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130 Cards in this Set

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All or None Law
neuron either generates an action potential or it does not
axon that has schwann cells
saltatory conduction
increases rate that impulse travels
rate of conduction is influenced by:
myelinated over non myelinated and diamater (the thicker the axon the faster the rate)
multipe sclerosis
auto immune disease that destroys myelin
there is a seperation of electrical charges
membrane potential is reduced, moves to a more positive inside
membrane returns to the RMP after depolarization
becomes less than -70
graded potential
short lived local changed in the membrane that can either be depolarizing or hyperpolarizing
action potential
cells with excitable membranes
ex: neurons and muscle cells
normal neural pathway
receptor, afferent neuron, interneuron, efferent neuron, effector
decreases in magnitude as it moves down
What happens during membrane potential?
changes membrane permiability ions to move through in or out
What happens at rest during membrane potential?
sodium ion channels close, potassium ion channels open
Why does this happen during membrane potential?
voltage gated channels, some protein channels are chemically gated, and mechanically gated channels respond to stretch
temporal summation
summation over time
spatial summation
summation over space
comes together, nerve impulses converge on post synaptic axon hillock
influences many other cells, one nerve sends to many others
muscarinic and nicotinic
bind to acetylcholine
regulator of mood and behavior
ligand operated channel
nictonic receptor, 5 polypeptide structure opens by binding 2 ACH
G protein operated channel
muscarinic receptons: Alpha, beta, gamma complex, one protein is receptor trigger
schwann cells
form myelin sheath around axons
satellite cells
around cell bodies, take care of unipolar neurons
makes myelin (increase rate of conduction)
carry on phagocytes
line brain ventricles and spinal cord
largest neurooglial cell, star shaped
function of astrocytes
nurse cells, pick up neurotransmitters, blood brain barrier, control ion concentration with in extracellular fluid
organization of the nervous system
one fully integrated system with divisions based on differences in structure, location, and function
brain and spinal cord
high demand of food and oxygen
brain protection
bone, glial cells, meninges, CSF, BBB
Dura mater
arachnoid mater
subarachnoid mater
pia mater
CSF- circulatory system
no pores b/w cells, nonpolares move in and out, polars have carriers
ability to re model
corpus callosum
connection b/w 2 hemispheres
occipital lobe
posterior, sight
temporal lobe
side, sound and memory storage of auditory and visual info
parietal lobe
somatoesthetic sensation (hot, cold)
post central gyrus
map of body regions
wernicke's area
lauguage comprehension
frontal lobe
voluntary motor, gives ability to speak, elaborate thinking, personality
precentral gyrus
motor areas
broca's area
speaking ability
deep behind temporal lobe at posterior end of lateral sulcus, memory
left hemipshere
good at verbal tasks, math, language, logical thinking
right hemisphere
artisitic and musical
basal nuclei
gray matter located deep with in cerebral white matter
clincical tool, distinguish different stages of sleep, legal tool
short term memory
only for seconds, limited storage, no permenant structural changes in brain
long term memory
gets infro from short term, unlimited storage, permenant structural changes in brain
brain tissue found underneath cerebrum
relay station, gathers info and sends it to where it needs to go
the tie between the nervous system and the endocrine system
hypothalamus functions
controls body temp, controls thirst and urine output, controls hungar, controls pituitary secretions, indirect control of cardiac output, play a role in emotional and behavioral patterns
respiratory control
contributes to maintenance of balance, enhances muscle tone, coordinated skilled voluntary movement
brainstem functions
acending and descending nerve tracts, direct control of cardiovascular and respiratory system, reflexes, sleep center, cranial nerves
non rapid eye movement, slow wave sleep
rapid eye movement, paradoxial sleep
fall asleep randomly
decreased quantity and quality of sleep
limbic system
a ring of forebrain structures that surround the brain stem, center from emotional drives
RAS- reticular activating system
alert, awake, sleep, coma, dead
dorsal root
afferent, incoming info
ventral root
efferent, outgoing info
spinal nerve
both dorsal and ventral root fibers (afferent and efferent)
dorsal root ganglion
contain cells bodies of afferent neurons
unconcious motor response to a sensory stimulus
simple reflex
happens automatically
acquired reflex
learned something
reflex arc
receptor, afferent pathway, integrating center, efferent pathway, effector
thoracolumbar, fight or flight
cranial sacral division
dual innervation
input coming from parasypathetic and sympathetic
antagonistic effects
complimentary effects
both produce similar effects
both systems work together to promote a single action
epinepheron and norepinepheron
acetylcholine, can be excitatory or inhibitory
slow or no adapting
quickly adapting
afferent input
sensory info
consious interpretation of external worls as created by the brain from a pattern of nerve impluses
adequate stimuli
usual specialized stimulus a receptor uses
alternative stimuli
mechanical stimulation
types of receptors
thermoreceptors (heat), photoreceptors (light), mechanorecptors (sound), nocireceptors (pain)
phantom pain
amputated people have pathways from their foot even if they don't have one
receptive field
scribed area for which it is responsible for. more receptors in a region- smaller the field size
skeletal muscle
voluntary, striated, multi nucleated, contract and relax rapidly
smooth muscle
involuntary, non striated, one nucleus, contracts and relaxes slowly
cardiac muscle
involuntary, striated, one nucles (2), intercallated discs
motor unit
one motor neuron plus all the muscle fibers it innervates
motor unit recruitment
greater strength or force of contraction
temporal summation
TTT- time, temporal, tetenus
optimal length
the maximum tension that can be developed when a contraction occurs
attachment to the most stationary part of the skeleton
attachment to the most moveable part of skeleton
isotonic contraction
sane tension, muscle changes
isometric contraction
same length, muscle is prevented from shortening
ATP is required for:
power stroke of cross bridge, detach myosin from actin, pump calcium ions back into sarcoplasmic reticulum
high intensity, short duration
creatine phosphate
donate phosphate to make a new one
oxidative phosphorylation
gets everything back to original state
regular aerobic exercise:
increase number and size of mitochondria, ATP production, myoglobin content, fat burning, number of circulatory pathways, and decrease of lactic acid production
increase in muscle size
muscle decreases in size
red slow twitch fibers (oxidative)
large quantities of myoglobin, a lot of O2 and mitochondria, aerobic respiration, doesnt tire quickly, contracts and relaxes slowly
white fast twitch fibers (glycolytic)
no myoglobin, no O2 and not a lot of mitochondria, anaerboic respiration, contracts and tires rapidly
red fast twitch (intermediate)
myoglobin, O2 and mitochondria, aerobic, contracts rapidly
What muscle fibers would be in you arm?
white fast twitch
What muscle fibers would be in your lower back?
red slow twitch
What muscle fibers would be in your legs?
red fast twitch
Similarities to skeletal muscle:
all have actin and myosin, all contract in response to calcium, all use ATP for crossbridges
Differences of skeletal muscle:
structure and organization of fibers, mechanisims of excitation, excitation/contraction coupling
smooth muscle
no sarcomere units, troponin, or tropomyosin
Calcium ion
does not cause a physical change, causes a chemical reaction, that causes phosphorylation of myosin, so myosin can bind to actin and work
muli-unit smooth muscle
neurogenic, functions like skeletal muscle but innervated by autonomic neurons
single-unit smooth muscle
functional syncytium, cells which work as a unit mechanically and electrically
pineal gland
part of epithalamus, make melatonin hormone
choroid plexus
part of epithalamus, produces cerebral spinal fluid
anti diretic hormone, decrease urine production
uterine contraction during child birth