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47 Cards in this Set

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Define the term HORTICULTURE

the art and science of cultivating plants

Name the Horticulture Division Top Exhibitor Award available to the highest scoring horticulture exhibit

Award of Horticulture Excellence

Name the 5 Horticulture Division Top Exhibitor Awards available to Sections in Division I Horticulture

Award of Merit

Grower's Choice Award

Collector's Showcase Award

Elfin Award

Arboreal Award

Alice can grow an eggplant

How many Top Exhibitor Section Awards may be available in all types of NGC Flower Shows providing all requirements are met?

-Number of Section TEA may be given in a section......One per section

-Number of Section TEA my be given in the Horticulture DIVISION...... Unlimited number according to number of sections

Name the TEA available to all

CUT NON- WOODY exhibits including VINES

Award of Merit

Name the TEA available to container-grown plants

Grower's Choice Award

How is the Genus name written on the entry tag?

The first letter is capitalized andunderlined

How is the Specific epithet name written on the entry tag

Never capitalized and always underlined

Why don't many plants have a specific epithet

Due to plant breeding creating hybrids specific epithet is lost.

If a plant has lost its specific epithet, which additional name(s) will the plant have and must be included for the exhibit to be eligible to win a Horticulture Division Top Exhibitor Award?

The cultivar, series, patented must be written on the entry tag.

What criteria should judges consider when evaluating "CONFORMANCE" when judging Horticulture?

Are class requirements met?

What are 3 favorable qualities when evaluating the FORM of an evergreen branch?

Bilateral symmetrical, central leader, straight, several nodes present, gracefully arched

When judging two similar exhibits ( 2 African violets in full bloom) how should judges determine the winning exhibit

Judges should point score individually, not compare one exhibit with another


Show worthiness of specimen/ exhibit

Describe: COLOR

Visual perception of the hues,

shades, tints of all parts of the specimen

Describe: FORM

Overall 3-D shape of specimen/exhibit and individual parts

Describe: MATURITY

Ideal stage of development


The physical appearance of specimen/ exhibit at the time of judging

Give four qualities of a quality African Violet

Single Crown, appropriate number of open blossoms according to size, no signs of pests or diseases, flat rosette, three or more rows of leaves

Which four qualities on the Scale of Points could points be deducted if an African violet does not have any open blossoms?

5 points Comformance,

10 points Form,

1 point Color,

10 points Maturity

What is the maximum length of branches in the Horticulture Division in the Arboral Section?

The maximum length of branches in the Arboreal Section is 30"

Name the Horticulture Division Top Exhibitor Section Award which can only be given to dwarf and / or miniature designated specimens

The Elfin Award

Give three suggestions when writing Horticulture Comments. on back of card

Easily understood, helpful and kind

Give a positive statement with a. constructive criticism

Reflect majority opinion of judging panel.

Why is it a good idea that judges avoid exhibiting in flower shows they are judging

conflict of interest

Which judges panels determine the Award of Horticulture Excellence

All members of a judging panels assigned to judge classes/ sections in the Horticulture DIVISION must be included in determining the Award of Horticulture Excellence

When a judge identifies something in a flower show schedule. that is not in keeping with NGC policies or the handbook for Flower Shows who should they notify

When: Immediately

Who: The Show Judges Chairman or General Show Chairman


Tip or growing end of a stem or shoot


only ONE WAY TO GET EQUAL HALVES, like the human body

Define: CROWN

Basal portion of a plant near the ground where the shoot meets root. ie African violets


A hybrid or sport of a seeds are planted. species which will not come true when seeds are planted


Equal halves no matter how you draw an imaginary straight line through the center, like spokes of a bicycle


A sub group of Genus. The second name in a binomiall name. Printed or written in lower case letters and italicized or underlined.

The reproductive part of a fern


The main stalk,or center vein,of a fern frond is the


The two parts of a frond

Blade and Stipe

The first visible structure to emerge from the ground in the Spring is a

Crozier or Fiddlehead

The reproductive part of a fern


The main stalk, or central vein, of a fernfrond is called


The two parts of a fern are

the blade and the stipe

The first visible structure to emerge from the ground in spring is

a Crozier or fiddlehead

Describe how you would condition a fern fronds for a flower show

Most cut fronds should be placed in warm water, often completely submerged

Could a properly identified,container-grown fern scoring 98 in a flower show earn the Award of Merit?

No. Awards of Merit are for cut specimens only.

What is the minimum length of time an exhibitor must own a container-grown fern before entering it in a flower show?

90 days

The presence of spores is an indication of what?


Correctly write and format

nephrolepis (genus) and

exaltata (specific epithet)

on an entry card.

Nephrolepis exaltata


Name examples of common ferns

Adiantum (maidenhair)

Asplenium (bird's nest)

Nephrolepis (Boston)

Platycerium (staghorn)

Athyrium (painted lady)

Dryopteris (male)

Polystitchum (Christmas, sword)

Hemionitis (button)

Pteridium (bracken)

Name possible ways to classify Echeverias in a flower show

rosette diameter

pot size










