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104 Cards in this Set

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resting membrane potential
between -60 to -85 mV. Maintained be Na+/K+ pump but generated by unequal ion distribution. closer to K+ equilibrium potential
Schwann Cells
form myelin sheaths in PNS
responsible for the formation of myelin sheaths in CNS
phagocytic cells that clean up debris from dying cells
cells that regulate transport of molecules from blood to brain
line the ventricles and help produce brain fluid
Satellite cells
support neuron cell bodies within the ganglia of the PNS
How do Schwann cells participate in neural regeneration?
They engulf the degenerated portion of the axon and line a regeneration tube. They then secrete chemicals which attracts the axon to its destination.
Astrocyte Function
- take up K+ ions released by neurons
- take up specific neurotransmitters released from exon ending
- perivascular feet help form blood-brain barrier
Action Potential
localized, rapid reversals of membrane potentials brought about by rapid changes in membrane permeability to Na and K ions
plasma membrane has a resting membrane potential due to separation of opposite charges
when the membrane potential is decreased from the resting membrane potential (becomes more positive)
when the membrane potential is increased or becomes more negative from resting membrane potential
membrane potential returns to the resting potential after depolarization
Ion channels (gates)
proteins spanning the thickness of the membrane, open and close in response to changes in the membrane potential
All or None
action potentials occur or they don't because if threshold is not reached then no action potential will occur.
Conduction of action potentials
the action potential would be conducted to an adjacent area that will has a resting potential. the original area returns to its resting potential
saltatory conduction
leaping of action potential from one node to another
Neuron-Neuron synapse
between the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrites of another
Chemical Synapse
synaptic vesicles that contain a neuron-specific neurotransmitter that is synthesized/packaged by presynaptic cell into the synaptic cleft
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)
when sufficient depolarization occurs in the postsynaptic cell, the threshold potential might be brought down, thus triggering an action potential
Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP)
Hyperpolarizations move the postsynaptic cell even further from the threshold potential, thus inhibiting the generation of an action potential
binds to nicotinic receptor which leads to an influx of Na+ and some efflux of K+. This produces a small EPSP
Efflux of K+?
causes a small hyperpolarization leading to an IPSP
How is ACh removed?
acetylcholinesterase (AChE), enzyme associated with outer side of plasma membrane of post synaptic neuron
competes for ACh receptros and decreases the end plate potential. Acts as a muscle relaxant
Nerve gas
blocks AChE which leads to inability to remove ACh from the synapse resulting in spastic paralysis
epinephrine, adrenaline, dopamine, tyrosine (used as a second messenger or another pathway for neurotransmitters)
How to terminate neurotransmitters
- reuptake into the presynaptic neuron endings
- enzymatic degradation in presynaptic nerve terminals by MAO
- enzymatic degradation of monoamines in the postsynaptic neurons by COMT
stimulate neural pathways by inhibiting the reuptake of catecholamines into the presynaptic cell (prolongs the effect of neurontransmitters)
Glutamic acid and aspartic acid
produce EPSPs
Glycine and GABA
produce IPSPs and control coordination of skeletal muscle movements, mood and emotion
block the release of substance P which is involved in the transmission of pain
Spatial Summation
summation from different synapses over distance
Temporal Summation
due to successive activity of a single presynaptic neuron over time
Right and Left cerebral hemispheres mostly communicate through?
