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32 Cards in this Set

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Able to use both hands with equal skill
The inner sense of right and wrong that prompts good behavior and causes feeling s of guilt following bad behavior
The skilled use of hands and fingers
Discovery Center
books, microscopes, archaeological, plants, living things
Dramatic Play
Pretend play
Lack of bladder control
Family Daycare
A child care arrangement in which a small number of children are cared for in the caregiver's home; can't be more than 12 kids
Finger Play
Songs or chants with accompanying hand motions
Group Identification
The need for feeling of belonging
Head Start
A program of locally operated child care facilities designed to help lower income disadvantage children function effectively at home, in school, and in the community
A numerical standard that tells whether a person's intelligence is average or above or below average for his or her age
Latch Key Daycare
Care for school-age child before and after school
Lab Schools
Main goal is to teach student teachers, not the child
Learning Centers
Block, dramatic play, art, library, discovery, manipulative, music
Moral Development
The process of gradually of learning to base one's behavior on personal beliefs of right and wrong
On Site Care
Parents can work near child and drop in during the day
Parent Cooperative
A childcare facility in which part of the supervision is provided by the parents of enrolled children, who take turns donating their services
Other people of one's own age
Permanent Teeth
The set of 32 teeth that will not be naturally replaced
A child care center that provides educational programs, usually for children ages 3-5
Children ages 4 and 5
Time Out
A short period of time spent sitting away from the presence of others or from the center of activity
Periods during which children move from one scheduled activity to the next
What problems can prolonged thumb sucking cause?
Can affect the position of permanent teeth in the shape of the jaw
What is the average IQ?
between 90-110
What are the three types of child care?
Play groups, on-site daycare, parent cooperative
List typical motor skills you would see in a 4, 5, and 6 year old.
4- gallops and hops, laces shoes, dresses and undresses self, cuts on line with scissors, jumps forward as well as in place, throws overhand with body control.
5- ties shoelaces, draws recognizable person, skillfully picks up very small items, writes alphabet letter, stands and balances on tiptoe for short period and skips, alternating feet, buttons, snaps, and zips clothes
6- throws and catches ball with more ease and accuracy; builds block towers to shoulder height; cuts, pastes, molds, and colors skillfully; writes entire words
What are advantages and disadvantages of competition in preschoolers?
Advantage- helps gain realistic of ability, promotes higher standards, stimulates children and zest to boring things, encourages speed and accomplishment
Disadvantages- instills children the idea that success depends on the ability to outdo others, leads to hostile relationships with others, may provoke a desire for revenge
List areas of safety that should be considered before starting a child care facility.
- there are no sharp edges on furniture or equipment
- electrical outlets are covered
- poisonous substances such as cleaning supplies, are securely locked away
-dangerous items sch as sharp scissors or staplers are locked away
Know the 7 learning centers and an activity typically found in each
block- building a bridge
dramatic play- puppet show
art- paint
library- reading
discovery- science projects
music- instruments
The five areas of development children need to learn through play
-thinking and problem solving
-movement or motor skills for both large and small muscles
-creativity, including music, dance, dramatic play, and art
-relationships with others in the social world
Four guidelines for setting up learning centers in a child care facility
-separate noisy centers from quiet ones
-place the art center near a sink or other convenient source of water
-keep equipment and supplies neatly organized within easy reach for the children
-leave on large, open area for large-group activities