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66 Cards in this Set

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Hormones are chemical substances that are released into the bloodstream by ductless _____ glands.
The testicles produce the "male hormone" _____, and the ovaries produce the "female hormones" _____ and _____
testosterone, estrogen, progesterone
Hormones from the _____ cause the ovaries and testicles to produce their hormones
pituitary gland
In adult women, an egg matures on an average of every _____ days.
The pituitary hormone that starts the menstrual cycle is called _____.
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
FSH stimulates the development of a _____ in the ovary
During the preovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle (also called the _____ phase) estrogen from the follicle promotes growth of the _____, inhibits release of _____, and stimulates release of _____.
follicular (proliferative), endometrium, FSH, luteinizing hormone (LH)
The _____ surge signals the onset of _____, at which time the ovum is expelled into the _____ and is picked up by a _____.
LH, ovulation, abdominal cavity, Fallopian tube
During the postovulatory phase of the cycle, also called the _____ phase, the _____ secretes progesterone in large amounts.
luteal (secretory), corpus luteum
If the egg is fertilized by a sperm, it normally implants in the _____
If the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum degenerates and the _____ is sloughed off and discharged in a normal physiological process called _____
endometrium, menstration
Although the average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, the large majority of women have cycles that vary in length by _____
at least 8 days
In most nonhuman mammalian species, this cycle of hormonal events is called the _____ cycle.
Unlike human women, females of species with this type of cycle are sexually receptive to males only during _____.
estrus (ovulation)
Some cultures have menstrual _____ that prohibit contact with a menstruating woman.
Menstrual discharge consists simply of _____, _____, and _____.
sloughed off endometrial tissue, cervical mucus, blood
In men, FSH stimulates _____ while _____ stimulates the production of _____ in the Leydig's cells of the testicles.
sperm production, luteinizing hormone (LH), male hormones
Misuse of anabolic steroids, derivatives of testosterone, can cause serious harmful effects such as _____ (3 examples)
high blood pressure; liver, prostate, and breast tumors; impaired reproduction function; masculinization in women; emotional or psychological problems
The absence of menstruation is called _____.
Emotional and/or physical changes taking place _____ days before the start of menstruation are referred to as _____.
3 to 14, premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
What distinguishes this condition from other emotional states is that it ends _____.
with the start of menstruation
The major cause of _____, painful menstruation, is an overproduction of _____.
dysmenorrhea, prostaglandins
Endometriosis refers to a condition in which _____.
endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus
Women who use tampons but do not change them frequently risk getting a serious bacterial infection called _____.
Toxic Shock Syndrome
In men, sexual desire appears to be related to circulating levels of _____.
Studies of women after menopause, or after surgical removal of the ovaries, suggest that women's sexual desire is not strongly affected by the hormones _____ or _____.
estrogen, progesterone
Other studies indicate that the hormone _____ does influence sexual desire in women
True/False: Hormones are important for women's sexual desire, but not for men's.
True/False: Testosterone is found only in men, and estrogen is found only in women.
True/False: All female mammals have menstrual cycles.
True/False: Most women's menstrual cycles are 28 days in length.
False (28 days is an average)
True/False: It is medically safe for a man to have sexual intercourse with a menstruating woman.
True/False: Women who use tampons should change them three or four times a day, even if the tampons are advertised as long lasting.
True/False: Women show a dramatic increase in sexual desire around the time of ovulation
False (there is no strong evidence for this)
True/False: Women's ovaries produce new eggs throughout their lifetime.
True/False: Near the end of the postovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle, there is an LH surge
True/False: There is some evidence suggesting that women's menstrual cycles can be altered by odorless body secretions.
True/False: Only women can get toxic shock syndrome
True/False: Estrogen, according to most research, is the primary hormone responsible for sexual desire in women.
Network of ductless glands
Endocrine System
"male" hormone produced in testicles, ovaries, and adrenal glands
pituitary hormone that triggers ovulation in women and the production of testosterone in men
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
"female" hormone produced in ovaries, testicles, and adrenal glands
pituitary hormone that stimulates production of sperm and maturation of ova
preovulatory phase when pituitary secretes FSH and the follicle secretes estrogen
Follicular phase
cells surrounding the ovum that are left behind at ovulation
Corpus Leteum
absence of menstruation
postovulatory phase when the corpus luteum begins to secrete large amounts of progesterone
luteal phase
painful cramps during menstruation
cramps experienced for about a day during ovulation
substance produced in the ovaries and testicles that inhibits production of FSH
rupture of the mature ovum into the abdominal cavity
substances that cause contractions of the uterus
emotional and/or physical changes that precede menstruation
Premenstrual Syndrome
endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus
The gland located at the base of the brain that secretes follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone is the _____ gland
Natural body scents that can affect the behavior of other members of the same species are called _____
Each immature ovum is surrounded by other cells within a thin capsule of tissue to form what is called a _____
During ovulation, the cells that surround the ovum in the follicle remain in the ovary and are then referred to as the _____
corpus luteum
If an egg is fertilized by a sperm and implantation occurs, the corpus luteum is maintained by a hormone from the developing placenta called _____
human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
The hypothalamic hormone that causes release of FSH and LH from the pituitary is called _____
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)
In the female hormone feedback loop, LH production is suppressed primarily by _____
In the male hormone feedback loop, LH production is suppressed primarily by _____
The pituitary hormone associated with milk release, labor and orgasmic contractions, and romantic attraction is called _____
In a woman's menstrual cycle, the fertile period is _____ days before and _____ day after _____
5, 1, ovulation
In the male hormone feedback loop, FSH production is suppressed by _____.