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79 Cards in this Set

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High-efficiency condensing HVAC systems produce excessive


__________ is an effective means of inspecting for water leaks and moisture problems


(thermal imaging are examples of infrared imaging in science)

Thermography is a test that uses an infrared camera to detect heat patterns and blood flow in the body tissue. Test for breast cancer

A home that has a fuel fire heating system requires____________

Venting of its combustion gases and buy products to the outside

Heat moves from the _____ body, and the ______ body absorbs it.

Warmer, colder

He can move from one body to another by


Ventilation became important during ______________ to protect workers safety and increase their productivity

Industrial revolution

Radiation is the transfer of heat energy by

Electromagnetic wave motion

Heat transferred through electromagnetic wave happens via


Heat is transferred

In direct rays

Heat transferred within a gas or liquid happen via


Convection is the process of heat transfer from one location to the next by the movement of fluid. The moving fluid carries energy with it

Heat transferred through a solid happens via


Is the process by which heat energy is transferred through a collision between neighboring Atoms or molecules

The use of air conditioning or simple cooling of the air became widespread after


Air-conditioning systems do not simply cool the air, but they actually condition it by controlling the airs

Moisture content,



Heat moves from one body to another by the 3 following ways

Radiation, conduction and convection

Servants and slaves fanning royalty using large palm fronds and feathers is an early example of


People have been attempting to control heat and ventilation since

Prehistoric times

Steam is considered a heat conveying medium



Natural Gass has no color or odor, and _________ toxic

Is not

Natural gas is __________ air

Lighter than

There are ___________ types of burners relative to the draft


The lack of delusion air may cause a condition of ___________ at the furnace


Back drive occurs when the combustion gases are not drafting or rising up to the chimney but are, instead, coming backward into the living area of the building. This is a hazardous situation, since carbon monoxide could be entering the dwelling.

What is a heat-conveying medium

The heat conveying medium is what carries the heat from the source to the enclosure being heated

What is dilution air

Draft air for a furnace

Burning Natural Gass with oxygen yields carbon dioxide, water vapor, and ________


There are ____________ types of burners relative to the draft


____________ Refers to the flow of gases through the heat generating equipment


What is an air handler?

An air handler contains the components that move the air through your home, called the blower. Usually works with both the heating and cooling component of your HVAC system.

Most heating systems can be categorized in _______ ways


Return air must not be taken from a closet, bathroom, toilet room, kitchen, garage, mechanical room, boiler room, furnace room, or unconditioned attic.



What is a damper?

A damper is advised to use to alter the volume of air passing through a confined cross-section by changing the size of the cross-sectional area

Round or square supply ducts that are connected to and branch off the extended duct are called

Side takeoff

The warm air in a gravity warm air heating system rises up through warm air ducks or pipes that are also known as


The efficiency of the air circulation in a house with a gravity warm air heating system depends on the temperature difference between the warm air _________ and the cool air _____________.

Rising ....... falling

In a forced warm-air heating system the cool air_______.

Returns through the docks and back to the furnace, where it is reheated.

What is a thermocouple?

A device that senses heat. It’s used in gas furnace is having a standing pilot light. It determines whether the pilot flame is lit before the main gas valve is open to supply gas to the burners.

What is a fan and limit control?

A safety device. It controls the operation of the furnace within the temperature range, usually between 80° and 150°.

It will shut the gas off, if it gets too hot.

If the heating system is a high-efficiency, gas fired furnace, then the heating conveying medium is


The __________ of the heating system can be cited to distinguish one heating system from another

Efficiency and capacity

There are basically ________ types of heating systems


What are the basic four types of heating systems

Furnace 15-30 yrs

heat pump 15 yrs

ductless mini split heat pump 20 yrs

boilers 15-30 yrs

Gas furnace components


furnace control

heat exchanger

gas burners

ignition system

blower fan

and air filter

A _____________ is the temperature below which the water vapor contained in the flu gas will turn into condensation

Dewpoint temperature

If combustion air is in adequately supply to the gas furnace, ________________ will be produced

Carbon monoxide

In conventional gas furnaces with a natural draft, the _____________[ air is mixed with the gas initially for combustion at the burners


High-efficiency furnaces should not be vented into a chimney because?

The exhaust gases from a high-efficiency heating system are too cool to create enough chimney draft. Call gas as well condense inside the chimney and cause damage

PVC pipe venting needs a slop of what?

1/4 inch for linear foot is recommended. The pipe should be slow down and toward the furnace or stopped up away from the furnace.

The gas furnace heating system should be inspected by a qualified service technician every ___________


The appropriate BTU for a furnace is determined by _____________________

The amount of heat the unit needs to produce in order to replace heat loss.

US government has established a minimum rating for furnaces of


Steady state efficiency measures how efficiently a furnace

Converts fuel to heat

The energy efficiency of a natural gas furnace is measured by its _________ rating


A thermocouple is used in gas furnaces that have a(n)

Standing-pilot light

A mid efficiency gas furnace pilot light

Is shut off when the furnace is not in operation

Cold air is never created in a gas compression air conditioning system, but instead, _____________ is transferred from one place to another


There may be at least ___________ heat exchangers inside a high-efficiency furnace


The older gas furnaces have a ____________ pilot light that is always burning


Steady-state efficiency measures how efficiently a furnace ________

Converts fuel to heat

Pressure relief valves on steam boiler systems should release at what psi

15 PSI

One cubic foot of water at 68° weighs about _______ pounds

62 lbs

A conventional oil furnace with a cast iron burner likely has a AFUE rating of


At the burner nozzle of The gun assembly for an oil furnace

Fuel is combined with air

A stack relay senses _______ instead of ______


Burning Natural Gass creates

Water (vapor) and carbon dioxide

A hot water system that supplies hot water at a temperature higher than ________ is referred to as a high temperature system


A hot water system that supplies hot water at a temperature higher than ________ is referred to as a high temperature system


There are basically two types of steam heating systems

Low pressure and high pressure

As hot gas is cool, they release a lot of heat energy as they change their state from __________

Gas to a liquid

What is a heat pump?

A heat pump is an electrically powered system that has a reversible cycle refrigeration system that is capable of both heating and cooling the interior area of a building

What psi do most steam boilers run at?


What psi do most steam boilers run at?


What psi do most hot water boilers operate at?

12 to 15 PSI

What does a Hartford Loop do on a steam heating system.

It prevents total loss of water from the boiler if there is a water leak in

What is SEER

Seasonal energy efficiency ratio.

In a typical residential air-conditioning system the _____________ absorbs the heat energy from the air passing Through it, and transfers the heat energy from the passing air to the refrigerant moving inside it


Gas compression cooling involves the compression and ___________ a refrigerant gas and the transfer of heat


According to the modern standards, air conditioning condensing units and heat pump units should have a readily accessible electrical disconnect within _________ of the unit


The ______________ is located inside the outdoor condenser unit and receive the low-pressure refrigerant vapor through the suction line, and compresses or squeezes it into a small volume at a high pressure


How much clearance do you need in front of a electric furnace

24x30 inches

A hot water PTR is suppose to release at 150 PSI and 210 degrees

150 PSI

210 degrees