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22 Cards in this Set

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blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
Structure of arteries
1.endothelium - around lumen
2. smooth muscle
3. dense connective tissue
only 2 layers:
1. endothelium
2. smooth muscle
only have endothelium, makes them leaky. filter out oxygen, glucose, other nutrients. filter in CO2, waste.
Pre capillary sphincter
around beginnings of capillaries, control blood flow
Veins and Venules
1. endothelium
2. smooth muscle
3. dense connective tissue
Veins compared to arteries
Veins have:
1. larger lumen
2. thinner walls
3. more flexible
4. carry large amounts of blood at low pressure
5. contain valves to help blood flow
Heart (structure)
beats 75x/minute
2.8 billion contractions after 70 years
Precardium - fibrus sac, fluid in pericardial cavity.
Epicardium - thin layer of epithelial and connective tissue.
Myocardium - muscle, largest layer
Endocardium - epithelial tissue, lining chambers, and blood vessels
Blood pathway
systemic veins to systemic arteries
1. vena cavae
2. right atrium
3. tricuspic valve
4. right ventricle
5. semilunar valve
6. pulmonary arteries
7. lungs
8. pulmonary veins
9. left atrium
10. bicuspid valve
11. left ventricle
12. semilunar valve
13. aorta
Pumping action/ cardiac cycle
1. Diastole - all chambers relaxed, semilunar closed, AV open, chambers filled with blood
2. Atrial systole - blood forced into ventricles
3. ventricular systole - semilunar open, AV close, ventricle contract (LUB)
4. back to distole (DUB)
Cardiac conduction system
1. 2 nodes where electrical impulses come from central nervous system
2. small network of nerves
3. cardiac muscle cells can pass electrical impulses via junctions
Blood pressure
Measured with sphigmomanometor.
maintain a constant blood pressure
2 methods to maintaining homeostasis
1. Baroreceptors - norepinephrine goes into system from adrenal glands, or acetylcheline relaxes system
2. local control - precapillary sphincter
ventricular fibrillation (heartbeat is off/slowed), fixed from defibrillater, medication, or pacemaker
"silent killer," risk factors are genetics, sedintary lifestyle, athrosclerosis
reduced blood to brain, dizziness or fainting, usually symptom of something else
narrowing of arteries due to plaque buildup. Can cause heart attack, hypertension, stroke. Treated by stints, bypass, clot reducing drugs.
Angina Pectoris
Chest pain due to insufficient circulation to the heart
Heart Attack
heart muscle cells die
Congestive heart failure
weak and inefficient blood flow. cause increased pressure in veins and capillaries - fluid leakage
blockage of arteries to the brain, clot or embolism or aneurism.