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34 Cards in this Set

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Market Revolution
How the US went from an Agrarian economy to a domestic market economy combined with the transportation revolution.
SIG: It exhibits the modernization on America, from a static, traditional nation to a modern one.
Interdependent Market Economy
Different sections of the US depending on each other for goods. Showed the sectionalism developing.
Election of 1824
Andrew Jackson won, through the House of Rep's. First time a president won w/o popular vote.
Panic of 1819
First major economic depression in the US. Marked the end of economic expansion after the war of 1812.
Second Bank of US
Recharter bill vetoed by Jackson. Illustrates Jackson's modernization of the presidency from that of basically a rubber stamp to Congress, to one of an active policy maker.
Andrew Jackson
First Modern President. Viewed the presidency as an active policy making role and used more vetoes than all 6 previous presidents combined.
Battle of New Orleans
LAst major battle of the war of 1812, where Andrew Jackson cut his teeth.
Nullification Crisis
A battle between states and the federal government,
South Carolina nullified two tariffs, and Jackson threatened to use military force. Raised the question whether states had the power to nullify federal law.
Amazing Grace
Song by slave ship man turning back, showed the horribleness of slavery.
Roger B. Taney
Presided over the Dred Scott case.
Henry Clay
The Great negotiator, he was able to bring opposing groups to compromise, such as the the nullification crisis.
John C. Calhoun
South Carolinian politician who backed the nullifying of two Tariffs in SC. Signifies State's rights
Nat Turner
Lead a slave revolt in 1831, killing 57 whites. Sent a shock wave of terror through south, b/c of vulnerability.
Middle Passage
Xportation of slaves from Africa to US, 1/3 of all slaves died during it. Illustrates the harshness of the slave trade and slavery in general as debasing both sides of it.
Indentured Servant
Not a slave, someone who worked their debt off over a set amount of time.
Erie Canal
Canal from Albany to Buffalo, most successful canal in US. Made other states fear NY economic domination.
Missouri Compromise
Prohibited slavery about the 36*30' parallel in the LA Purchase territory. Caused the issue of slavery to remain unresolved, because the South controlled congress.
Compromise of 1850
A series of laws designed to allowed texas to join union, CA as free state and a fugitive slave law. Continued to not address the issue of slavery, showing the increased sectional differences between north and south.
Wilmot Proviso
Tried to abolish slavery in Mexican secession territory, but failed. ^^^
Mexican War
Fought with mexico, we won and got territory. Slavery was disputed in the territory
James K. Polk
President during Mexican war, manifest destiny advocate.
Popular sovereignty
ppl would vote for slavery in territories.
Fugitive Slave Act
part of the compromise of 1850, allowed slaveowners to recover slaves that escaped. impt because it furthered the nonresolution of slavery issue
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Created Nebraska and Kansas, allowed for popular sovereignty in them. Bleeding Kansas civil war was a precursor to American Civil War
Dred Scott Case
slaves as property, owner deprived of it...meant that squatter sovereignty was unconst.
hinton helper
wrote a slavery book that said slavery was bad cause it made white non-slave owners look bad
Uncle Tom's Cabin
anti-slavery book...shoed brutality
3/5 comp.
for taxation and rep...began in 1787, showed the sectional origins of differences
LA Purchase
land bought from Napoleon
James Buchanan
doughface...ruled secession illegal, but war to stop it also illegal
zach taylor
president during comp of 1850,
john tyler
annexed texas
john brown
led a raid for slaves to get guns, hung...showed vulnerability and violence of south
dough face
pierce and buchanan...controlled by south, exemplifies the south's power