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39 Cards in this Set

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Observational Survey Research

researcher watches an employee's behavior and makes note

Survey Research

Fill out questionare

Why is I/O research non experimental?

1) hard to stimulate work

2) hard to manipulate organizations

3) student samples might not work


looking for similar info about the same phenomenon using multiple sources.

Quantitative vs Qualitative Data

- favored by journals

- used to be viewed as excessively biassed


an investigator can generalize results to areas that have been sampled in research study


control for the influence of certain variables that might obscure the result

ex: gender, age, educational backgrounds, broken machines, missing employees


-same test can be used for same jobs

-if you test-retest it should be consistent

-equally difficult


when something accurately represents what you hope to measure.

-just because its reliable does not mean its relevant.

Descriptive vs Inferential Statistics

- summarizes data. means may be same but thats not the whole picture

-helps us draw inferences about relationships

Statistical Significance

Helps determine how many times out of 100 we will get the same result

Cognitive Ability

-have a natural inclination to cognitive stuff

-good at predicting performance

-verbal intelligence, spatial, numerical

-knowledge, mental ability, memory

-predicts maximum performance

Physical Abilities

muscular tension, power, endurance, stamina

-you can excercise to get better.

Sensory and Psychomotor

vision hearing touch

coordination, reaction time


-predicts performance over "g"

-predicts, cwb, ocb, job satisfaction, leadership

- predicts typical work performance

The Big 5


-conscientiousness(positive intentions)

-extroversion (ambition)

-agreebleness( cooperative


Skills, Knowledge, Competencies

KSAO's along with personality

What if someones asks you what does a test score mean?

assigned by norming = compating a test score to a relevant test score

Structured interview

behavioral- what have you done

situational-what would you do

Screen out vs. Screen in testing

screen out- rule out potentially problematic employees

screen in- identifies applicants with positive personality characteristics

What is I/O Psych and how does it contribute?

-helps companies hire best suited person for job

-helps with adverse impact

-help create job analysis to conduct a legal hiring method

-help increase performance

-give advice

How do you go about conducting a study?


2)research design

3)method of data collection

4) sample


6)make sure its reliable and valid

7)stats to see for significance

quasi experiment

ex: researcher assesses employee satisfaction with existing pay plan, then change pay plan & assess again.


-not actually part of the job description

-goes beyond and above

-unfair because it emphasizes personality attributes over cognitive ability

-generalized compliance- not a rule breaker


-threaten well being of an organization

-just because someone has certain characteristics that are related to CWB doesnt mean you should jump to conclusions

Cognitive Testing pros & cons

pro= measures IQ very well, good at predicting performance

con= results in high adverse impact

Physical Abilities test pro & con

pro= help select people with necessary endurance

con= adverse impact

Personality Test pros & cons

pro= predicts integrity and performance

con=people can fake

Integrity Test pros&cons

pro= predicts performance, saves money

con= difficult to know what is being measured

Assessment Centers pros&cons

pro= good to select candidate

con= expensive and time consuming

SJTS pros&cons

pro= low adverse impact, selects best

con= suceptible to faking

work samples pros & cons

pro= good to see if candidate can handle

con= not intricately valid

Steps of a Job Analysis

1) Observation

2) Interviews

3) decide if task oriented or work oriented job description

4) identify KSAOs

5) Identify tests & other assessment techniques to measure KSAOs

What is performance?

all the behaviors you are doing to get results for the company

--- effectiveness= result of performance

Campbell's Model of Measuring Work Performance

Declarative Knowledge= do you know what you need to know

Procedural Knowledge=skills

Motivation= do you even want to

Typical vs Maximum Performance

-want someone with low variation

-setting goals increases maximum performance

Criterion Deficiency and Contamination

contamination= unrelated to the behaviors you are trying to measure

deficiency= not enough info about the criterion

How could you measure performance?

objective=quantitative result of work

judgmental= effectiveness of work behavior

When you do a Job Analysis you need to know what behaviors to look for

-determine the task and who would be good

-see how hard & how much you should pay

-see if they have the ability to be promoted