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80 Cards in this Set

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What is cultural relativism?
Belief that their original culture should be honored and allowed (in regards to immigrants)
What is cultural absolutism?
People from other cultures must be held to the sexual standards and beliefs of the culture that they live in now.
Who was the first sexologist?
Iwan Bloch
What Psychiatrist who wrote Psychopathia Sexualis and said that sexual behavior, arousal and masturbation was disgusting
Richard von Krafft-Ebling
What german psychiatrist was one of the first pros. to take a stand for gays?
Magnus Hirschfeld
What zoologist who was instrumental in compiling face to face interviews with thousands of ppl about their sex. behavior
Alfred Kinsey
What is the ideology or philosphy of sex?
What is the objective scientific study of sexuality
Collecting info that describes a particular culture
When the info from a ethnography pertains to sexual practices and beliefs
What is the most sensitive female sex organ?
The clitoris
What are the external female sex organs known as?
The vulva
Where does pubic hair grow?
On the mons
What does an infibulation do?
Closes up the lips ensuring that the woman will not have pre-marital sex
What is vulvar vestibulitis?
from of vulvodyna where pain in the entrance of vadge upon contact occur (penetration)
What is chronis vulvar pain associated with?
What is cystitis?
bladder infection
Acute Urethral syndrome
infection of the uthethra
Vaginal Artesia
absence or closure of the vagina
Vaginal atrophy
inner surfaces of vadge shrink and narrow
What is the lower "neck" of the uterus that extends into the back part of the vadge called?
What is it called when a woman gets all of her uterus removed?
What ages does menopause occur between?
What produce testosterone?
Interstitial cells
When does testicular cancer usually occur?
20-35 yrs
What is it called when testes are completely lacking at birth?
condition where the testes have not descended into the scrotum prior to birth
presence of only one testis in the scrotum
What is Peyronie's Disease?
Causes painful erections and curved wee wees
What is Peyronie's Disease?
Causes painful erections and curved wee wees
What do the Cowper's Glands do?
Secrete pre ejac. fluid that coats the inner lining of the urethra (some appear at head of dick)
What are some ACUTE symptoms of prostatitis (prostate)
Sudden fever, chills, and urinary discomfort
What are some CHRONIC symptoms of prostatitis (prostate)
Thin discharge, lower pain in abs,scrotum, and painful ejaculation
What is retrograde ejaculation?
When man reaches orgasm but does not cum;goes into bladder
When do male's testosteron levels gradually drop?
Mid 40s
What is another word for Male Climacteric
Mid-life Crisis
Describe the Central Arousal System
Refers to internal factors, located largely in the emotional and pleasure centers of the brain during sexual arousal
Describe Peripheral Arousal System
refers to the external, picks up signals from skin, sense organs and genitals (genitalia!)
What is the sequence of Master's and Johnsons sexual response?
excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution.
What does Kaplan claim you need before the excitement stage?
What are the 3 main factors of desire?
drive, motivation, and wish
WHat is a uterine orgasm?
Orgasm as the result of stimulation of the cervix
Define Blended Orgasm
Combination of the clitoral-vulval experience and the uterine orgasm
What is ejaculatory inevitability?
THe feeling when u are about to jizz and u cant stop it
What is an organizing effect?
ways in which hormones control patterns of early development in the body, playing a crucial sole in the structure and function of patriuclar organs.
What is an activating effect?
Potential of some hormones to directly affect an actual behavior, by either activating or deactivating.
Describe Intersexuality
refers to some mixture of male and female anatomical characteristics
Describe True Hermaphrodites
One testis and one ovary
Describe male Pseudohermaphrodites
have testes and some female genitals but no ovaries
Female pseudo.
Have ovaries and some male genitals but no testes
What did the American Plains label a man who did not have the kill or interest of masculinity? He even was considered to have special healing powers
In India, what third gender includes both elements of both female and male roles
Human beings have a persistent sense of themselves as female, male, or some diff between the two. This is called...
...Gender Identity
Ppl outwardly demonstrate to others the degree to which they are male, female, etc. to their society by what they say and their attempts at sexual attractiveness...This is called...
Gender Roles
What do social constructionists say?
Human personality traits and behavrios are shaped by social influences or nuture.
What do biological essentialists say?
Inborn genetic and physiological factors are the determinants not only of such things as physical sex, body form and temperament but also of the way humans are programmed to behave in their gender roles
The process by which organisms develop into the different sexes or genders is called...
Sexual Differentiation
What are the 4 major levels of sex?
Genetic sex, Gonadal sex, body sex, and brain sex
What are gonads?
either testes or ovaries
What are the 3 categories of human sexual differentiation?
Prenatal factors, factors of infancy and childhood, and factors at puberty
What hormone is significant in the dev. or testes, scrotum, and penis because without it a clit and vulval lips will be formed?
What hormone is significant in the dev. or testes, scrotum, and penis because without it a clit and vulval lips will be formed?
What are fetally androgenized females?
girls that there moms when pregnant were given hormones to prevent miscarriages. As a result they were tomboys who had large clits and dicks
What is congenital adrenal hyperplasia?
Girls born with this have masculined genitals
What is DHT deficiency syndrome?
Boy born with undescended testes and underdeveloped dick
The pubertal hormones that begin to generate the distinct physical charac. of a man/woman is know as...
Secondary sex characteristics.
The presence of high levels of both feminine and masculine is known as...
Anatomically normal males or females who express a strong conviction that they actually have what would collectively be considered the mind and personality of the other sex
We gradually develop our own individualized ways of thinking and feeling about sexuality, along w our own patterns of sexual orientation and behavior. This is known as...
Psychosexual development
What are the three different types of sexual scripts?
Cultural scenarios, interpersonal scripts, and intrpsychic scripts
The entire surface of the skin in a newborn infant is a single Erogenous Zone...What does this mean
it is sensitive to sensual stimulation that can contribute to a healthy skin eroticism
The period of time during which the couple pulls away from other social responsibilities to parents, peers, and other significant persons in their lives is called...
Dyadic Withdrawl
Name the three primary emotional systems that lead to mating, reproduction, and parenting
the craving for sexual gratificatio (lust), attraction focusing on a particular potental mate, and attachment to that mate
What is it called when a woman is married to more than one husband?
What is Polygamy
Having more than one wife
What is it called when you share sexual relations only with their primary partner?
What is it called when a man dresses in womens clothing?
Hedonists beleve what?
'if it feels good do it'
What does asceticism emphasize?
Celibacy, spiritual purity