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56 Cards in this Set

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sex information/ advice genre

transmits information and norms rather than images about sexuality to a ass audience to entertain and inform in a simplified manner


observation of things as they really exist as opposed to our feelings/ beliefs about them

value judgements

evaluations based on moral/ ethical standards rather than objective ones


unsubstantiated belief/ conclusion about what seems to be true according to our thoughts


personal learning/ inclination


simplistic, rigidly held, overgeneralized beliefs about an individual, group or people, etc.


way we organize knowledge in our thought processes


error in reasoning that affects our understanding of a subject

egocentric fallacy

mistaken belief that our own personal experience and values are generally held by others

ethnocentric fallacy

belief our own ethnic group, nation, or culture is superior to others


ethnic affiliation or identity

ethnic groups

group of people distinct from other groups because of cultural characteristics that are transmitted from generation to generation

informed consent

full disclosure to an individual of the purpose, potential risks and benefits of participating in a research project

random sample

collected in an unbiased way - each member is selected by chance

representative sample

small group representing larger group - allows inferences to be made about the larger goup

biased samples

not representative of the larger group

clinical research

in-depth examination of an individual/ group that comes to a psychiatrist, psychologist, or social worker for assistance with psychological/ medical problems/disorders

survey research

questionnaires/ interviews to gather information

sexual diary

personal notes of activity

observational research

researcher unobtrusively observes and makes systematic notes about people's behavior without trying to manipulate it

participant observation

researcher participates in behavior they are studying

experimental research

systematic manipulation of individuals/ the environment to learn the effects of manipulation on behavior

independent variable

can be manipulated or changed

dependent variable

affected by changes in the independent variable

correlational studies

determining the relationship between two or more naturally occurring variables


devices attached to genitals to measure physiological response

Richard von Krafft-Ebing

fetishes, sadists, masochists, and homosexuals


unconscious; psychoanalysis; sexuality beginning at birth


psychological disorders characterized by anxiety and tension


keeps people from becoming aware of hidden memories or notices because they are aroused guilt


ascribes behavior to unconscious desires

oral stage

until age 1; eroticisim in mouth - sucking

anal stage

ages 1-3

phallic stage

ages 3-5; interest in genitals

oedipal complex

boy desires mother and fears father

castration anxiety

beliefs father will cut his penis off due to jealousy

electra complex

girls desire father and fear mother

penis envy

girls' feeling of depravation

latency stage

age 6; sexual impulses no longer active

genital stage

puberty - interested in sexual activities

Havelock Ellis

sexual values; masturbation; homosexuality

Alfred Kinsey

sexual orientation; sexual diversity and variation

Kinsey Scale

represent proportion of an individual's behavior with the same and other sex

William Masters and Virginia Johnson

treating sexual difficulties


men and women work together for equality

social construction

development of social categories

Karl Ulrichs

first scientific theory about homosexuality

Karl Kertbeny

creates terms homo and heterosexuality

Magnus Hirschfeld

homosexuality result of hormonal development of inborn traits

Evelyn Hooker

homosexuality is not a psychological disorder

control group

tests on people seeking treatment vs. those not seeking treatment

socioeconomic status

ranking in society based on a combination of occupational, educational and income levels

cultural equivalency perspective

attitudes, values, behaviors of 1 ethnic group are similar to another ethnic group


celebrating values of courage, strength, generosity, politeness, and respect for other


adaptation of ethnic group to values, attitudes, and behaviors of the dominant culture


commitment to family