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63 Cards in this Set

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What is sustainable gardening (2 parts of the definition)?

1) minimize the long term negative impact on the environment

2)Encourage the diversity of plants, insects, and animals to share your garden

What are 3 ways to create a sustainable garden?

use native plants, reduce size of lawn, and use organic approach

96% of our native birds rely on what?

insects and spiders to feed their young

Our native birds and insects have evolved together along with our ________

native plants

2 reasons you should plant trees in your garden

trees clean the air removing pollutants

and they provide shade for other plants that need less sun

How is carbon removed from the air?

by trees through photosynthesis

Why should you reduce your lawn?

too much water and pesticides goes into lawn care

What are some solutions to reducing your lawn?

put in a flower bed, herbs, or veggies

use a ground cover of ferns or a meadow of flowers

during dry spells let your lawn go dormant

plant plants that are drought tolerant (lavender,grasses, sedum)

Organic gardening is more ____, ______, and ____

economical, healthy, and eco-friendly

Organic gardening avoids ____, which upsets natures balance

synthetic chemicals

Organic gardening does not use unwanted ____ or _____ to plants or soil, and limits the intake of ____________

fertilizer or pesticide to plants or soil; chemicals

Insect killers are also known as ______


Weed killers are also known as _____


3 ways that indoor plants have a positive impact

1. creates a tranquil environment

2. links outdoor nature with indoor space

3. improves indoor air quality

Houseplants convert CO2 to O2 and also?

trap and absorb pollutants in your home

What are common indoor pollutants ?

CO2 and nitrous oxide, benzene, and formadehyde

CO2 and Nitrous Oxide are byproducts of

cigarette smoke

Benzene is a solvent in what?

paint, plastic, and synthetic fabrics

Formaldehyde is found in?

carpet insulation and fire retardants

NASA research tested 50 plants to see which were most effective in removing toxins in a sealed chamber. Almost every plant reduced toxins to some degree, but one plant removed 96% of carbon dioxide and 99% of nitrous oxide. Which plant was this?

spider plant

What are 4 environmental limitations for growing indoor plants?

Light, temperature, humidity, and watering issues

Without sufficient light to ______, plants will die indoors.

make food

plants should not be left where? and for how long?

in low light locations for more than 2 weeks at a time

If you bring indoor plants outside, what must you do to acclimate the plants?

Go from sun, to partial sun, to shade

What are some solutions to poor lighting?

put in a brighter areas, use florescent lights or cool white lights, dust off plant leaves occasionally and rotate plant on window sill to balance growth

When you have outdoor plants, what kind of temperatures are they exposed to?

high daytime temperatures combined with hgih light intensity

What does that amount of light and temp do for the plants?

speeds up photosynthesis and growth

When you have indoor plants, low light, high temperatures result in what?

limited photosynthesis but high respiration (burning of carbs)

Respiration increases at ___ ___.

higher temps

You can slow respiration by doing what? otherwise what might happen?

lowering temperature around plant; can't produce enough food

What are some temperature solutions for indoor plantS?

set overnight temperature at 60-62 degrees; close heat vent below your plant; rely on tropical plants instead

What is indoor humidity like? This causes plant to do what?

15-20%; lose water more rapidly

A possible symptom of low humidity?

brown leaf tips

Brown leaf tips is also a symptom of using what?

chlorinated water

To make sure your using water that is unchlorinated, what shoudl you do?

put your water in a watering can and let it sit over night to let the gas evaporate

Some solutions to low humidity:

use humidifier, mist plants weekly, place plants in gravel trays containing water

Don't water until the bottom _______ of the plant begins to dry out. How should you test this?

2/3; place finger 1-2 inches into the soil. Don't water unless it feels dry

Always use a container for planting that has what? When you water, make sure what?

a hole in the bottom. make sure the water runs out the bottom to ensure that the roots get water

Succulents have what kind of leaves?

thick, drought tolerant

Succulents need less ____ and ____ than other plants.

water and fertilizer

Succulents need well _____ potting mix and a ___ location

drained; sunny

Sexual propagation =


Asexual propagation=


Mature seeds _____ as they ripen


How do seeds collect in nature?

seed pods split open or fruit drops to the ground and rots

How should you collect and store your seeds?

collect seeds and dry for several days, then store in glass jar or freezer bags in the fridge throughout the winter

Storing the seeds in the fridge provides what?

cold treatment, and it mimiics nature

How does cold treatment mimic nature?

although seeds are produced at the end of season, nature delays germination until conditions are favorable for growth

when go through cold treatment, they develop a hard exterior that is impervious to what? this prevents what?

water absorption, preventing premature germination

Over the winter, the seed coat is scratched up by what?

freezing and thawing, microorganisms, and by chemicals in the soil

This scratching allows what?

germination and water to get in

Cold treatment is also called what?


What 4 things do you need to grow plants from seeds? What does this mimic?

potting mix, warmth (heating mat) , adequate moisture, and bright filtered light; spring

Once the seedlings are growing, they can be planted when?

when they have a good root system and outside conditions are warm enough

WHat do you need to do to the seedlings before you plant them?

harden them off for 7 days - acclimate them to new conditions

What is the process of "hardening off"

move from indoor to outdoor in 7 to 10 days; first 1-2 hours outside, then 3-6 hours etc

Young seedlings are very vulnerable to what?

lack of moisture and to frost and high temps

After you plant them, you must do what to protect them?

keep moist, shelter from frost and sun

What is vegetative propagation?

it involves use of plant parts, leaves, stems, and rooms

Advantages to vegetative propagation?

identical parent = a mature plant sooner

Stem leaf or root cuttings are taken from a plant to?

regenerate roots and grow a new plant

Cuttings are usually taken in late fall through early spring from?

mature wood of past seasons growth, then stored in fridge over winter and rooted in rooting medium

by the next fall, they will finally
