfactory before internal needs are important.

Con: humans are automatic & all have same values

Reinforcement Theory

stimulus, response, reward

not wrong just kinda incomplete. focuses on animalistic sie

-people will stay in lower salary places that have contingent rewards

contingent vs continuous rewards

=rewards those who meet identified goals.

Vrooms VIE theory

individuals rationally estimate the relative attractiveness of diff rewards or outcomes

-how imp is it to me & if i work for it will I reach my goal?

Pro=good for motivating employees by offering outcomes with high valence

Con= can individuals actually make decisions this clearly? ignores personality and emotion

Equity Theory

people will compare input and output to coworker

-if someone is paid more for the same job no one is going to be motivated.

Pro= fair system is very motivating

Con=are workers as rational as suggested? different perceptions of fairness

Goal- Setting Theory

concept of a goal is adapted to motivation

-people are motivated by achievement and getting better at something

-individuals who set specific difficult goals perform better that just do your best

=more satisfaction when goal is achieved

CONS: what does difficult mean? should you reward all the time?

* at least make it seem goals are aligned with motivation

Self Efficacy

-belief you ca

*proximal goals give us instant gratification that we need to feel efficacious daily, but also affects our larger goal

con= discrepancy between current state and goal matters

Commonalities between motivation theories

* its necessary to have a goal and know what it is

*feedback or self monitoring

*self assessment=tailor message

*non cognitive elements ( personality, values, etc)

How do we measure?

Motivational trait Questionnaire = strong emphasis on achievement

con: doesnt tell us about situational stuff, not whole picture

Motivational Rewards

Job enrichment- cooler things to do, important tasks