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25 Cards in this Set

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What was the Federal Judiciary Act of 1789?

A law that set up lower federal courts

What did Alexander Amilton propose?

Paying off all war debts, raising govt. revenues and creating a national bank to strengthen the national govt.

What 2 purposes are tariffs used?

To raise money for the govt. and to encourage the growth of national businesses

What led to the Whiskey Rebellion?

The raise of a new tax specificallu on the manufacturing of whiskey

What did the US remain neutral in 1793?

The French Revolution

Who founded the Democratic-Republican Party?


Who founded the Federalists Party?

John Adams

What were the Alien and Sedition Acts

A series of 4 laws enacted in 1789 to reduce the political power of recent immigrants

What theory was the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions based on?

The idea that states have certain rights that fed. govt. can't overrule

What did the Federalists believe was a threat to the election of 1800?


Jefferson's first order of business was to...

Heal political wounds, and for political enemies to unite as Americans

What was important with the Marbury vs Madison case?

It was the first time the Supreme Court overruled a law passed by Congress

How and from whom did we buy the Louisiana Territory from? What did Jefferson want to do?

We bought it from Napoleon (France) when Spain closed New Orleans to American Shipping. Jefferson wanted to explore the Missouri R to find a water route across the continent.

What is impressment and who and when was it used?

The act of seizing by force. Used between 1803-1812 by the British who impressed 6,000 Americans to work on British ships

Who is Tecumseh and why did he try to unify Native Americans?

A Shawnee Chieft who believed that Native Americans had a right to protect their land

What were the 3 effects of the War of 1812?

It increased American patriotism, broke the strength of the British as well as encouraged the growth of American manufacturing

How did the Industrial Revolution change American lives?

People left their family and farms to work at factories in the city

Where were early American factories built?

New England because they needed water power and fast moving currents

What were the effects/results of the steam boat?

It could move against the curent and strong wind

What were the effects/results of the telegraph?

It only took seconds to communicate with someone in a different city

Who invented the cotton gin and what was its impact?

Eli Whitney, it increased cotton production a thousanfold

What was the result of Nat Turner's Rebellion?

Spread fear in the south - Whites killed more than 200 African-Americans in revenge

What is nationalism? What happened after nationalist feelings spread?

A feeling of loyalty to one's country, people shifted their loyalty away from state govts. and toward the federal govt.

What is the Mason-Dixon Line

The division between free and slave states, and the North and South

What did Monroe-Doctrine state?

America was closed to further colonization and America would stay out of European affairs