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86 Cards in this Set

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The government should regulate economic activity so as to promote national power.
Estates must be passed intact to the oldest son.
Hidalgo Spirit
Europe, 1400-1800, warlike spirit.
Iberian Peninsula
Non-military background (lawyer), all of conquistadors had no military background. Sailed to Mexico in 1519.
Columbian Exchange
Americas-->Europe, Asia, Africa ---> Americas
Disease--Primary cause?
France's first explorers--when and who?
Jacques Cartier, 1540s
First French colony
Quebec, 1608
Pueblo revolt
1680, Indians wiped out Spanish
English's first colony
Virginia, 1570
Virginia; 20% to queen, get title "sir."
Term for people who were out of work but healthy in streets of England.
Sturdy Beggars.
Pocahontas, John Smith
1585: First New World English settlement. Not self-sufficient
John Smith
"Con artist." Captured Powhatan, got captured back.
Married John Rolfe.
Headright System
Give away land for indentured servitude. Implemented by London company.
Introduced in 1619
Lord Baltimore
Founded Maryland.
King James
Allied with Lord Baltimore. Tobacco generated much of wealth.
Shay's Rule #1
It's not about land, it's about labor.
Formation of Anglican Church; Protestantism
1620s-30s: Fed up with England. Settled primarily in Massachusetts, Plymouth colonies.
Great Migration
Large number of Puritans moving from England to Massachusetts, Plymouth colonies in the early 1600s.
George Spencer
Plead guilty to bestiality charge with a pig in Puritan society, was hung with the pig. Pleading guilty meant that you can pass property to children.
Anne Hutchinson, Roger Williams
Dissenters; antinomianism
Salem Witch Trials
Puritans and Pequots
In 1636, Puritans + 2 other tribes attacked Pequots, slaughtered women and children.
Africans from mixed parentage
Prior to 1660, _____ was a society with slaves. After 1660, ____ was a slave society.
South Carolina
Formed at around the same time as Pennsylvania. First colony that had a slave code from day 1. Rice. Task labor due to large black-white ratio.
Gang Labor
White overseer is responsible for overseeing group of slaves. This was the case in Virginia, MD.
Task Labor
Slaves are responsible for x amount of crops at beginning of day. Was the case in South Carolina.
Lord Cornberry
"dressed as a woman and exposed self," misrepresented the crown.
Triangular Trade
Mercantilism, imperial patriots.
Walking Treaty
1700s. Negotiated between Thomas Penn and Indians. Was biggest land-grab to date.
Great Awakening
1700s. Evangelists, Rationalists, fundamentalists.
Translated from texts by minister
Spiritual awakening
No contradiction between science, Earth, and God. Example: Isaac Newton.
Great Awakening. Rebirth.
New Light vs Old Light churches
Great Awakening. Old lights sought God through scripture. New lights sought God through the emotion of the Great Awakening.
Samson Occom
Check name. Converted Indian during Great Awakening who went to England on preaching tour, raised 11000 pounds (most ever) for philanthropy, headmaster took it and used it to found Dartmouth.
Methodist, Baptist
New faiths from Great Awakening. New religious orders, no aristocracy or elite status required. Perfect for common people.
Virginia outlaws gambling
French-Indian War
1740s. Global Conflict.
Defeat at Fort Necessity
July 4, 1754. Washington forced to sign ensign, confession to murder of French officer
Pontiac's Rebellion
1763. Ended when both sides ran out of gunpowder. Britished stationed 10k troops along Proclamation line.
Proclamation of 1763
British stationed 10k troops along line
King George III
Age 22 in 1739-55. Dealt with huge debt, Tories vs. Whigs, Riots in Parliament.
Wanted to see king's power expanded. Big part, not majority of Parliament.
Parliament reflects will of England
Origins, 1758-68, the Big Four
Proclamation of 1763, Quebec Act of 1764, Stamp Act of 1765, Sugar Act of 1764
Quebec Act of 1764
Colonists wanted French territories in Canada and trading with Indians. England denied them this.
Sugar Act
To crack down on smuggling. get it from book.
Stamp Act of 1765
Main issue: Meant taxation without representation
Eleanor Macintosh
Boston dock worker. Claim to fame: elected town mayor on Pope's Day, decided to protest Stamp Act.
Thomas Hutchinson
Privately opposed Stamp Act, publicly enforced it. Shipyard workers burned his house down.
England revokes stamp act when?
Nov 1766
Declarative Act
Passed by English parliament after Stamp Act was revoked. Stated that Parliament could do whatever it wanted in the colonies.
Persons of mixed Spanish and Indian origin
Pueblo Revolt
August 1680. Led by Indian named Pope, New Mexico's natives destroyed farms and missions, eventually driving Spanish out of New Mexico and undoing a century of colonization in a few weeks.
Jamestown was the capital of?
Virginia colony
Massachusetts founded when?
Roger Williams banished from Massachusetts when?
Half Way covenant
To encourage church membership when it was waning in the mid 1600s, Puritans allowed a subordinate form of church membership to grandchildren of those who emigrated originally.
John Smith
Original governor of Jamestown. Led with iron rule, which alienated many colonists. His Background was in military.
Roger Williams
Dissenter in Massachusetts. Though citizens should be able to practice whatever form of religion he chose.
Anne Hutchinson
Spoke of divine revelations, of God speaking to her directly rather than thru ministers or Bible, violating Puritan doctrine.
John Winthrop
Governor of Massachusetts colony. Natural vs Moral liberty.
Bacon's Rebellion--when?
William Penn granted Pennsylvania when?
Salem Witch trials--when?
Walking Treaty--when?
First settlers in Carolina--when?
Rather than thinking of themselves as distinctively American, many colonists became more and more English, a process called "Anglicanization." Wealthy Americans tried to model their lives on British etiquitte, fashion, and behavior.
Great Awakening--when?
Georgia colony founded--when?
7 Yrs War--when?
Pontiac's Rebellion--when?
George Whitefield
Influential English minister who declared "the whole world his parish" and is credited more than anyone else with sparking the Great Awakening.
What was the Seven Years' War all about?
It was a global conflict known in the Colonies as "The French and Indian War". Began with British efforts to dislodge the French from forts in Pennsylvania. Resulted in massive debt for French and British.
Where did Bacon's Rebellion happen?
Bacon's Rebellion: when?
Who was Bacon rebelling against?
William Berkley, governor of Virginia who had run a corrupt regime for 30 years in alliance with an inner circle of the colony's wealthiest tobacco planters.