Corpus callosum
Left Hemisphere
logical, analytical, sequential, and verbal tasks
Right Hemisphere
non-language skills, spatial perception and artistic/musical activities
Broca's Area
located on the frontal lob, responsible for speaking ability
Wernicke's area
located at junction of parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes. responsible for speech comprehension
Consolidation of short and long term memory
accomplished by hippocampus and other nuclei
contains thalamus and hypothalamus
integrates homeostatic functions, link between nervous and endocrine systems
Superior Colliculi
upper two elevations on the midbrain involved in visual reflexes
Inferior colliculli
lower two elevations on the midbrain, relay center for auditory information
contains three parts: Pons, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata
connects fibers from the medulla to the midbrain and cerebellum
- modification of the output of major motor system
- maintenance of balance
- muscle tone
- coordinates skilled voluntary movements
medulla oblongata vital centers
cardioinhibitory center, vasomotor center, respiratory center
reticular formation
complex network of nuclei and fibers connecting various parts of the brain stem, thalamus and hypothalamus. sleep center
dorsal root
contains sensory fibers and the cell bodies for these nerves
ventral root
contains motor fibers
A sensory receptor
detects signals and generates an action potential in the afferent pathways
Afferent Pathways
relay information to the integrating center
Integrating center
processes the information and makes a decision/ transmits via the efferent pathway
Efferent pathways
relay information to the effector
affects a change
Somatic Motor Nervous System
one neuron from brain to effector, cell body in CNS, effector: skeletal muscle, neurotransmitter: acetylcholine, always excitory, voluntary, denervation results in Flaccid paralysis
Autonomic motor nervous system
two neurons from brain to effector, effector: cardiac/smooth muscle and glands, neurotransmitters: acetylcholine/norepinephrine, involuntary, denervations results in muscle tone, hypersensitivity
Sympathetic system
distributed throughout the body, fight or flight situations body prepares for physical activity
Parasympathetic System
distributed in head, viscera of thorax, abdomen, and pelvis area. promotes "housekeeping" like digestion
Endocrine gland
modified sympathetic ganglion. Secretes epinephrine in response to sympathetic stimulation (similar to norepinephrine)
Organs without dual innervation
adrenal medulla, arrector pili muscles in skin, sweat glands, most blood vessels
Sensory receptors
transduce forms of energy into nerve impulses that are delivered to the CNS
Adequate stimulus
the one type of stimulus that each receptor is specialized to respond to
receptor potential
leads to the production of local graded membrane potential change. how sensory receptors transduce signals into sensory nerves
cutaneous receptors
touch/pressure, warm/cold, pain
vestibular apparatus
sense of equilibrium that provides orientation with respect to gravity. consists of otolith organs and semicircular canals
Hair Cells
generate neural signals when they are mechanically deformed due to fluid movement
Result of Hair Cell Deformation
When the hair cells are pushed towards the kinocilium, it results in depolarization with in the hair cells, they then activate afferent nerves which carries information in the form of action potentials to the brain
tympanic membrane
vibrates when struck by sound waves
Three bones in ear
malleus, incus, stapes
middle ear bone, attached to the tympanic membrane and sends vibrations to the incus
middle bone that transmits vibration to the stapes
attached to the oval window of inner ear of the cochlea
stapedius muscle
attached to the stapes and pulls on it in response to loud sound waves
Eustachian tube
connects the middle ear to the pharynx, can be opened to equalize pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane
Three cavities in Inner ear
scala vestibuli, scala media, scala tympani
Conductive deafness
caused by excessive fluid accumulation or immobilization of the stapes (middle ear)
sensory deafness
caused by damaged nerve endings
Anterior chamber
between cornea and iris, contains clear watery aqueous humor
posterior chamber
between iris and lens, filled with aqueous humor
vitreous humor
jellylike fluid between lens and retina
contraction of ciliary muscles. When relaxed, suspensory ligaments have tension and the lens is pulled flat. as an object moves closer, ciliary muscles contract
a person can't focus on near objects
due to a long eyeball. can be corrected with a concave lens
eyeball is too short. can be corrected with a convex lens
cuvature of cornea is uneven. corrected by placing a cylindrical lens that evens out cornea
provide vision in shades of gray, responsible for sensitivity to low light
three types that absorb different colors, responsible for day vision and visual acuity (sharpness)
Sliding muscle model
the muscle fibers shorten as a result of the sliding of thin filaments inward towards the center of the bands
Cross bridge formation
causes the heads of myosin to move inward pulling actin along (power stroke).
Where does the energy for the power stroke come from?
release of ADP and phosphate from the myosin head after the hydrolysis of ATP
Where is Ca++ stored
sarcoplasmic reticulum
Muscle contraction
muscle stimulated to contract, Ca++ released, Ca++ binds to troponin and sliding of filaments occurs. When stimulation stops, Ca++ pumpted back to SR, tropomyosin returns to blacking position, muscle relaxes.
motor unit
functional unit that ocnsists of the motor nerve with all the muscle fibers that the neuron innervates
Smaller motor units
present in muscles that produce precise/delicate movements (hands, eyes)
Larger motor units
present in muscles where strong tension is needed (arms, legs)
Muscle Spindles
specialized muscle cells located in center of muscle, responsible for detecting the length of muscles/how rapidly they are being stretched
Alpha motor neurons
innervate normal muscle fibers, activation causes muscle contraction
Gamma motor neurons
innervate intrafusal/spindle fibers, activation causes tightening of muscle spindles. Maintain or increase sensitivity of spindle
Monosynaptic reflex
present in all muscles to help mantain ideal muscle length for producing max contraction
Golgi tendon organ
monitor tension in the tendons produced by muslce contraction or passive stretch
Dysynaptic reflexes
alpha motor neuron inhibited via inhibitory interneurons to prevent harming the muscle due to excessive force